Dance Parade February Social! The GET DOWN @ Cielo Thursday, February 20th 7pm
Join Dance Parade as we do a little dancing at our February Social!
Dance like there's no tomorrow, get up early the next day. No phones on the floor. Dress to sweat.
featuring DJ Jeannie Hopper, Natasha Blank, Sascha Lewis, BEAT NYC, Haiku Guys
Hosted by Michelle Joni
Thursday, February 20th at 7pm ($5 with RSVP before 8pm // $10 after)
A dance party without the attitude, where people come out for the sole reason of getting their groove on. That's the way it used to be, and thanks to the Get Down, that's the way it is one night a month at Cielo. But what makes this dance fest even more amazing is that all the booty shaking goes down before the witching hour.
Join Our Team And "Be The Momentum"!
We are thrilled that 57 groups have already signed for this Dance Parade! And that just in January and February! (check out list here) But, we want more groups to sign up!
We need fun happy Dance Parade volunteers willing make ten to twenty calls a week reaching out to previous participating groups as well as to new dance groups who haven't participated previously. Last year we had approximately 140 groups and there is no reason why that can’t grow to 160 to 200 groups this year. If you have free time, like to socialize, talk on the phone, this might be perfect for you. In addition, this is a great chance for you to help shape the parade.
photos by Richard Renda
In this role, you will get a chance to take a look at previous participating groups and then answer “what groups would you like to see dancing in the parade”? "What type of dance do you want to see?" "How can we make the parade experience better and bolder?" Traditional folks dance like tinik-ling from the Philippines or whirling dervish from Turkey. We welcome them all here at Dance Parade! If you’re interested in becoming a Dance Parade volunteer, just click here and fill out our Volunteer Form. One of our veteran team members will reach out to you to help figure out where you can be of assistance to help make 2014 our best year yet!
Save The Date : Sunday, March 30th
Dance Parade's Annual Fundraising Gala
at Clemente Soto Velez Center on LES
Every year, weeks before the parade and festival, Dance Parade hosts an annual showcase of various groups that will be on display on the big day to offer attendees a 'taste of Dance Parade'. This year, The Clemente Soto Velez Cultural Center, located in the heart of Manhattan's Lower East Side, will be the host of our fundraising event on Sunday, March 30th. More info soon!
Here are some vibrant photos from last year's gala by Josef Pinlac. click here to check out more
2014 IndieGogo Campaign To Launch Soon! Help Make Dance Parade Happen!
Help us Dream Big!
To build a bigger and better parade, we need your collective imagination, ideas and suggestions, Dancers and Dance Lovers!
We are planning to launch an Indiegogo campaign in February to find underwriting for this year's New York Dance Parade, Festival and expand our Community Engagement Programs.
So far we've done it all with a very modest budget. But with your help, we will use these funds to enable bigger and brighter floats, cleaner sound, fabulous t-shirts, better stages and funds to pay our teaching artists in classrooms and community centers.
We would like to hear from YOU, the dance community what you'd like to have for perks in return for your financial contribution support. Are you interested in a BE THE MOMENTUM T-shirt, Tote-bag or photo album? What other memorabilia would you be interested in? Would you want to take a dance lesson? What kind? Create your own float or ride on one with a celebrity Grand Marshal? This is your chance to be involved in our collective future success---Send your suggestions to
Thank you!
photos by Roman Vail
Genre Buzz : Russian Traditional Folk Dance
In honor of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, we decided to look to Mother Russia for a few dance lessons and a walk through the rich history of Traditional Russian folk dance.
Traditional Russian folk dance is as broad and diverse as the nation itself. While most foreigners identify traditional Russian dance with the stomping and and knee bending characteristic of Eastern Slavic dance styles, many forget about traditions of dance that originated from Turkic, Uralic, Mongolic and Caucasian peoples who are also native to Russia.
Volunteer Spotlight : David Jason Williams
Dance Parade, Inc. is a volunteer supported non-profit organization! It is the dedication, expertise and rhythm of these brave few that are solely responsible for the success of the event and all the background work that goes on all year long leading up to the parade and festival. Every month, we choose a different volunteer to spotlight. We ask them a few questions to let you know who they are, where they’ve come from and where they see themselves in the future.
Dance Parade Needs You!
Volunteer Positions Available On Our Production Committee...

Without the expertise and dedication of our all-volunteer team, Dance Parade would simply not happen. Aside from the continuous work done all year long to ensure the success of the event through sponsorship outreach and marketing, the actual planning and production of the event requires the help of many. Here are the many positions that need filling by people just like you. Will you 'be the momentum'?
• Production Manager: maintains production timeline and tasks, coordinates committee members and volunteers, reports directly to Production Committee Chair Nikki Creary, helps with parade group outreach
• Production Coordinator for registered groups: responds to all inquiries from dance groups, follows up on parade group needs and is chief liaison between registered groups and the Production Committee. As chief liaison, Production Coordinator will also connect groups to appropriate Dance Parade members as required or requested, inducts/trains all new committee members as Dance Parade Liaisons.
