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Parashat Vayera

Friday, Oct 30
Shacharit 6:45 am
Candles 5:36 pm
Mincha 5:40 pm
(Carlbach style Kabbalat Shabbat davening)

Shabbat, Oct 31
Masechet Sanhedrin 8:15 am
Shacharit 9:00 am
Kriat Shma 10:02 am
Mincha 5:30 pm
Ma'ariv 6:38 pm
Havdalah 6:44 pm
Turn Clocks Back 2:00 am

Sunday, Nov 1
Rabbi Ciment Shiur 7:50 am
Shacharit 8:30 am
Mincha/Ma'ariv 4:40 pm

Monday, Nov 2
Shacharit 6:35 am
Ma'ariv 8:30 pm

Tuesday, Nov 3
Shacharit 6:45 am
Ma'ariv 8:30 pm

Wednesday, Nov 4
Shacharit 6:45 am
Ma'ariv 8:30 pm

Thursday, Nov 5
Shacharit 6:35 am
Ma'ariv 8:30 pm

Contact Us


725 Queen Anne Road
Teaneck, NJ 07666

Rabbi Aharon Ciment
Study: 201-530-0043

President: Yosef Rothstein

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Mazel Tov

Mazel tov to the Teaneck Chamber of Commerce's 14th Annual Community Award winners:

Healer of the Year: Dr. Benjamin Rosenbluth
Educator of the Year: Nancy Edelman

Singles Shabbaton - Oct 31

Congregation Arzei Darom welcomes the Shidduch Project and all of our guests who will be joining us for the weekend.

In honor of the Shidduch Project, Friday night we will have a special Carlebach davening. Everyone is invited to join in.

The featured guest speakers for the weekend include Rabbi and Rebbetzin Ciment, Dr. Shani Ratzker, author of "Finding Your Bashert and the Survival Guide to Shidduchim", and dating mentors. Amazing ruach, oneg shabbat, 3 interactive meals, shalosh seudot and Rocking Musical Melavah Malkah Kumzits featuring a well known singer!! Hosted by Rachel Z Ruchlamer and Dr. Shani Ratzker.

Please Vote - Nov 3

This Tuesday, November 3, is the election for the Teaneck Board of Education. Five candidates, including three incumbents, are running for three spots on the board. The Teaneck Board of Education controls a budget of approximately $95 million (representing approximately 65% of the town budget) and is responsible for educating nearly 4,000 students. As such, the Board of Education has a direct influence on the quality of Teaneck's public schools and quality of life in Teaneck. It also impacts on non-public school students with respect to issues such as busing to private schools. There is very little on the ballot aside from the Board of Education election and voter turnout is expected to be low. Every vote will count. I would urge each of you to make it a point to vote in the election this Tuesday. It only takes 10 minutes and will have a major impact on the future of Teaneck.
Regardless of who you plan to vote for, please take the time to go to the polls and show that we care.

Parent Child Learning - Nov 7

Parent Child Learning offers a relaxed and fun atmosphere in which to learn. Children of all ages are encouraged to attend as long as they are able to learn with a parent for a 30-45 minute period.

Learning is to be followed by pizza and raffle prizes. Family learning topics vary from gemara, mishnayot, parsha, navi, to chumash. Help your child(ren) prepare for a Judaics test, review homework, or study Hebrew reading with your kindergartners.

Opportunities are available for sponsorship. Please email

Guess Who's Coming to Lunch - November 21, 2015

Tired of the same faces at your Shabbat table? Want to get to know more people in the Arzei Darom community, but not sure how?

Join the Arzei Darom Sisterhood on November 21st for its annual Guess Who's Coming to Lunch Program.

Sign up as a host and enjoy getting to know people you don't already know in the comfort of your own home.
Sign up as a guest and dine at a home you haven't had the pleasure of going to before.

The fun is in the surprise! All will be revealed on Shabbat morning in shul when you find out who you are eating lunch with.

