Food Teachers Centre
June-July 2023 Newsletter
As we head towards the summer break, we hope that you have a much needed rest. Our team is still available over the holiday period, and our next newsletter will feature the exam results. Good Luck!
Best wishes
Food Teachers Centre volunteer team
KS 3 Measuring Up workshop is a great success - more Assessment support to follow if you missed it!
Our Assessment workshop on 1st July was a great success with nearly 100 teachers attending.
What did the teachers say......
Look out for our FAST – Food Assessment Standardised Tasks – coming this summer to make your assessment job easier.
  • Assessment materials are provided for Years 7, 8 and 9
  • They are based on the assessment framework
  • Baseline assessment activities
  • Standarised tests – multiple choice and open questions,with clear marking
  • Differentiated standardised practical tasks (make, amend & create), with clear marking criteria
  • Learning journals for pupils (Year 7, 8 and 9)
  • A question & answer bank (for you to use to build your ownassessment – cut 'n' paste!)
  • Certificates, featuring the FTC logo (for external recognition)
We are running on-line meetings and chats.
Do join us if you need some help.
As in previous years we will again be offering live on-line sessions to support the 2023-24 tasks for year 11s.
Completely new to teaching GCSE Y11?
For those completely new to KS4 and especially new to teaching year 11 groups in Sept 2023 we will again provide a short presentation and Q&A session for you to come along and chat with experienced teachers
NEW to Teaching KS4

  • GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition (All boards) Tuesday 29th August 7pm
  • WJEC Level 1/2 Hospitality & Catering (August - date to be confirmed)
More details are in the events section of the facebook group

- A look at this years NEA 1 Tasks 
This years tasks are released 1st September for all board to allow teachers time to consider what resources may be needed for NEA. There is no requirement or expectation that these assessments begin on 1st September. In fact, we urge teachers not to rush to launch them as once assessments are started the teacher's role changes to assessor, and your students become candidates. You may need to prepare your students after the long summer break, perhaps with a run through using last year's tasks of the requirements, contents and marking.
Do check the JCQ 2023-24 NEA Regulations and your exam board Guidance for Teaching and Assessmenr instructions on their website FIRST.
Live NEA1 task meetings will be held for all boards throughout September. The slides will have this years NEA1 topics and links to resources that you and your candidates could use. The presentation will also include Top Tips on how to manage both your own and your candidates time, what to have available for candidates to use and how to set up your classroom. All presentations will be the same and will be recorded.
  • Monday 11th September at 7pm
  • Wednesday 20th September 7pm
  • Saturday 30th September 9:30am
  • Wednesday 13th September at 7pm
  • Tuesday 19th September at 7pm
  • Wednesday 27th September at 7pm
WJEC Hospitality & Catering (NEA)
  • Date to be confirmed
Places are limited to 100, but sessions are recorded.
More details are in the events section of the facebook group
These meetings will also take place in November for NEA2 tasks and for Preparing to Mark and Moderate in Feb/March.
Don't miss our Spotlight Events coming up autumn term - FREE in the Community group
Sunday 3rd Sept 7PM
LIVE on Facebook, no need to sign up, but if you say you are going you will get helpful reminders.  At 7pm it will appear LIVE on the group.  IT is also RECORDED!
An opportunity to meet with Dr Maria Benlloch Tinoco, Senior Lecturer, Department of Applied Sciences & Programme Leader for BSc Food Science and Nutrition at Northumbria University.
It will be a great introduction to the NEA Food Investigation Task, as she talks about "What is Food Science" and looks at the science behind food products. She will also be chatting about the courses Northumbria University offer in Food Science and Nutrition, covering what the course entails and the industrial placements available. Before finishing with an insight into the many careers in food which are available.
CLEAPSS (Health and Safety in Schools)
Sunday 17th Sept 7PM
LIVE on Facebook, no need to sign up, but if you say you are going you will get helpful reminders.  At 7pm it will appear LIVE on the group. IT is also RECORDED!
Come along and meet Dave Parry from CLEAPPS where he will be letting you know more about CLEAPPS and the services they offer.
Also answering some of more Health and Safety FAQ in the group.
Who are CLEAPSS - and why do we refer all your H&S queries to them?
CLEAPSS advice and guidance, contained in publications such as Hazcards, is recognised by Ofsted and the HSE as the definitive basis for safe practice for practical work in schools.
The introduction of the Health and Safety at Work Act in 1974 had a significant impact on the teaching of practical subjects. CLEAPSS quickly engaged with this in order to support schools to maintain their practical work. CLEAPSS provides model risk assessments (MRAs) for practical activities for both primary and secondary schools and colleges. Membership of CLEAPSS enables an employer to discharge its duties under the 1975 H&SW Act and its subsequent Regulations. Most schoools are members so do use their helpline.

