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HollandDoor Newsletter
July 2020
With the many trainings and programs we are conducting internationally, the outbreak of COVID-19 has obviously created challenges for the implementation of our activities in the field. Several planned visits to the Netherlands and our visits to countries like India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Nigeria and Benin are on hold. However, with a great deal of help from our partners in these countries, we have been able to organize trainings and meetings online.
Staying in touch with our relations is now even more important. We maintain close contact in our ongoing projects, of course, but we are also busy developing and offering new courses, some of which are described in this newsletter.
If your organization is interested in one of these trainings or you would like to know in what other ways HollandDoor can support your ambitions and your organization, feel free to send an e-mail to info@hollanddoor.nl or click here.
HollandDoor starts CowSignals training for dairy professionals in India
As part of the K2K (knowledge to knowledge) program in India, HollandDoor, together with the Dutch Embassy and RVO, is planning a CowSignals training. Depending on the travel restrictions, this training will be conducted live or online in the autumn or winter of 2020. It will be organized in cooperation with some dairy organizations and institutes in India and is meant for farmers and extension workers.
The main topic is learning to Look-Think-Act on the dairy farm. By using the CowSignals concept, farmers will be able to improve the health and welfare of their cows by preventing diseases and breaking through tunnel visions.
We hope we can start the trainings live on the farm in India. Together with CowSignals, several workshops have already been prepared. If the training must be provided online, several practical videos are available and we will use an interactive platform.
The CowSignals training is also available for dairy professionals in other countries. We can offer day courses or week-long trainings, depending on your situation and needs. Read more...
Teach the teacher project in Benin can start
At the beginning of March, just before the start of the Coronavirus lockdown, we received a positive reaction from Nuffic about a grant for Benin in West Africa. Together with Citaverde, we applied for a project to provide agricultural training in four schools in Benin. During the project, over the coming two years, around 15 Dutch trainers will train the school teachers on the subjects of dairy farming, irrigation and horticulture.
The aim is to bring our knowledge and skills to the local schools, to increase the education level and better prepare the students in these schools to work for nearby companies. The goal is to improve local food production and to increase efficiency, especially regarding inputs and water usage.
The big challenge at the moment is not being able to travel. Therefore, the project has started as an online program.
Pre-registration open for Practical Training Greenhouse Vegetable Cultivation
HollandDoor is starting a practical greenhouse vegetable cultivation training of one week, titled “The Eye of the Grower”. It targets greenhouse growers who want to expand their theoretical and practical cultivation knowledge and want to get a better understanding of the principles of optimizing greenhouse vegetable production. Experience with greenhouse vegetable cultivation is required.
The approach of the training differs from other comparable trainings. The theoretical background will be covered but the main focus is on learning to understand the plant growth itself by taking “crop walks” in commercial Dutch high-tech vegetable greenhouses. The plant appearance together with crop registration and greenhouse climate data will create a base to formulate effective cultivation strategies.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we can’t guarantee that this training will take place in the 2nd half of September or early October or has to be postponed until April – June 2021.
This is just an expression of your interest and will be considered as a pre-registration. We will inform you in due time if the training will take place, be postponed or is cancelled. Read more...
Effect of COVID-19 pandemic: how do we move forward?
HollandDoor is involved in several programs that aim to support the revitalization of the Indonesian agricultural vocational education. As we mentioned in the previous newsletter, HollandDoor and its partners are granted to implement a revitalization program funded by Nuffic called OKP-Ready4Work.
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, we have been conducting a series of seven online workshops for Master Trainers from VedCa, IPB and the University of Malang. A new series of online sessions is planned.
A series of 14 online training sessions is started around the topics nutrient management, cultivation management and Problem Based Learning for a group of teachers of vocational institutes and some private sector stakeholders.
We experienced that online trainings can work quite well and interactive sessions and good discussions are also possible.
Of course we hope to meet our partners also face-to-face later this year.
Update on India Training of Trainers project
We’ve informed you multiple times about the progress in our 3-year India project that HollandDoor started in 2018 in collaboration with the Center of Excellence for Vegetables in Baramati.
The core component of this project is the Training of Trainers. However, several other parallel projects are taking place within the overall framework of this project:
- Three Indian students and two French students studying in the Netherlands completed their thesis and one student is currently working on it;
- Support of the CoE in optimization of cultivation and plant propagation;
- An export pilot of various vegetables to be sold in the Netherlands;
- Development of a hybrid greenhouse model which merges “the best of both worlds” by upgrading Indian greenhouse designs and combining them with Dutch advanced greenhouse technology installations. The objective is to make a hybrid concept which is technically and economically feasible for Indian farmers.
Strengthening horticulture in Jordan
HollandDoor is granted permission for a 2-year program to strengthen the horticultural sector in Jordan.
The AEA is an association of more than 20,000 members in Jordan, who jointly established a practical training center (ACT) in the Jordan Valley to serve the agricultural sector. The main objective of this training center is to demonstrate good practices of water-saving horticultural production, food safety and improved value chains.
The main training domains are modern, adoptable cultivation practices for farmers but also skills development of the youth who are Jordan’s next generation of growers. For these trainings, we involve experts from Jordan, working together with Has University of Applied Sciences in 's-Hertogenbosch and Lentiz in Naaldwijk and we will try to collaborate with other Dutch-funded projects. Read more...
Other News
See our website for more projects and other information. Click here.
We also post regular updates and photos on our Facebook page. Click here.
Thank you for reading our newsletter!
HollandDoor Coöperatie U.A.
Agro Business Park 22, 6708 PW Wageningen, The Netherlands