In This Issue:


Well done to the following members who have passed their advanced test / re-test:
  Pierre de Cartaret (M)

A warm welcome to new group members:

  Pawel Janik (M)
  Peter Jones (M)

Diary Dates:
 Mon 7 Sep Tech Talk
 Thu 5 Oct AGM
 Tue 7 Nov Tech Talk
Articles needed

If you have interesting snippets or would like to write a short article for this newsletter then please let us know. 

All contributions welcome.

Wanted: Group Ride Leaders 

We need more volunteer Ride Leaders - No experience required, full training given.


Call Stephen Wilkinson-Carr on 07976 644485 for more details.



July 2023
Chair's Introduction
Have you ever been tapping away at a computer feeling like a technowhizz and then sent an only-partially-completed newsletter to hundreds of subscribers? Mea culpa.

On a brighter note, June was a really busy month with a Technical Talk, BikeSafe, SkillShare, two major recruiting events: Low-speed skills and Prescott Bike Festival.
I'd like to thank the 27 volunteers who helped set up and staff those events.
We couldn't do as much as we're doing without your support and it is really appreciated.

We've also had lots of interest from members in at least three Committee roles with one volunteer agreeing to be our new Treasurer. See article below.

Stay safe all.

New Treasurer - David Blackledge FCMA MCMI MIOD
Great news. We have a volunteer to take over as Treasurer from Geoff Brown who took on the role when no volunteer could be found nearly two years ago.
Geoff has provided much-needed continuity and cover during a busy period as we came out of the lockdown doldrums and breathed life back into the group. It's greatly appreciated.  
David Blackledge is a Fellow Chartered Management Accountant who has had a full career in finance with a track record of extensive Finance Director experience having held 41 C-Suite appointments as founder, director or secretary.

He is a Motorcycle Advanced Tutor, has been involved with both RoSPA and IAM advanced riding and driving groups for many years, is a former Chair of WABAM and current Training Officer with Wilts RoADAR.
David is available and willing to assume the Treasurer role as soon as is practical.

Welcome to the Committee David.

Prescott Bike Festival

Glos RoADAR had a stand at the 2023 Prescott Bike Festival staffed by 10 volunteers who helped market and promote both road safety and the group. Thank you all for your support and hard work during the day.

Many people stopped to chat about RoSPA and road safety in general, and Glos RoADAR in particular. All of them entered our free competition and the winners were:

Stuart Travis wins a 1-year free membership (£30) and up to £150 for Tutor’s costs during training.  

Dirk Hale wins a 1-year free motorcycle membership (£30)

Alison Horner wins a 1-year free motorcycle membership (£30)

Congratulations to all three of you. Hope we see you again soon.
Some photos of the day which was gloriously sunny and 27C:

The Giant Beat The Buzzer challenge was used as a test of motor skill, eyesight, coordination and planning and greatly increased footfall at our stand.
Those who succeeded mostly took around 2½ minutes.
It was much harder than you might think.

It was a huge success and was won by Hayden Fish in just 44 seconds!

He is now the proud owner of two stretch seats worth £60.

Stephen Wilkinson-Carr, Chairman, with Hayden Fish
Prescott Bike Festival (click for details) is back on Sun 23 June 2024.

Hope to see you there.
Caterham Project V
The Caterham Project V Car

This new 2+1 seater sports car from Caterham is powered purely by electricity and could be on sale by 2025 for around £80,000.

Full details from Caterham Cars here

Auto Express article with more pictures here

Nice looking car isn't it?
Gibbs Amphibious Motorbike - The Biski

The Biski Amphibious Motorcycle
Click image for video
Technical details are here 
The manufacturer's website indicates this vehicle is nothing more than a concept and that the Biski will not be sold. Speculations revolved around a $42,000 (£32,325) price range if it ever hit the market.
Intriguing. Wonder what they’ll come up with next?

History of Speeding: Part 2
From History of speeding Part 1 (June newsletter):
“All speed limits for cars and motorcycles were abolished under the Road Traffic Act 1930 because 'the existing speed limit was so universally disobeyed that its maintenance brought the law into contempt'.