Coping with the increases to the cost of Ingredients - help is here!
Worried about the cost of ingredients? So are we!
 Help available right now through our two support resources Closing the Gap and Affordable Food Lessons for All
Duo Workshops in the Autumn – Affordable Food and High Level Vegan Skills
As time for CPD is tight, we are offering a bumper day to support you. Fiona Mather will be running a duo course (including the on-line resource packs to accompany the face to face practical).
This will feature BOTH  Affordable Food Lessons for All and  *BRAND NEW*  Vegan High Level Skills. 
You will get an opportunity to practice numerous recipes and discuss how to build these resources into your schemes of work.
Dates and locations are being added, but these include:
  • London - date tbc
  • Nottingham date tbc
  • Wallesend North Tyneside THURSDAY 19th October 2023
  • Newcastle Under Lyme, Staffordshire THURSDAY 9th November 2023
  • Leeds/Bradford THURSDAY 16th November 2023
New to teaching food?
Support is here for you
New staff? Non-Specialist? Come from another Curriculum area?
Nearly 70 Food Teachers Centre members have taken part on the 5 Face to Face Foundations in Food training days during the summer term with Fiona Mather and Jill Oliver.
These CPD workshops support teachers in the delivery of correct skills and techniques, how to set up the practical classroom, how to use demonstrations effectively and explains the pedagogy behind food education.
All those who attended went away with a greater understanding of practical work, lots of resources and were all feeling a lot more confident to deliver food lessons in the future.
The organisation of the session meant that we were able to fit in a lot of content including the theory and practical elements/knowledge of food technology. It has helped my confidence in planning and preparing for practical Food Technology lessons. Josie McCreton, ECT
A fantastic course which I thoroughly enjoyed and learnt so much from.  Being able to complete so many practicals and think about skills,  setup and my role within our team has been invaluable.  Carol Bradwell, Technician
Great delivery of information, ways to deliver key concepts to students, useful tips on how to prepare ingredients with ease which will positively impact my teaching.  Faye Leydon, ECT
We would like to thank all the schools for hosting these days.
If you are interested in attending one of these days look out for future events published in the Facebook group (EVENTS section) and on our webpages.

LONDON Saturday 7th October

New dates being added all the time

This course has been designed to support non specialist teachers who are planning to teach food at KS3. It will give teachers the opportunity to look at the pedagogy of teaching food and cover the practical requirements which will help practical sessions run smoothly.
Focusing on Basic Nutrition, Health and Safety, setting up demonstrations and tips on how to set up the practical classroom. The practical aspect of the day will consist of a hands-on approach, covering key practical skills required at KS3 and provide ready to use resources to take away.
I highly recommend Foundations in Food and bespoke Food Education Professional Learning sessions through Fiona Mather and the Food Teachers Centre to support staff development. 
 Jennifer Bruce, Curriculum Leader - Food Technology, Churchill Community College. 