Deadline to register is Friday, November 13th. All hosts will be informed of the number of adults and children they will be hosting early in the week of November 15th.

To sign up as a Host:
To sign up as a Guest:

If you would like to help organize this event or have any questions, please contact Aliza Goldgewert at or

Fall/Winter Onegs - First Oneg Nov 6

We are excited to announce the first Friday night Oneg will be November 6, 2015 at the house of Rabbi and Rabbanit Ciment. We are in the process of setting times for our remaining onegs during the fall and winter. This year we hope to have four onegs and are again looking for sponsors.

We have two levels of sponsorship:
  • Single Oneg Sponsor - $45
  • Season Sponsor - $150
If you would like to become a sponsor of this terrific mix of Torah and social activity, or if you would like to help organize the onegs, please contact Howard Alt at

Thank you to our season sponsors to date: Alt, Barta, Blass, Borodach, Eisenman, Grunstein, Levin, Polinsky, Ramirez, Rose, Rosenbluth and Anonymous. Thank you also to the Greenberg family who are sponsoring the first Friday night Oneg at Rabbi Ciment's house.

Youth Department

Mommy & Me continues to meet every other Shabbat at 10:30 am. Please contact Shira Silverberg at if you are interested in leading a session.

PoKiZman Club meets every Shabbat at 10:15 am. Please remind your children to be prepared to participate in davening.

Regular Groups for children in 3rd grade and up continue to meet at 9:45 am with davening starting at 10:00 am. Children who participate in davening and other activities, as well as help with setting up and clean-up will earn tickets towards prizes.

Please contact us at for more information about these programs.

Arzei Darom Dinner Honorees

We are pleased to announce this year's annual dinner honorees. This year on Sunday, January 3 we will be honoring Rabbi and Rabbanit Ciment for all of the great work and spiritual leadership that they have provided to us. Please be on the lookout for more information coming out soon.

Kiddush Cooperative 2015

Our third cycle of our kiddush cooperative is underway. Through the contributions of $200 from about 20 families, 7-8 additional hot kiddushim per year are added. This is an excellent way to sponsor kiddush at a very reasonable price. While we typically order from our local vendors, we welcome feedback from Kiddush Cooperative members on what types of menus they would like to see.

Thank you to the following families who have joined this year's Kiddush Cooperative: Adams, Alt, Barber, Barta, Blass, Blum, Borodach,Davidowitz, Distenfeld, Einhorn, Eisenman, Knoll, Levin, Mittan, Rabitz, Rivkin, Rothstein, Rose and Anonymous families for your season sponsorship.

We still welcome families to join the Kiddush Cooperative. The more families we have, the more hot kiddushes we can enjoy throughout the year. It is not too late to join! Please email Holly Weiss at to add your name to the Kiddush Cooperative.

Kiddush Committee News

Families interested in sponsoring a kiddush and/or seudat shlishit should contact Holly so that she can reserve the date on the shul calendar. Please also let Holly know if you would like to participate in an upcoming Crock Pot Challenge which generally takes place around Rosh Chodesh. We've been doing these for a year and are always seeking new families to take the challenge.

Kiddush clean up is on a rotating basis, based on your last name. While we recognize that everyone in your group may not be available each Shabbat, we ask that you pitch in if you are assigned in that month so that the same people are not doing the clean-up each week. We all like kiddushes and we all make plans for lunch after shul so please be respectful of your fellow congregants by helping out during your assigned month if you are in shul. We also ask that you please watch your children during Kiddush to the extent possible, and to place their finished items in the garbage cans provided.

October: Brodsky, Darack, Furer, Goldgewert, Goldstein

For more information on anything Kiddush related, please contact Holly Weiss at

Gabbai's Corner

Upcoming Yartzeit? Having a simcha? Do you know of a visiting Ba'al Tefilah? Please email our gabbai Dr. David Blass for all of your davening/leining related issues at

Learning Opportunities

Please join Rabbi Ciment as he leads Arzei Darom in a new year of learning, Shabbat mornings starting at 8:15 am. We will be learning Masechet Sanhedrin. All are encouraged and welcome to attend.

