Dental Embezzlement News
Issue #22 -- April 2014
Did you miss a previous newsletter?  We archive them here.
We Love to Talk!
Here are some of the places you can hear us speak in the next few months:
Apr 23 Study Club of Dr. Ray Maxwell, Seattle WA
Apr 25 Star of the North Meeting, St. Paul MN
May 8 Denver Profitable Dentists Study Club
Jun 3 Henry Schein, London ON
Sep 19 Santa Monica Oral and Maxillofacial Study Club, Santa Monica CA
Sep 21 New Jersey Health Professionals Development Institute, River Edge NJ
Oct 5 Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists, Anaheim CA
Oct 11 Southern Association of Orthodontists, Nassau Bahamas
Nov 15 Dalhousie University, Halifax NS

To book a great speaker for your meeting or study club, please send an email here  or call us at 888-398-2327.
Prosperident's Mission
 “We eliminate uncertainty for dentists with embezzlement concerns and maximize financial and emotional recovery for victims.”

Prosperident in the Media
Orthodontists -- are you going to New Orleans?

David Harris and Wendy Askins will be at the AAO and welcome the chance to meet with orthodontists who have embezzlement concerns, and of course to connect with current and former clients.  Send us an email here if you would like to meet.
Introductory Offer
We frequently get asked for our recommendations about the "best practices" in a dental office to control embezzlement.  While we have provided this information to clients for some time, but haven't made it publicly available until now.
For the month of April only, the questionnaire will be available for $89, which is one third off the retail price of $129 (just be sure to use the discount code below). 

To order yours, you can visit our e-store here.  Use offer code APRILSHOWERS to get the saving. 
This document is free to current and former Prosperident investigation clients, who can obtain it by contacting us here.
A Note From Our CEO:
The Mind of the Embezzler
I've often said that our embezzlers fall neatly into two categories, which I labeled the "Needy" and the "Greedy".  The Needy are exactly what you expect; some life event has made their finances unworkable, and they are stealing to preserve the basics of life.  Some of the events that might prompt this include an addiction, a spouse losing his or her job, or a divorce.  Stealing is done because the thief feels that they have exhausted their other options.
The Greedy are a bit different (and fascinating -- I keep threatening to write a book about them -- perhaps this column is the start :-).  These people steal to scratch an emotional itch, not a financial one.  We are completing an investigation now where the thief won a seven-figure lottery prize, and after winning the money-- get this -- kept stealing.  These thieves get some kind of "endorphin rush" when they steal and it becomes addictive.
The Greedy thieves I have met are smart people and in many cases are close to being the intellectual peers of the dentists they work for.  I think that at some level they resentfully compare your wealth and status to their own, and decide to address the inequity that they perceive.
In contrast to the Needy, Greedy thieves tend to flaunt their "winnings".  We have seen everything from top-end BMWs to boats to membership in the "Shoe of the Month Club" bought with YOUR money. 
The good news is that our extremely popular Embezzlement Risk Assessment Questionnaire is excellent at ferretting out these thieves.  The Questionnaire provides a systematic way of capturing and evaluating the behaviors that are characteristic of embezzlement.
We are in the process of improving how we deliver this product to include automatic reminders to complete a new questionnaire (our recommendation is that a Questionnaire be completed every three months), online scoring, and notification when we make an update to the Questionnaire, which we do periodically based on what we are seeing in the field. Stay tuned for more information on our enhanced system, which we hope to have available next month.
We will continue to offer the Questionnaire at no charge until the end of this month.  You can get it by clicking here and using the code APRILISFREE.  Taking 15 minutes to complete this questionnaire is absolutely the best time you can invest in controlling embezzlement. 
Thanks, as always, for reading.

David Harris, MBA CMA CFE
Chief Executive Officer
Prosperident -- The world's largest dental investigation embezzlement firm