News for ICC&CS                      December 6, 2024 
Director:  Gerald Wolfe
Visit the ACI website:
Contact the ICC&CS Steering Committee:
Please email all newsletter related items to:

From the Director
HOMEWORK FOR 12/11:  pp. 43-end

December 18 Rehearsal
St. Paul's will be otherwise occupied that evening, so we will rehearse at Kendal at Ithaca, 2230 North Triphammer Road (usual time).  
NB:  not this *coming* week, but the one after!

Newsletter Items?
If you would like to include a brief item in the ICC&CS e-newsletter, send text ready to copy and paste by Thursdays at 6pm to Notices should be related to the chorus or the local music community.
Affiliated Choruses of Ithaca
P.O. Box 622
Ithaca, NY  14851