
In memory of the massacre on the Tiananmen Square in Beijing in 1989,
I erected an 8 meter high monument in Hong Kong in 1997. This monument is an artistic call on the situation in China and is so far still the only memorial about the massacre on Chinese soil.
All media articles, fliers etc. have been collected by the democracy movement in Hong Kong and can be downloaded for free here. It is forbidden to mention the massacre in China and each year fewer yet know what really happened. I send you this mail and all the documents, so that you can help giving the Chinese their story back.

In relation to the 26th anniversary of the massacre, I enclose this appeal, and hope that you will pass it on to your Chinese friends, institutions and others who might benefit from remembering this landmark event.
Placing this sculpture in Hong Kong cost me a permanent expulsion of China and 2 expulsions of Hong Kong. I think it's important that artists, cultural groups and others defend the human rights and that we use our freedom of speech to tell the story of the massacre. I hope that you will help doing this. 
Kind regards Jens Galschiøt

 The Chinese sight for ”The old cannot kill the young forever” chiseled into the socket on the memorial.
 The Chinese sight for ”The old cannot kill the young forever” chiseled into the socket on the memorial.
Press release june 2015

Appeal to the press, culture- and art institutions, artists, working places, libraries, universities and others.
Give the Chinese students their history back!
Help mark the 26rd anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre. In 1989 the Chinese students occupied the Tiananmen Square in Beijing for months in an attempt to press the Chinese government to take steps towards democracy and to fight against corrup­tion. But on 4th June 1989 the regime threw in the army against the unarmed students.
Give the Chinese their story back. It is forbidden to mention the story in China, but all the students’ newspaper articles, fliers etc. have been collected by the democracy movement in Hong Kong. These collections of Chinese and English documents have now been put on the Internet from where they can be downloaded for free.

Many of the young dissidents were imprisoned in the wake of the crackdown.
Some are still in jail but they are no longer young. China still practises a massive censorship on information on the massacre. And it is impossible for Chinese people to obtain uncensored information about the event.
In China the encroachments continue. The imprisonment of Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo is maintained and his wife is still under house arrest. So is the artist Ai Weiwei. But these prominent artists are only the tip of the iceberg, there are thousands of artists, environment activists and others imprisoned. And all they have done is defend the most basic human rights.
Thousands of Chinese students are today studying at universities and other institutions of education in the West. Most of them do not even know their own history due to the censorship. You can help to remedy this.

Therefore we invite all pro-democracy insti­tu­tions, scholars and working colleagues to download and print
out this documentation or burn it on a CD. Place it on the shelves of libraries and hand it out as a gift to Chinese students on 4th June, the anniversary of the Tian­anmen massacre.

This way we can make a contribution to preserve the memory of the victims and maybe inspire a new generation of Chinese to see democracy as a possibility for China.
We call on everybody to support this initiative and to mail this appeal to other institutions of education where there are Chinese students or others who might be interested in preserving and distributing the knowledge about the Tiananmen massacre.
The initiative of this appeal and informative campaign is a co-operation between the democracy move­ment in Hong Kong and Danish sculptor Jens Galschiot who in 1997 put up an 8 meter high Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong to commemorate the Tiananmen massacre. Hong Kong is the only place on Chinese soil where the victims can be honoured.
 About Hong Kong at the moment
It seems that China’s curbing of free speech has got a solid grip, also in Hong Kong. Galschiot is just one of many critics who have been denied entry. So the city is deprived of a cultural exchange that is taken for granted in all open democratic societies. The expulsions are a strident violation of the principle of ‘One country – Two systems’ that was guarantied ahead of Hong Kong’s reunion with China in ‘97.

In 2013 Galschiøt managed to enter Hong Kong to repair ‘The Pillar of Shame’.
In these very years Hong Kong stands before realizing the 1997 agreements with China, to develop a real democracy in Hong Kong. But they are under a lot of pressure from non-democratic forces. The results of these negotiations are crucial for the future of Hong Kong.
During 2014 massive demonstrations in Hong Kong has been seen. They fight for the rigth to get the democratic elective system that China promised Hong Kongs sitizens when they took over the country in 1997.
The peaceful demonstrations have been met with comprehensive violent force from the Hong Kong police and the citizens have been defending themselves agains the police´s peppersplay guns with simple umbrellas.
Thus the movement now use the umbrella as a symbol of their struggle to introduce democratic elections into Hong Kong.
A functioning democracy on Chinese ground, even though it is only in Hong Kong, is an extremely important symbol for the more than one billion living in main land China.

Useful links:
The democracy movement in Hong Kong:
Phone: +852 2782 6111

Contact Jens Galschiot:
E-mail:, Internet:, tel. +45 6618 4058, Banevaenget 22, DK-5270 Odense N
About Jens Galschiøt:

 At the moment:
Galschiøt is a sculptor who works with international art installations. At the moment he is working on a gigantic project about the religious tensions in the world.

He has named this art and dialogue project ’The Children of Abraham’
. The focal point of the project is the 3.5 meter tall and 70 square meter sculpture called F.U.N.D.A.M.E.N.T.A.L.I.S.M. It is made of these letters made in 8,000 copper books symbolizing the Torah, the Bible and the Quran. 24 big monitors constantly display the ’brightest’ and the ’darkest’ quotations form Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
See concept click for the art project English - German - Danish
General information about Galschiøt can be found at:

Pillar of shame in Hong Kong Galschiot 2013

 Jens Galachiøt and people from China's democracy movementGalschiot refugees sculpture

 Galschiot sculpture mask


This mail has been sent from the sculptor Jens Galschiøt's workshhop.
Contact to the workshop:
Galleri Galschiøt
Banevænget 22
5270 Odense N

Tlf : (+45) 6618 4058

Fax:(+45) 6618 4158portrait of Jens Galschiot 2012
Overview over Galschiøt sculptures
Portrait of a sculptor Jens Galschiøt (PDF)
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