Media Release
Monday June 10th 2024
What: New poll shows strong opposition to public funding of religious schools that discriminate, as well as not allowing discrimination against LGBTIQA+ people in faith-based services and teachers in faith-based schools
Who: YouGov/Galaxy poll commissioned by Just.Equal Australia
Key stats: 
59% of voters are against funding for schools that discriminate, including 71% of Labor voters
64% of Labor voters want teachers protected, only 35% of voters don’t
65% of voters oppose discrimination by faith-based services including 76% of Labor voters
New polling by YouGov/Galaxy (see attached) has found strong opposition across Australia to public funding of faith-based schools and services if they discriminate against LGBTIQA+ staff, students, volunteers, patients and clients.
Faith-based services can include hospitals, age care facilities, disability support services, charities and employment services.    
The national poll also shows Australians support discrimination protections for LGBTIQA+ teachers in faith-based schools and a legal prohibition on discrimination by faith-based services. 
Brian Greig, spokesperson for Just Equal Australia, which commissioned the poll, said Australians were very clear about where they drew the line on so-called “religious freedom”.
“These poll results confirm that a majority of Australians, and a strong majority of Labor voters, don’t support taxpayer funded discrimination and are saying to church groups ‘discriminate at your own expense and not on the public purse’."   
“These poll results should give added impetus to protect LGBTIQA+ school staff and students from discrimination, as well as tens of thousands of LGBTIQA+ staff, patients and clients of faith-based services, many of whom are already extremely vulnerable.”
“If Labor wants to stop voters who care about discrimination defecting to the Greens or independents at the next election, it must take action to repeal laws that allow discrimination against LGBTIQA+ people in faith-based organisations.”
“With the election less than a year away, Labor is running out of time to fulfil the promise it made to Labor voters that it will end discrimination in faith-based schools.” 
Mr Greig said the Albanese Government has been dragging its feet on its commitment to end discrimination against LGBTIQA+ people in faith-based schools by seeking support from the Opposition instead of the Greens and crossbench. 
Labor has so-far failed to address LGBTIQA+ discrimination in faith-based services and excluded them from the recent inquiry by the Australian Law Reform Commission which looked only at schools. 
The YouGov poll found almost 60 per cent of voters believe that any religious organisation which discriminates on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity should not be entitled to public funding. 
The poll also found that a majority of voters oppose any law allowing discrimination against LGBTIQA+ teachers in faith-based schools, including 64 per cent of Labor voters, with only 35 per cent of all voters supporting such a law. 
Meanwhile, 65 per cent of voters oppose LGBTIQA+ discrimination in faith-based services, including a strong majority of Labor voters and a majority of voters across all age groups. 
Mr Greig went on to say,
“These results have implications for the federal government’s proposed Religious Discrimination Bill.” 
“While voters may support an end to discrimination on the basis of religion, they do not want to see discrimination being carried out in the name of religion, and certainly don’t want to fund it.” 
“The Albanese Government needs to point out to recalcitrant religious leaders that Victoria, Queensland, Tasmania, the ACT and Northern Territory already ban discrimination in faith-based schools and services and the sky hasn’t fallen in.”
For a news report, click here:
For a copy of this statement on the web, click here
Data from ther YouGov poll is attached. 
Contact: Brian Greig (WA) 040 777 6961 or Rodney Croome (Tas) 0409 010 668