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Newsletter Headline Here...
Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses
Dear Supporter,

For our first newsletter for 2018, we are right back in full swing.

As we push on, we are without a doubt seeing a shift in public opinion which is in-turn forcing the industry to act. The new welfare rules set by Racing NSW (summarised below) are a clear indication of this. 

We continue to hit racetracks around the country to rally for the horses and you're invited!

Then later..... will the recent study published in 'The Conversation', highlighting the fact that the majority of Australians are opposed to the use of whips in racing, finally be the end for this very public display of animal beating?

So, first up...

Some good news for horses!                                  

New welfare rules LR114 were implemented by Racing NSW late last year. The new rules, in short, are what CPR have been asking for, for several years. Here’s a quick summary.
As of 1 October 2017:
-no racehorses are to be sent directly or indirectly to a slaughterhouse or knackery
-minimum standards for keeping horses used by the racing industry must be maintained
-contact details of new guardians and locations of horses are to be provided to RNSW
-there must be access to where horses are kept to ensure minimum standards are met
-no horses are to be euthanised unless certified by a registered vet on welfare or safety grounds
To view the full list of LR114 email us at 
Whilst we welcome such rules being put in place and acknowledge they go a long way compared to the single (unenforced) 'request' by Racing Australia for every trainer or guardian to simply complete a retirement form (AR64J) for every horse exiting the industry, many questions need to be asked such as:
1.       Will reports on retired horses be made publicly available?
2.       How long after retirement does RNSW intend to monitor the welfare of retired horses?
3.       How will RNSW monitor horses whose guardians have not filled out the retirement form?
4.       How will RNSW ensure that minimum standards are met?
5.       What penalties will apply to guardians and trainers who are found guilty for failing to comply with the rules?
6.       What action will RNSW take if racehorses are found at a knackery or slaughterhouse?
7.       What will RNSW do in a situation where a permanent home cannot be found for a retired racehorse?
These are all questions we will be asking and we will push for positive answers. We will also be lobbying Racing Australia to implement these rules nationally to protect all racehorses from being sent to slaughter and will, of course, hold all states to account now and into the future.

How you can help!
Write to Racing Australia CEO Barry O’Farrell here if you’d like to put your support behind this initiative. Demand that all racehorses deserve to be rehabilitated and rehomed instead of getting a bullet to the head.
If you’re in Sydney on the 7 or 14th April, join us as at the Championships rally at Randwick Racecourse to drive home the message that “a horse is for life, not just for racing.” Details below in the upcoming events.

Waiting in line to be killed - Laverton

Rally with US for THEM                                           

Let's make 2018 a powerful year for horses! We must push harder than ever before to ensure that these changes are not just spin and see them adopted nationwide.

Mornington Cup Vic

Join us, as we join the people of The Peninsula and surrounds to make our debut at the Mornington Cup
When: Saturday 24 March - 10:30am (time subject to change)
Where: Mornington Racecourse - 320 Racecourse Road, Mornington
What to bring: Your family and friends, refreshments, snacks, and sunscreen if desired. Banners and signs will be provided.
and keep up to date here or email  

Oakbank Easter Carnival SA - Day 1
The South Australian Carnival of Cruelty returns and so do we. A two-day event where horses are forced to negotiate obstacles at high speeds, making jumps racing statistically 20 times more dangerous than flat racing. Promoted as 'thrilling', the hurdle and steeplechase is terrifying and cruel for its victims and must be banned. Join us as we educate race attendees on the cruelty of jumps racing and demand the South Australian government follow NSW lead and ban jumps racing.
When: Saturday 31 March- 10am
Where: Oakbank Racecourse - Shilabeer Road entrance
What to bring: Your family and friends, refreshments, snacks, and sunscreen if desired. Banners and signs will be provided.
RSVP and keep up to date here or email  
Wheeler Fortune - killed at Oakbank 2017
Oakbank Easter Carnival SA - Day 2
When: Monday 2 April - 10am
Where: Oakbank Racecourse - Shilabeer Road entrance
What to bring: Your family and friends, refreshments, snacks, and sunscreen if desired. Banners and signs will be provided.
RSVP and keep up to date here or email  

Jooli Lad - down at Oakbank 2014 

The Championships NSW
Join us as we take our message to Sydney's so-called 'jewel in the crown' - Royal Randwick.
When: Saturday 7 & 14 April
Where: Royal Randwick Main entrance - corner Alison & Darley Road, Randwick, NSW
What to bring: Your family and friends, refreshments, snacks, and sunscreen if desired. Banners and signs will be provided. 
RSVP and keep up to date here or email  

Warrnambool May Racing Carnival Vic - Day 3
Home to one of the most grueling jumps races in the world, with more obstacles than anywhere else, Warrnambool is where it's at for the true heart of Australian jumps cruelty. What these horses are forced to endure and risk is shocking. A strong presence is essential for us to make our message clear. The 'Bool jumps cruelty must come to an end. 
When: Thursday 3 May
Where: Warrnambool Racecourse Main Entrance Grafton Road 
What to bring: Your family and friends, refreshments, snacks, and sunscreen if desired. Banners and signs will be provided. 
Mark this one in the calendar. Further details will be r
eleased closer to the date.

Poll says most people support a ban on whips    

The study carried out by Prof. Paul McGreevy & Anne Fawcett, both of Sydney University overwhelmingly supports the assertion that the use of whips on racehorses is not acceptable to the majority of people. Less than 10% of the people who were polled said they wouldn't follow horseracing if whips were banned. 

CPR is working behind the scenes to negotiate the introduction of whip free races on a trial basis to demonstrate that whips are simply not required and are a blatant act of cruelty. Click here to view the report and check out the article in The Conversation.

Join the team at CPR                                             

Looking for a way to contribute in 2018 in a more meaningful way?
Want to do something great for the horses used and abused by the racing industry?

CPR is seeking a passionate and self-motivated individual to drive much-needed funds to our important campaigns. More details can be found here or email 

If you'd like to volunteer for CPR in another capacity fill out our volunteer registration form here. We'd love to have you on board.
CPR relies 100% on donations to fund our investigations and campaigns. We'd really appreciate any kind of financial support, even if it's a dollar or two.
PO Box 163 South Melbourne, 3205 VIC 
03 9016 3277 (3-CPR) | |