* Newsletter May 2022
* Spiroergometry or cardiopulmonary excercise testing
* Latest news
Newsletter May 2022
Dear reader,
Whilst talking to the cardiologist last week about prevention of cardiovascular problems he mentioned he had just started with ergo spirometry testing. The hospital he works at in Torremolinos is the first in Málaga with this equipment. It is a new test where the spirometry is combined with the ergometry. It measures the condition and oxygen consummation of the heart and the lungs at the same time. A few professional sport centres already perform this test.
In this newsletter I will explain why it is such a good test.
Kind regards,
Bernadette Veeger
Spiroergometry or Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing
How does it work?
The person tested will be walking on a treadmill with electrodes on the back and chest and a mask over mouth and nose to measure the oxygen and CO2 levels during inhalation and exhalation. It will start at a slow pace and gradually the person will walk faster until the maximum speed possible. The whole test will take 20-30 minutes. This will provide the actual condition of the heart, lungs as well as the metabolic and the muscle situation.
What kind of information is this test providing?
The respiratory gas analysis is combined with ECG monitoring and will give information about the following:
1. detailed information about the clinical situation of the person and his/her functional capacity of heart and lungs
2. the cause of dyspnea and tiredness
3. diagnosis of respiratory, cardiac, muscular or metabolic pathologies which can´t be determined when not engaged in an activity
4. is the treatment of multiple pathology correct or need adjusting
5. risks of high intensity sport training; using parameters such as the maximum oxygen intake at a maximum heart rate and respiratory thresholds which precisely show an athlete’s performance
6. determines individual energy consumption and gives advice for a fitness program
7. finds out how much carbohydrates, fat and proteins the body consumes in order to advise about exercise programs for people who want to lose weight
The test itself costs €250,-
Call us if you would like to have this test done or if you require more information.
Latest news
  • Our specialists will be available for appointments on the following dates:
    • Dr. Pedro Chinchurreta, cardiologist: Thursday 16/06.
    • Dr. Manio Maravic, neurologist: Wednesday 08 and 29/06.
    • Dr. Vicente Aneri Más, dermatologist: Wednesday 15/06 and Friday 01 and 29/07.
    • Dr. Victor Aguilar, gastroenterologist: Thursday 23/06.
    • Janet van Dam, Thermal Imaging Therapist: from 23/06 until 29/06.
  • For more information or to make an appointment you can contact us on 952 532 065 or
Centro Mar Y Salud, paseo marítimo 4, El Morche,