Rabbi Ciment is continuing his Sunday morning shiur on the Rambam at 7:50 am (please check the schedule above for confirmation on a given week).

We are always looking for opportunities to strengthen our connection to Torah. The more Torah in the shul, the better, so let us know if you have any other suggestions.

A number of Hebrew and English seforim are missing from our library. If you have any of them, please return them so that other members will have the ability to use them as well. If you are currently using one of the seforim, and need to continue to use it, please contact Rebecca Segal so that we can keep track of where our seforim are. Thank you.

Meals for Community Members

As a community, we offer assistance with meals to families with new babies, families sitting shiva, and families who need a little help for various reasons, such as a medical emergency. If you are interested in volunteering to help make meals in the future, please contact Adrianne Mittan at And if you are in need of our assistance, whether it is for good news or less fortunate news, you can contact Adrianne directly, or speak to Rabbi and Rabbanit Ciment, or Yosef Rothstein.

Chesed Opportunities

Bikur Cholim List
If you know of someone who would like to be put on the bikur cholim list, please email the name of the person (English and Hebrew w/ Mother's name), and whether or not they are accepting visitors (if so, please include location) or phone calls (if so, please include phone #) and any other details which the person is interested in sharing with the community. The email address is

Bikur Cholim Volunteers
Arzei Darom is looking for bikur cholim volunteers to visit the patients at CareOne on Shabbat. For those who have volunteered in the past, the visits are gratefully appreciated. Please volunteer and encourage your children to join you for this great mitzvah. Please e-mail Susan Taubes at, so she can add your name to the rotation list and we can have an organized schedule each Shabbat.

Social Hall Rentals & Simchas

Having a party? Need space for a simcha? Know someone who is? Arzei Darom's social hall is available for rent at reasonable prices. Please send an email to for further information.

In addition, if you are having a simcha, e.g. a bar or bat mitzvah, you can reserve a shabbat by contacting Valerie Levin or Yosef Rothstein, and asking to have your simcha added to the Arzei Darom calendar. Questions when planning your simcha? Speak to Yosef Rothstein, Miles Levin (Gabbai Rishon) or Valerie Levin.

Community Events

New Local Mincha Minyan
New daily Mincha Minyan. Monday - Thursday 1:30 p.m. Signature Appliances 513 Cedar Lane. Between Estihana and the movie theater

Ma'ayanot Adult Ed Series
The Ma'ayanot Continuing Education Committee is proud to present a shiur series by Dr. Julie Goldstein, Jewish History Chair, on The Akedah Through the Ages. Time and Place: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in the Ma'ayanot library Thursday Dates: October 29; November 5, 12, 19. To sponsor a shiur in this series contact Pam Ennis at 201-833-4307, ext. 265.

Heichal HaTorah Seder Program
Heichal HaTorah invites all Jr. High Boys to the Rubenstein Jr. High Night Seder Program on Monday evenings 7:00 - 8:15 PM at the Yeshiva located at 70 Sterling Place, Teaneck, NJ. For more information, visit, call the Yeshiva 201.335.0633 or email Rav Stechler at The program begins Monday, October 12, 2015.

Rebbetzin Kohn Shiurim Series
Rebbetzin Leah Kohn will begin her new series for women "Vayikra: The Guide to Developing a Deep Connection with G-d" this Monday, October 12th from 9:45am - 11:00am at 1510 Jefferson Street, Teaneck.

Women's Shiur with Nechama Price
The Dr. Bertram J. z"l & Ann Newman Adult Education Program of Young Israel of Teaneck is proud to present A Three Part Series for WOMEN ONLY with Professor Nechama Price. Wednesday Evenings, 8-9pm Young Israel of Teaneck (Social Hall), 868 Perry Lane, Teaneck
October 28 - 10 Ways to Make Your Life Easier When Keeping Hilchot Nida
November 4 - Behind Closed Doors: A Torah Perspective on Intimacy
November 11 - The Birth Control Conundrum: Limits & Leniencies
All are welcome!