• Volunteer Coordinator (Co-Chair): supports the Volunteer Coordinator Lead, help drive volunteer recruitment, post job descriptions of available positions on various online media sites, screen and present potential candidates to Steering Committee, welcome new team members with a short orientation of Dance Parade and Festival planning and resources. Candidates should be organized and personable and have some experience working for volunteer supported organizations.
• Vehicle Coordinator: secure Dance Parade vehicles as needed i.e. Grand Marshal presentation vehicles, day-of parade operation vans/cars, coordinate operational needs, insure parade groups w/vehicles adhere to vehicle guidelines, manage and distribute vehicle permits day-of parade.

• (NYDP) Dance Police Captain: chief coordinator of day-of parade volunteers, help to promote NYDP membership as a fun and playful way to volunteer, helps to fill any open positions/jobs/duties for day-of parade needs/requirements, actively solicits members to the NYDP.
• DP Liaison: ensure all new members of Production Committee are trained and assigned to a set number of dance groups for outreach, responsible for registration fulfilment and quotas, overall management of all groups up until and during parade festivities
Interested in any of these positions? Contact and let her know today!
Savion Glover & Jawole Zollar Named Grand Marshals For 8th Annual Dance Parade!
Jawole Willa Jo Zollar
Savion Glover
2013 Grand Marshals Jacqulyn Buglisi, Louie Vega & Baba Chuck Davis
click image to learn about all of our past honorees
Introducing our first Grand Marshal Of 2014, Jawole Willa Jo Zollar Of Urban Bush Women!
Introducing our very first Grand Marshal for the 2014 Season, Founding Artistic Director of Urban Bush Women Dance Company: Jawole Willa Jo Zollar! From Kansas City, Missouri, Jawole Willa Jo Zollar trained with Joseph Stevenson, a student of the legendary Katherine Dunham. After earning her B.A. in dance from the University of Missouri at Kansas City, she received her M.F.A. in dance from Florida State University. In 1980 Jawole moved to New York City to study with Dianne McIntyre at Sounds in Motion.
We are also very excited to announce that Savion Glover has just accepted the honor as our second Grand Marshal of 2014!
Famous tap dancer, choreographer, and actor Savion Glover is the epitome of a living legend. Born in 1973, the tapping marvel has graced the stage since childhood. He set a record as the youngest person ever to receive a scholarship in the Newark Community School of the Arts. Before he was a teenager, Savion made his mark starring in the leading role in the Broadway musical "The Tap Dance Kid".
Next Grand Marshal will be announced very soon!
“Music begins to atrophy when it parts too far from dance.” - Ezra Pound
Join The NYDP!
The New York Dance Police...
Members of the NYDP peruse the crowd and issue out summonses to individuals seen standing still, not participating and looking like they’re simply not having a good time! Enforcing positive energy and sheer fun is the mantra of the NYDP. The “ticketed” offenders receive coupons donated by local dance companies and schools for discount passes and FREE CLASSES at their schools, which are good for up to one year. These ‘citations’ also promote our annual parade and festival. CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE FORCE TODAY!
Community Engagement Program Update!
Dance Parade Gearing Up To Expand Ageless Action Program This Spring!
Dance Parade is gearing up to implement its Ageless Action program in three additional sites for the Spring.
Already in pilot at the SAGE Center in Chelsea, this program merges culture, fitness and community in a movement program designed to address the needs of active seniors.
Groups with teaching artists participating in Ageless Action residencies must be registered to participate in the parade, and there are lots of other perks – including PAY ($50/hour) for classes and performances and the opportunity to have seniors dancing down Broadway with you!
Sixteen week residencies begin in March. Dance Parade requires Ageless Action teaching artists to participate in a training session (at your convenience), provide thoughtful lesson plans and teach a demo class.
In January, we invite interested teaching artists to observe/demo on Tuesday afternoons at the SAGE Center during our pilot class. Please contact ASAP if you are interested.
Create The Parade Float Of Your Dreams!
Create the Dance Parade Float of Your Dreams!
Dance Parade is creating crowd-funding campaigns for organizations who want to raise money to advertise and celebrate their culture, dance studio or favorite dance style. Based on your feedback, we've created BE THE MOMENTUM tote bags, t-shirts, photo-albums and other great perks for you to offer your community backers. Interested? Get in touch with us at
Grandstand Tickets On Sale Now!
On Saturday, May 17, 2014, get the best seat on the parade route as 10,000 dancers stop and perform in front of this year’s grandstand!
Watch over 200 dance organizations announced by our MC as they dance their way to Tompkins Square Park for DanceFest. Bring your camera–there’s no other event quite like this one!
A podcast collection featuring DJs from all over the world for your listening pleasure! Click image below to listen...
You can also subscribe in iTunes and never miss an episode! Just look for 'Audio Dance Parade' in the iTunes store! It's all free for you!