* Newsletter May 2023
* Fatty Acids
* Latest news
Newsletter May 2023
Dear reader,
There is a lot of discussion about the benefits of fatty acids and experts often change their opinions on fats. Recently I read an article, written by Anni Dahms, health specialist, about fatty acids and I would like to share some information with you.
If you have any questions after reading this article you can contact us.
Kind regards,
Bernadette Veeger
There are a lot of different fats: omega 3,6,7 and 9. The number refers to the last double bond in the molecule and this bond affects the absorption and the effect in our body. Also saturated fats like butter and coconut oil have their positive effects, while they have been said to be unhealthy for many years.
If you want to maintain good health, have good energy, avoid wrinkles as much as possible in a natural way, support your brain, which is 60% fat, it is essential that you ensure that you get enough good fats.
Healthy fats are necessary for a good immune system. Fat helps to transport the fat-soluble vitamins A-D-K-E around the body Each of our trillions of cells is surrounded by a membrane consisting of fat and cannot function satisfactorily without good quality fat.
Essential fatty acids refer to fats that are vital to us and we cannot produce them in our bodies but must have them supplied from outside. Omega-3 and 6 are examples of these.
A lack of essential fatty acids can contribute to a range of disorders such as cardiovascular diseases, skin problems, poor wound healing, arthritis and mental imbalance.
From birth, we are accustomed to fats. Breast milk contains a large amount of cholesterol, and more than 50% of the calories in breast milk comes from the fat in the milk. So we have received plenty of fat with breast milk. It is essential that children who are growing receive sufficient good fats, both with regard to the development of their brains but also for their growth and psyche in general. If you have children, you should be aware that they need more fats than adults, provided that they are of good quality.
There are 3 different types of fats:
Comes mainly from meat, coconut oil, dairy products, etc. Saturated fats are solid at cool temperatures. They are quite heat-stable and can tolerate higher temperatures than other fats. It is mainly the saturated fats that transport our fat-soluble vitamins A-D-K-E around the body where they are needed, and they are also necessary for the absorption of calcium and its entry into our bones. Saturated fat is found in butter, whipped cream, fatty cheeses, and the fat on steak. Coconut oil and palm oil are also saturated fats. Butter and coconut oil are the oils that best tolerate heating. So if you’re frying your food, use these oils. Saturated fat has been the most vilified fat for many years and has been considered to contribute to heart disease. Recently, saturated fat has made a comeback and become more popular again. For all oils, the quality of the fats must be of the highest standard and organic.
Is more stable to heat, light, and oxygen. We know olive oil as a monounsaturated fatty acid, and it is therefore not as fragile as those with high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids. You can safely heat olive oil for cooking. Olive oil has a balancing effect on cholesterol. Other monounsaturated fats include rapeseed oil, sesame oil, peanut oil, egg yolk, cashew nuts and macadamia nuts.
Includes the essential fatty acids Omega-3 and 6, which are considered a very important part of the fat group. They play a crucial role in building and function of cells. They are fragile to heat, light, and air and should never be heated. They can be used for dressing or poured over vegetables.
Omega 3
Is mainly found in fatty fish, where those who do not eat fish or those who do not eat a lot of fish prefer to get it in capsule form. Vegans can have Omega-3 oil extracted from the algae Schizochytrium sp. from seaweed. It is well known that a lack of Omega-3 can increase the risk of heart disease. Omega-3 helps to prevent stroke, atherosclerosis, blood clots and inhibit cancer cells. Omega-3 generally has a calming effect. Research on Omega-3 is ongoing, and studies on Alzheimer’s, ADHD, among others, have been positive. Flaxseed oil, walnut oil, hempseed oil, seaweed, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds are also good sources of Omega-3 oil.
There is a lot of discussion about omega 6, and it remains unclear whether a high intake of omega-6 fatty acids has any effects on the risk of chronic lifestyle diseases. Omega-6 contains the fatty acid GLA. Some specialists say it should be good for people with low immunity, skin problems, sadness, and low energy. Note that if you have asthma, GLA can overstimulate. You can also find Omega-6 in nuts, almonds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, rapeseed oil, and soybean oil.
Is mainly obtained from sea buckthorn. It is fantastic for our mucous membranes. So if you have dry mucous membranes, it is recommended that you take a supplement of Omega-7. Omega-7 is also anti-inflammatory and is considered good for keeping the pancreas healthy, and thus also has a good effect on type 2 diabetes. Other foods containing Omega-7 include macadamia nuts and sesame seeds.
Can lower total cholesterol levels, promote the body’s development of antioxidants, and help reduce the development of heart disease. You can get Omega-9 from olive and rapeseed oil, avocado, sunflower oil, walnuts, and almonds.
Is a type of fat found in all of our cells. It consists of both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, as well as copper, magnesium, choline, inositol, and calcium. Lecithin has a calming effect and is essential for the brain and nervous system. It also helps prevent kidney and gallstone formation. Lecithin is found in egg yolk, olives, grains, seeds, and soybeans.
Trans Fatty Acids
Many people get almost half of their calories from the wrong kind of fats, who breaks down instead of building up the body like cheap oils, and margarine. Trans fatty acids are unhealthy and contribute to people developing blood clots in the heart and other cardiovascular diseases. Trans fatty acids are vegetable fats that have undergone many chemical processes to give the food  a longer shelf life.

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  • Our specialists will be available for appointments on the following dates:
    • Dr. Pedro Chinchurreta, cardiologist: Thursday 08/06 and 13/07.
    • Dr. Vicente Aneri Más, dermatologist: Friday 09/06 and Wednesday 28/06.
    • Dr. Victor Aguilar, gastroenterologist: Thursday 22/06.
    • Janet van Dam, Thermal Imaging Therapist: from 29/06 until 11/07.
  • You are all invited to celebrate with us the 15th anniversary of our clinic! This will be on Thursday the 8th of June from 12:30-14:00.
  • For more information or to make an appointment you can contact us on 952 532 065 or
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