Yeshivat Noam Shiur Series
Yeshivat Noam is pleased to invite the community to our weekly Tuesday morning parent shiur at 9:30 am in the YN Middle School Beit Knesset. Rabbi Dr. Alex Mondrow, Middle School psychologist and teacher, will deliver an eight-week series of classes called Meaning and Motivations: The Reasons Behind Our Words and Actions. The series begins with a focus on transforming our Shabbat experience by exploring the deeper meaning behind our observance of Shabbat, with special attention to the psychological dimensions of the day. This shiur series is free of charge and is open to the entire community, so bring your friends!. Brought to you by the Yeshivat Noam Parent Education Committee. For questions or more information, please email

Yeshivat Noam Open House - Nov 1
Come spend some Sunday Time at Yeshivat Noam! - Meet Yeshivat Noam teachers, participate in fun activities, discover our wonderful playground, and have a ball. November 1st 9:30am - 11:30am, Early Childhood Wing of Yeshivat Noam 70 W. Century Road, Paramus, 07652. Children aged 3-4 years of age. Register at Walk-ins are welcome! For more information please contact or 201-261-1919 x220.

RYNJ Open House - Nov 1
RYNJ welcomes your family to join our family at our Open House on Sunday evening November 1st at 7:00PM. Experience the environment created by our dynamic administration, warm faculty and dedicated parent body. Register at For more information, please contact Mrs. Tamar Kahn, Director of Admissions, at or 201.986.1414 x338.

Bruriah High School Open House - Nov 1
The world renowned Bruriah High School's Open House will take place this Sunday, November 1 at 9:30 am at the JEC's Bruriah Campus - 35 North Avenue in Elizabeth, NJ. Learn about our engaging and empowering limudei kodesh curriculum, competitive STEM track, award winning athletics program and more, and find out why students travel from around the state, parts of NY, and even overseas to be a part of the Bruriah family! Sessions for BOTH parents and students, so please bring your eighth graders! A delectable buffet lunch will follow! Please pre-register at or for any questions call 908-355-4850.

Heichal HaTorah Open House - Nov 1
Heichal HaTorah invites all prospective parents to our Open House for Prospective Parents on November 1, 2015 at 7:30 PM at the Yeshiva, 70 Sterling Place, Teaneck, NJ 07666. All prospective talmidim are invited to a Melvah Malka for Prospective Talmidim, Moztei Shabbos, November 7, 2015 at 8:30 PM at the Yeshiva. Heichal HaTorah is dedicated to providing a classic yeshiva education and a rigorous general studies program with excitement, warmth and a passion for growth. Please reach out to our Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Aryeh Stechler, for more information at 201.335.0633 or

TABC Open House - Nov 1
Torah Academy of Bergen County (TABC) cordially invites all prospective parents and students to our Open House on Sunday, November 1st, 2015. Registration and breakfast begin at 9:15; Program and Academic Fair 10am - 1pm. The Open House will take place at TABC, 1600 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck. Pre-register at For further information, contact or call 201-837-7696. Applications are now being accepted and can be filled out online at

RTMA Open House - Nov 4
The Rav Teitz Mesivta Academy, (RTMA) will be having its Open House this coming Wednesday evening, November 4, 2015 at 7:15 pm at 330 Elmora Avenue, Elizabeth. Join us and learn about our invigorating Beit Medrash program, competitive STEM and general studies tracks and plethora of valuable extra curricular offerings. Find out why every single applicant to YU Honors last year was accepted with distinction and prestigious financial awards and why yeshivot across Israel are vying for our students. Open to all 8th graders and their parents. Please pre-register at or for any questions call 908-355-4850.

