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Ukraine tops EPP Political Assembly agenda      
Brussels, 7 February 2022     
The members of the European People’s Party (EPP) Political Assembly (PA) met via videoconference on 7 February for an update on political developments across the member states and to discuss the ongoing situation in Ukraine, focusing on the EU’s response to the conflict. European Parliament President Roberta Metsola addressed the delegates of the PA for the first time in her new capacity.  
In a debate on the Ukraine crisis, party delegates once again restated unequivocal support and solidarity for Ukraine in the face of Russian provocation and the worrying build-up of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border. EPP will continue to monitor the situation closely.   
The PA adopted a paper on digital policy, stressing its role in protecting our institutions, supporting our businesses, but also in addressing all European citizens’ priorities, such as employment, security, and privacy. The EPP stands for an inclusive digital policy.     
Members also adopted a resolution on Belarus reiterating their support for the Belarusian people fighting for democracy in their country and appealing for the cessation of repressions and violence against them. The paper also calls for the release of political prisoners, expressing concerns for the health of Mikalai Kazlou (Chairman of EPP member party UCP) and Pavel Seviarynets (Chairman of EPP member party BCD), who have been unlawfully imprisoned.      
The Political Assembly acknowledged the merger of Slovak EPP parties, Most-Hid and SMK MKP into Aliancia/Szövetség.    

EPP Position Paper, “Shaping Policies for Europe’s Digital Decade” (link)   
EPP Resolution, "EPP family supports political prisoners in Belarus” (link)