High Level Vegan Skills course 

High Level Vegan Skills course launches this summer
6 session on-line cooking course, PLUS complete key planning and teaching resources for all KS4 exam courses and support for KS3.
Produced with support from Leith’s Cookery Academy, The Vegan Society and practising food teachers, this new course is led by Food Teachers Centre Ambassador Fiona Mather and Founder Louise Davies and it includes:
  • Step by Step Recipe Videos: Vegan high level practical skills and recipes to meet exam requirements. These recipes have been produced with support from Leith’s Cookery Academy and focus on the detail of high level skills. Each video can be used in a variety of way with your students - for flipped learning, classroom demonstrations, one to one progression and home study.
    • Session 1:  Vegan meringue and filling
    • Session 2: Vegan fresh pasta and fillings
    • Session 3 Vegan Enriched Doughs
    • Session 4 Vegan Cake making and decorating
    • Session 5 Vegan thickening and setting
    • Session 6 Vegan Pastry
  • Explainers: What makes this recipe high skill. Introducing/overview of the recipes and skills used (what it is, what ingredients are used and what needs to change to make it vegan). 
    • How the vegan alternative recipe works and science for successful use of vegan alternatives. 
    • High level knife skills and knife cuts and vegan examples of where they might be used. 
    • High level dough skills - enriched doughs, pastries and handmade pasta
    • High level meringue skills
    • High level cake making and decoration
    • High level thickening and setting skills
    • Upskilling and adapting base recipes for task set/differrent scenarios
    • Nutritional content of the dishes
    • What goes wrong and tips for success.
  • Essential Guidance: policy and planning documents to meet the needs and legal requirements of students who are vegan. Plus, meeting exam board requirements.
    • An overview of exam board defined high level skills and review of recipes that can be used, adapted or should be omitted. 
    • The exam board requirements: clarity on skills and what signifies high grades. 
    • A recipe bank (list of key recipes that work with links to the full recipe on-line). 
    • Example exam board tasks and supporting students preparing for and interpreting NEA. 
    • Student voice and reviewing your scheme of work. 
    • Planning and managing lessons where vegan students work alongside others. 
    • Working with parents and sending information home. Inclusive language: Communication at options evenings and on your school website re your scheme of work. 
    • Researching, upskilling recipes, and evaluating to gain marks in exams. 
    • Useful sources of information, speakers and teaching content. 
    • Having educated discussion and debates about food choices and where food comes from. 
    • Should we all be working towards a more plant-based approach? What are the benefits?
Tunnocks TeaCake Challenge
Once again another fabulous year with a plethora of fantastic entries on the theme of "Patterns and Shapes". So many veritable entries made the judging process very difficult. 
Judging was initially completed by the members of the Food Teachers Centre Facebook group, and this produced a list of finalists for the panel of judges, who then awarded prizes within the 8 categories. Tunnock's are always excited to see the creations, and Sir Boyd Tunnock (the owner) takes a special interest in each years productions. His son in law, who is a company Director, had this to say about the Challenge:
"Who would have thought when the Tunnock's Teacake Challenge was announced in Nov 2018, how much it would have grown in popularity. I have to applaud the dedication and enthusiasm of Suzanne Gray and the Food Teachers Team who direct and administer the Challenge.
It's fantastic to think our humble Tunnock's Teacake has inspired so many young people to get their creative juices flowing. Each year we see the winners in the different categories and think it cant be bettered, how wrong have we been, the standard just gets better and better.
Sir Boyd Tunnock always likes to see the winners book, but in his eyes you are all winners. Keep up the good work." 
Tunnock's have agreed to sponsor a new Challenge for 2023/24, which will be announced in the early Autumn. There will also be the annual entries hardback celebratory book, which will be available to purchase in the next few weeks. It showcases all of the winners, but also features all of the entries from this year. The link to purchase this will be uploaded into the Facebook groups.  
Suzanne Gray, Senior Associate, Food Teachers Centre
Further information
This annual challenge is run by the Food Teacher's Centre in conjunction with Tunnock's. It was created by teacher and Food Teacher's Centre Ambassador Deborah Prigg and focuses on teaching presentation skills by using a simple Teacake as a prop. 
And you can gain access to the dedicated competition group here:
Free Healthy Chinese Cuisine Teacher Training Workshop
Coming to LONDON on Saturday 2nd September

Get social - follow us!
Did you know that the Food Teachers Centre is also on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn? If you’re on one or more of these why not #followus?

We are always looking to promote the very best food education work – and you can support that! Click the links and follow us today – and help ensure that fantastic food education work is seen by even more people.

See you online soon!
Best wishes,
Food Teachers Centre team

Volunteer Associates and Ambassadors throughout the UK with a passion for 'Better Food Teaching'.
The Food Teachers Centre is a place of: 
  • creative and innovative ideas and action
  • practical solutions
  • learning and sharing
If your organisation or company would like to work with us - please do get in touch via our website or facebook page/facebook group.
For more information Visit our Website
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