YIOT Shabbos with Eitan Katz - Nov 6/7
Shabbos Parshas Chayei Sarah November, 6-7 Young Israel of Teaneck is Proud to Present A Shabbos with Eitan Katz. Join world-renowned Jewish Musician Eitan Katz for a Shabbos of Inspiration Inspiring Friday Night & Shabbos Davening Friday Night Tisch - 8pm in YIOT Social Hall. Shalosh Seudos with Divrei Torah & Songs led by Eitan and Motzei Shabbos Concert. 868 Perry Lane, Teaneck. Admission at the door: Adults: $15 Students: $10. Doors Open: 7:45pm. Concert Begins: 8:15pm. Questions? Contact Adam Loskove:

Frisch Open House - Nov 8
Yeshivat Frisch, The Frisch School, located in Paramus, NJ, invites all 8th graders and their parents to our Open House on Sunday, November 8, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. (Kindly register at Come and experience the innovative formal and informal educational opportunities provided to our students that foster their individualized intellectual and religious growth.

Yavneh Academy 5k - Nov 8
On Sunday, November 8, Yavneh Academy will be hosting the 11th Annual Benjamin Schwartz Memorial 5K Run and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk at the Garden State Plaza in Paramus. The proceeds of the race will benefit Yavneh Scholarship Fund. For more information, sponsorship opportunities or to register, please visit Please join us on November 8th for Yavneh Academy's Annual Benjamin Schwartz Memorial 5K Run/1Mile Walk. Visit to sign up!

Yeshivat Ha'Atid Open House - Nov 9
Yeshivat He'Atid cordially invites all prospective families to our Open House on Monday, November 9th , at 8:00 at Congregation Rinat Yisrael. Discover how our top-tier educators, innovative learning techniques & individualized instruction are creating bright futures for our students. Visit for more details and to RSVP. To schedule a tour, contact Ora Kornbluth at 201.374.2272 or

Beth Aaron No Shekel Left Behind
Have some shekalim or Euros left over from a recent trip? Your loose change and paper money can add up and will help refurbish the Youth Center in Beit Yatir, Beth Aaron's sister town in Israel. Mail in or drop off your shekalim or Euros at the Beth Aaron office. Donations in dollars also will be accepted.

Bikur Cholim of Bergen County seeking volunteers
Bikur Cholim of Bergen County (BCBC) provides support, facilities, and services to ease the burden of families during trying times. We partner with our families to relieve some of the stress and effects of illness, with compassion and concern. BCBC is a volunteer driven, not-for-profit organization, guided by the RCBC. We are currently looking for men and women who would like to join our volunteer core of sensitive and caring individuals, so that we can expand our services to those in need. We are looking for volunteers to help with: meal preparation, driving the elderly or ill to local doctor appointments, visiting people in need, or giving respite to a caregiver. As we expand, we are also looking for people with organizational expertise to oversee new projects. Please visit our website at and visit our VOLUNTEER PAGE or email to sign up to help our efforts. For any questions call us at 201-579-3066.

Mikvah appointments now available online!
Appointments may now be booked online for the Teaneck Mikvah ( You must make an online appointment to use the Mikvah on Friday night or Yom Tov, other times walk-ins are welcomed. If you have a special circumstance, please call Miriam Feman at the Mikvah, 201-837-8220, and she will do her best to accommodate your needs. The Keylim Mikvah is open from 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Please call the Mikvah, 201-837-8220, with any questions.

Tomchei Shabbos of Bergen County
Tomchei Shabbos is desperately seeking drivers for Wednesday night deliveries. Please contact Chani Schmutter 201-833-2320 or email, if you are able to help out.

We have many opportunities for volunteers to help out, with anything from deliveries to administrative assistance. For more information, click here.

About this message

This message is being sent to you as a service of Congregation Arzei Darom.

To add an announcement, please send the information, including the contact person, to: by noon on Wednesday to be included in that week's announcements.

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To sign up for the Arzei Darom Yahoo Group - click on the following URL or copy/paste it into the address bar of your browser window:

These groups have been created as a means for members to communicate with one another, and send messages, greetings, or other announcements to everyone else.