Dear Neighbors,
It was special to see so many at the City of Hoboken’s 123rd Annual Memorial Day Parade 🇺🇸 and to pay honor to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.
Commemorating Memorial Day
Here’s your update on all things Hoboken.
Making a Difference for Tenants of The Ballpark
As referenced in my last newsletter, Mayor Bhalla and I have been communicating with SR Prime, the management company of The Ballpark (1017 Jefferson St./1020 Adams St.), regarding illegal rent hikes, and significant maintenance issues including a long-inoperable elevator.
Monday morning, Mayor Bhalla and I met at City Hall with SR Prime’s executives to address these concerns. During our meeting, SR Prime committed to renegotiating lease renewals with substantially reduced rent hikes, advised that the building’s inoperable elevator was now back in service, and committed to address a host of specific property maintenance issues.
After our Monday morning meeting, I shared these positive developments with a number of Ballpark tenants who let me know that SR Prime had indeed issued new leases to them that very day. One Ballpark tenant wrote me a note stating, “We just signed our lease at a much more reasonable rate . . . [which] allowed for my family to remain in Hoboken, a city we love. Thank you for taking the time to help us remedy the situation and help solidify stability in our lives as residents of the city.”
I am pleased that my efforts, with Mayor Bhalla’s support, made a difference for The Ballpark’s residents. I plan to stay involved to follow through on these issues. Thanks to SR Prime for working with me and their ongoing commitment to improve the conditions for all the residents at The Ballpark.
Updates to Hoboken’s Popular HOP 🚌 Bus Shuttle Service
As a member of the Council’s Transportation Subcommittee, I am delighted to highlight an exciting new transportation initiative. The City has launched a pilot program for the City's free HOP shuttle service, running from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm on weekdays, until June 30th. The primary objective of the pilot is adding additional service during the morning commute on the Red, Yellow, and Green lines, when many commuters go to the Hoboken terminal, and congestion is heaviest. At the pilot’s end, data will be assessed to consider whether service improvements are required. Remember, you can track HOP shuttles in real-time, just download the Passio Go app through Apple or Google Play stores.
For more information about the HOP shuttle service and the current pilot click here.
1500 Clinton Street Development Updates
The City Council unanimously adopted a significant Redevelopment Agreement with Bijou Properties for 1500 Clinton St. As the Chair of the Community Development Subcommittee and the Councilman who represents this emerging neighborhood, I was able to work hand in hand with the administration to help shape and ultimately adopt this important agreement.
The Agreement features a green circuit with a protected two-way bike path, a retail corridor along 15th Street, a beautiful landscaped lateral park, a 9,450 sq. ft. community flex space — visioned as a future uptown Library Branch that will open onto the lateral park — 38 units of affordable housing, approximately 30,000 square ft. of green roofs and 30,000 gallons of below ground stormwater retention, a community benefit payment of $3.2 million dollars, and more.
This two mixed-use residential building (one 8-story, one 12-story) project closely mirrors the requirements of our North End Redevelopment plan approved by the City Council in 2021 and lays down a marker for a special new 5th Ward neighborhood in blocks previously zoned for industrial use. You can learn more about this project here, watch the recorded community meeting about 1500 Clinton here, and read local news coverage here.
COVID Vaccinations and Vaccination Records
To get current information on Hoboken’s COVID vaccination clinics click here. If you are a Hoboken resident and would like a copy of your vaccination record, please contact Vaccination records also are accessible for New Jersey residents through the Docket app.
Coffee with Cohen … the home edition
On Wednesday, I hosted my 80th (yes, 80th!) Coffee with Cohen community event with special guest Melissa Elstein, Chair of the Board of Stop the Chop NY/NJ.
We discussed the negative impacts of helicopter noise as well as how you can support Stop the Chop’s efforts to regulate non-essential helicopter traffic and better protect our communities. I also addressed important community updates, including the latest on the Northwest Resiliency Park. Over 40 people have watched this event and you can check it out here. This event — and many past Coffee with Cohen events — are recorded and hosted on my Facebook page and you can watch them here.
Staying Up To Date and Seeking My Assistance
I issue this newsletter every other Friday. You can stay up to date by following me on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. If you have any questions, or I can be of assistance to you or your family, please do not hesitate to contact me at
Phil Cohen
Hoboken City Councilman
Hoboken, New Jersey
(862) 234-9053
P.S. You can learn more about me and my ideas for Hoboken (as well as read this newsletter and prior newsletters) on my website