Urban Traveler Crossbody Bag Pattern by Sew Cute and Quirky.

Wanderer Wallet Pattern by Sew Cute and Quirky.

Screen Play Bag Pattern by Nancy Ota.

Tote It Screen Play VI Pattern by Nancy Ota.

Zip It Screen Play II Pattern by Nancy Ota.

Free Soul Bag Pattern by Sallie Tomato. $7.99, 20% OFF!

Zelda Flapper Purse Pattern by Sallie Tomato. $7.99, 20% OFF!
New FREE Pattern:

Favorite Tote Tutorial by MoreLikeHome.net.
Coming soon in 2022: ePursePatterns.com website will be upgraded to mobile friendly!
For handbags, backpacks & wallets, check out Henrietta's Handbags!

Native Felines Backpack by Laurel Burch, $30.99.

Quilted Purse with Birds On Sale: $14.99, 31% OFF!
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