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HollandDoor Newsletter
October 2019
In this newsletter you find our latest projects, such as a new Ethiopian program and the visit of a Moldovan delegation. Many new projects generate follow-up projects, which we often do not mention in our newsletters. If you want to know more about all the projects in which we are involved, check our website. Here you will also find information about the services we offer in the field of study tours, training programs and business matchmaking.
Do you want to know how the HollandDoor team can support your ambitions and your organization? Feel free to send an e-mail to info@hollanddoor.nl or click here.
Next steps in the development of the Narayangaon tomato area in India
The area around the city of Narayangaon in Maharashtra is one of the larger tomato production areas in India, with 50,000 ha dedicated to tomato production. In the period March–November, daily around 6,000 tons of tomatoes are supplied to the local Narayangaon APMC market and traded to different parts of India and abroad.
In May stakeholders related to the Narayangaon APMC market visited the Netherlands. During this trip they were inspired by several aspects of the Dutch tomato value chain. Improving hygiene in the sector was the first action point after they went home.
Increasing efficiency and quality is the proposed next step of the stakeholders. They asked HollandDoor to longlist potential suppliers of sorting and grading equipment, as well as consultancy companies that could help them with the functional and technical design, including a feasibility study for a new pack house and distribution center. We consulted many organizations to investigate their interest, what they could offer and their expertise and provided the project coordinator a list of potential partners. Decisions about the next steps will be made in the coming period. Read more...
Chinese tree nursery sector shows continuous interest in the Netherlands
In June 2019, for the fifth year in a row, a Chinese tree nursery delegation visited the Netherlands for a two-week study tour. Since the year 2000, the Chinese tree sector has been booming, in part due to favourable government policy and high demand from the real estate and city greening projects. However, the sector realizes that its outdated and low-end products and services will no longer fit the demands of the market and changes need to be made in order to stay competitive. With this in mind, this fifth study tour could only be a success! Read more...
On the occasion of Plantarium, August 2019, HollandDoor arranged visits in the Netherlands and Germany for another Chinese delegation. The group included professors from Shandong Agricultural University, the deputy president of the Fujian Flower Association and owners of large tree nurseries. Read more....
Apart from several business leads, the study visits have laid a foundation for further discussions about Sino-Dutch cooperation in the development of a business park in Fujian Province and in joint training programs in the field of cultivation and distribution.
HollandDoor supports Ethiopian education
Bright Future in Agriculture (BFA), which enhances employability and food security in Ethiopia through quality ATVETs (Agriculture Technical Vocational Education and Training) in horticulture and dairy, is a three-year project funded by Nuffic. Maastricht School of Management (MSM) from the Netherlands and the Ethiopian Federal TVET Institute (FTI) are implementing the project together with 12 partners (including HollandDoor) from the Netherlands, Ethiopia and South Africa. The project team will guide a group of 28 teachers and deans from 6 schools to enable them to offer more practical education to their students.
In July 2019 the project started for us with a value chain analysis and management training in Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, offered by the Dutch partner Q-Point, with support from HollandDoor. The mission in Ethiopia was successfully followed by a visit to the Netherlands. The Ethiopian members of the project steering committee and the deans of four TVET colleges were then introduced to Dutch labour market-oriented agricultural education. Read more....
Moldova wishes to step into strawberry substrate farming
A Moldovan delegation visited the Netherlands for a week to learn how to grow strawberries on substrate. The Moldovan delegation was part of the High Value Agriculture Activity ( HVAA), which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development ( USAID) and implemented by Chemonics International Inc. The goal of the project is to stimulate the transformation of the Moldovan high-value agricultural sector into an engine of economic growth.
Moldovan (straw)berry producers face multiple constraints with regard to accessing high-end markets. One of the key directions for the future is investing in advanced technologies, in particular production of strawberries on substrate. In the September 2019 study tour, organized by HollandDoor, the delegation was exposed to strawberry substrate technologies and best practices in the Netherlands. The trip motivated the participants to further explore the options to invest and to collaborate with Dutch knowledge and technology providers. Read more....
ToT training in Jordan on greenhouse climate and IPM
In Jordan the sixth ToT (trainer to trainer) training of the HAED-Jo project was held in August this year. Topics of this training were Greenhouse Climate and Integrated Pest Management (IPM). This training was well timed as participants have just had their first experiences with the new greenhouses. The courses and workshops were enthusiastically received by the participants. However, it was revealed that greenhouse climate control is not that simple. Modern plant empowerment, i.e. using plant balances on energy, assimilates and water, is a logical framework but it requires mental flexibility to understand and adapt these parameters of greenhouse growing.
In the coming years we hope to continue the work that we started.
Japanese strawberry sector continues to visit Dutch colleagues
Greenbridge International managed by Mr. Yu Mizuki supports Japanese companies and individuals who want to do business with Europe and especially the Netherlands.
In 2018, HollandDoor organized several visits for Japanese incoming delegations which were mainly interested in Dutch greenhouse strawberry and tomato production.
This interest continued throughout this year. Greenbridge and HollandDoor jointly organized multiple visits for incoming delegations in February, July and September. The delegations were mainly interested in greenhouse and open-field strawberry production.
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HollandDoor Coöperatie U.A.
Agro Business Park 22, 6708 PW Wageningen, The Netherlands