* Newsletter June 2022
* Actinic Keratosis
* Latest news
Newsletter June 2022
Dear reader,
Summer has arrived. 

The sun causes damage to the skin called photoaging. The most frequent skin disease the dermatologist is seeing in our clinic is actinic keratosis. It happens when ultraviolet (UV) light hits skin unprotected by sunscreen, causing DNA changes at a cellular level.

In this newsletter we explain you what damage it gives and how to prevent it.
Kind regards,
Bernadette Veeger
Actinic keratosis (AK) or solar keratoses are scaly, crusty growths (lesions) caused by damage from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays.
You’ll often see the plural, “keratoses,” because they seldom come as one.
They typically appear on sun-exposed areas such as the face, bald scalp, lips, and the back of the hands, and are often elevated, rough in texture, and resemble warts. Most often, actinic keratoses develop slowly and reach a size from an eighth to a quarter of an inch. Early on, they may disappear only to reappear later. Most become red, but some will be light or dark tan, pink, red, a combination of these, or the same color as your skin. Occasionally they itch or produce a pricking or tender sensation. They can also become inflamed and surrounded by redness. In rare instances, actinic keratoses can even bleed. If left untreated, up to ten percent of AKs develop into squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), the second most common form of skin cancer. In rarer instances, AKs may also turn into basal cell carcinomas, the most common form of skin cancer.

In the beginning, actinic keratoses are often very small and only recognized by touch rather than sight. It feels as if you are running a finger over sandpaper. Patients may have many more invisible (subclinical) lesions than those appearing on the surface.

If you have actinic keratoses, it indicates that you have sustained sun damage which could develop in any kind of skin cancer – not just squamous cell carcinoma.

Although the vast majority of actinic keratoses remain benign, some studies report that up to ten percent may advance to squamous cell carcinoma. This percentage does not sound very large, but it has a large impact. When it comes to squamous cell carcinomas, 40-60 percent begin as untreated actinic keratoses and may advance to invade the surrounding tissues. About 2 to 10 percent of these squamous cell carcinomas spread to the internal organs and are life-threatening.

The more keratoses you have, the greater the chance that one or more may turn into skin cancer. In fact, some scientists interpret actinic keratosis as the earliest form of squamous cell carcinoma.

Examine your skin regularly for lesions. But it’s not always that simple: Many actinic keratoses have quite a different appearance, so if you find any unusual or changing growth, be suspicious and see your doctor promptly.

Treatments for actinic keratoses include:
  • freezing the patches (cryotherapy), this makes the patches turn into blisters and fall off after a few weeks.
  • surgery to cut out or scrape away the patches – you will be given a local anaesthetic first, so it does not hurt.
  • prescription creams and gels.
Latest news
  • Our specialists will be available for appointments on the following dates:
    • Dr. Pedro Chinchurreta, cardiologist: Thursday 21/06.
    • Dr. Manio Maravic, neurologist: Wednesday 29/06.
    • Dr. Vicente Aneri Más, dermatologist: Friday 01 and 29/07.
    • Dr. Victor Aguilar, gastroenterologist: Thursday 23/06 and 14/07.
    • Janet van Dam, Thermal Imaging Therapist: from 22/06 untill 29/06.
  • For more information or to make an appointment you can contact us on 952 532 065 or
Centro Mar Y Salud, paseo marítimo 4, El Morche,