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Dear Supporter,
In this E-Newsletter
Great News! National Horse Traceability Register to become a reality
QLD Biosecurity, QRIC and the racing industry fails starved Toowoomba horses
Inquiry reveals damning evidence against racing industry and government bodies
QLD government passes laws aimed at punishing the messenger
So called ‘Independent’ National horse welfare regime funded and chaired by industry participants
and more!
Thanks to the hard work of many activists and caring individuals, the National Horse Traceability Register is set to become a reality. Last year, Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqui set up a Senate Inquiry that recommended a register be established to protect not only racehorses, but all horses. While CPR’s focus is horseracing, we know that a win for thoroughbreds is a win for all horses.
CPR were actively involved in this process, making a submission and attending parliament to give evidence to the committee. You can read CPR’s submission here.
There’s no doubt that the 7.30 story, “The Final Race” (watch here) played a huge role by exposing the mistreatment of racehorses. Its timely release which aired while the inquiry was being held, placed even more impetus on the need for a national register. The Traceability Register means that every racehorse will be traceable at any time meaning that every owner will be made accountable. Every horse’s history will be available to new owners and proper records will be kept of the history of every horse from birth to death. This means that we will now have accurate data about the numbers sent to slaughter and the racing industry will have nowhere to hide. Read more here.

Our investigators along with Animal Liberation Queensland were able to confirm at least six of the thirty+ horses ( read about them here) left to starve to death at a property near Toowoomba were racehorses – one confirmed as bred by Gerry Harvey of the Harvey Norman empire. Her name was Derrycarna – more on her tragic story here.
Huge public pressure on Biosecurity QLD was not enough to have the eight remaining living but emaciated horses removed from the hands of Terry Oberle, who ABC revealed has a long history of animal cruelty. One of the surviving is Flagflamenco, 11 year old mare bred by Lyndhurst Stud QLD. The QLD Racing Intergrity Commission claimed there was nothing they could do even though she is still listed as 'Active' by Racing Australia. After months of countless offers from caring sanctuaries to take care of them, on February 15 we revealed Mr Oberle was allowed to move the eight remaining emaciated individuals to two new properties - one of them at least an eight-hour drive north to Central Queensland, in an open old cattle truck ( view here).
The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) threatened our investigators with arrest for simply observing and documenting the situation. It is still unclear as to whether Mr Oberle will be charged and face responsibility for allowing thirty+ horses to die on his property. Though not all of these horses were racehorses, many were which further demonstrates the throw away culture of the horse racing industry.
Sadly, more malnourished racehorses have since been discovered at a nearby property. They have been reported to authorities. We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed.
Take a stand for horses used and abused by the racing industry now! Take the pledge to never bet on or attend a horse race again here.
For the backstory on the Toowoomba horses click here and scroll our feed here.
“The Final Race brutally educated the public that, on a large scale, retired racing horses are being treated as disposable commodities.” Terry Martin SC
This is just one of the many damning comments to come from the 'Inquiry into animal cruelty in the management of retired thoroughbred and standardbred horses in Queensland'.
When reading the report, it is difficult to see how it can be recommended that the racing industry continue at all.
The 94-page document unsurprisingly reveals critical evidence of an industry and government at both the state and national level that is failing both horses used by the racing industry and animal welfare in general miserably.
The inquiry made 55 recommendations, all of which have been accepted by the QLD state government in full, in part, or in principal.
 For a quick summary of the report, we have highlighted what we believe to be the most important findings and recommendations and added comments where necessary. Read here.
We do not feel all of the recommendations go far enough, however it’s a huge step forward, which if adopted as they say, will result in better outcomes for many racehorses.
 Just days before the QLD government publicly announced they will adopt all 55 recommendations from the Martin Inquiry in full, in part or in principal, they also passed new laws to harshly penalise those who are most often responsible for such horrific animal abuses coming to light in the first place.
The Queensland Parliament passed the Agriculture and Other Legislation Amendment Bill, increasing fines and jail time for activists seeking to expose animal cruelty. The Minister ignored advice from the Queensland Law Society, the Queensland Human Rights Commission, as well as Animal Liberation Qld, Farm Animal Rescue, Animal Justice Party Queensland, and Animal Defenders Office. The new laws now in effect include an increase of maximum penalty from $2,669 to $66,725 and 1 year in jail for breaching biosecurity, expanding unlawful assembly offences, and new offences for unlawful entry to just about any land where animals are kept. These increases in penalties specific to animal abuse enterprises (otherwise known as ag-gag) have one goal only – to silence whistle blowers who expose the abuse that is inherent to slaughterhouses and animal rearing facilities. More on this from our friends at ALQ here.
On February 8, it was announced that various horse racing industry bodies had established what they call an 'Independent Working Group' (IWG) to develop a national horse welfare regime.
Chairing the panel is former Victorian Premiere and former Minister for Racing Denis Napthine who not only propped up cruel jumps racing with tax payer dollars but who was also referred to Victoria's corruption commission in 2014 when it was revealed he granted $1.5 million to Warrnambool meat tycoon Colin McKenna for expansion of his meatworks Midfield Meats, whom Napthine shared ownership of a racehorse. More here.
Also on the panel is Dr Bidda Jones, Chief Science and Strategy Officer for RSPCA Australia, an organisation funded in part by the Australian government, Dr Ken Jacobs, a director of the Australian Veterinary Association with 40 years in equine veterinary services, and Jake Lake, a previous advisor for agriculture who has "enjoyed success as a part-owner of horses such as VRC Derby winner Preferment."
CPR has requested there be several independent panelists added, highlighting the importance that at least one person have the best interests of the horses as their priority without compromise. Without such a presence, this so-called "independent" working group appears to be nothing more than a public relations exercise at a time when the racing industry's treatment of horses is of increasing public concern. Unfortunately, our request has so far been denied.
The below image is of the companies who will be funding the "independent" inquiry conducted by the panel.🤔
Speaking of cruel jumps racing, the Victoria jumps season has kicked off with trials in Cranbourne last Friday and South Australia is not far away. Horses will again be forced to jump obstacles at high speeds with a jockey beating them with a whip on their backs. Many will fall and many will be killed.
As always, we will be at as many jumps race meets as possible. If you can help please email us at or complete our volunteer form here.
Many thanks to all our supporters who have generously donated over the years so that we can keep doing the important work of defending racehorses.
If you would like to assist us by either becoming a volunteer or making a donation, it would be much appreciated.
Speak up, always!
Image : Dayaal
CPR relies 100% on donations to fund our investigations and campaigns. Without the generosity of our supporters we would not exist.
Thank you to all of our supporters who have donated recently. It is much appreciated and allows us to continue working toward justice for horses.
PO Box 163 South Melbourne, 3205 VIC