Media Release
Tuesday February 1st 2022
"At a time when blood supplies are running low, it is bewildering and frustrating that so many gay, bisexual and trans people who are safe to donate are still being refused the opportunity to save lives." - Rodney Croome 
Equality advocates are disappointed the Australian Red Cross Lifeblood Service continues to ban gay men from blood donation despite Lifeblood's support for ending the ban on people who lived in the UK in the 1980s and 90s.
A blood donor shortage due to the current Covid wave has prompted Lifeblood to ask Australia's blood regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, to lift the British ban that was put in place to prevent transmission of Mad Cow Disease.
But gay and bisexual men, and some trans woman, are still prohibited from blood donation if they have had sex in the last three months, despite scientific evidence showing many are safe to donate.
Just.Equal Australia spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said,
"The latest global research shows that many gay, bi and trans Australians are safe to donate blood."
"This is why so many countries, including Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands and soon Canada, are doing away with their gay blood bans and adopting individual risk assessment for all donors instead."
"At a time when blood supplies are running low, it is bewildering and frustrating that so many gay, bisexual and trans people who are safe to donate are still being refused the opportunity to save lives."
"If Australian lives are lost because of blood shortages the obstinate refusal of Lifeblood and the TGA to accept safe gay blood must be held partly responsible."
In 2021, Dr Sharon Dane wrote a comprehensive report on the latest global gay blood donor research and the new individual risk assesssment donor policies based on this research. 
The report recommended an end to the gay blood ban and the adoption of the individual risk assessment model currently used in the UK. 
The report can be found here:
In October 2020, Lifeblood and the TGA agreed to lift the ban on blood donation by people with tattoos
For a copy of this statement on the web, click here
For more information contact Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668.