Something had to be done.”

Speedometers were made compulsory for new cars in 1937 but what was really needed was a method of measuring speed such as a speed camera.

The idea of the speed camera dates back to the late 19th century: the 1894 science fiction novel ‘A Journey in Other Worlds’, set in the year 2000, includes a description of "instantaneous kodaks [photographs]" used by police to enforce speed limits. 

In 1905, Popular Mechanics reported on a patent for a "Time Recording Camera for Trapping Motorists" that enabled the operator to take time-stamped images of a vehicle moving across the start and endpoints of a measured section of road. The timestamps enabled the speed to be calculated, and the photo enabled identification of the driver.

The answer finally came with the invention of RADAR (RAdio Detection And Ranging).

Invention of Radar

In 1935, Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt (1892-1973), a Scottish physicist, while in England, developed the radar device to locate (is it there?) and range (how far away?) aircraft. His radar invention was patented (British patent) in April 2, 1935.

Radar was secretly developed by several nations before and during World War II (1939-45). However, until November 1940 the word 'radar' did not exist. Lt. Commanders F.R. Furth and S.M. Tucker, the US Navy officers in charge of new technology, devised the acronym 'radar' (radio detection and ranging), as a way to refer to the secret technology in unclassified messages and letters.

The speed gun

The radar speed gun was invented by John L. Barker Sr., and Ben Midlock, who developed radar for the military while working for the Automatic Signal Company in Norwalk, Connecticut during World War II.

Radar works on the principle of bouncing radio waves at the speed of light 186,282.4 miles per second off a reflective object at a specific frequency. If the reflective object is moving, the radio waves return at a different frequency than that at which they were transmitted and this difference is called Doppler Shift, or the Doppler Effect. The radar gun’s computer tabulates the speed based on the difference in transmitted and returned frequency.

When the war ended, Barker experimented with a new, peacetime application for the technology. He would pack the radar equipment in the trunk of his car and play cop on the Merritt Parkway. “He would pull off the road and open the trunk so that the equipment faced traffic,” his son says. At the time, police officers had no precise way to measure a car’s speed other than by using a stopwatch and the Time/Distance/Speed formula; Barker knew that his device could change the rules of the road.

In 1947, the town of Glastonbury, Connecticut, deployed Barker’s machine on Route 2.  “This is the latest scientific method,” a police captain named Ralph Buckley told a reporter in 1949. “It removes the possibility of human error.” And he added, “Any speeder who gets caught will have to argue with a little black box.”

By the late 1970s, every New York City Highway Patrol car carried a radar gun. “Sometimes a citizens’-band operator will spot a radar unit and warn everybody that ‘Smokey’ is taking pictures,” one of the state troopers told The Times in 1977.

Today radar guns have Laser devices, such as a LIDAR speed gun, are capable of producing reliable range and speed measurements in typical urban and suburban traffic environments without the site survey limitation and cameras. This is reliable in city traffic because LIDAR has directionality that produces measurement only from the object it has been aimed at.

Million Franc Speeding Ticket!

In August 2010 a Swedish driver was caught speeding at 290km/h (180mph) and faced a world record fine. His Mercedes SLS AMG – the same make as the safety car at Formula One races – was eventually caught by a new generation speed camera on the A12 between Bern and Lausanne, Switzerland, having evaded a number of radars incapable of clocking speeds above 200km/h.

In Switzerland – perhaps surprising for a country that is normally rich-friendly – speeding fines take into account the make of vehicle, the motorist’s income and the speed. The Swede faced the maximum possible penalty of 300 days of fines at CHF3,600 a day – a total of CHF 1,080,000 (about £951,559). His car was also impounded. Full story here

The Gatsometer

The Dutch company Gatsometer BV, which was founded in 1958 by rally driver Maurice Gatsonides, produced the 'Gatsometer'. Gatsonides wished to better monitor his average speed on a race track and invented the device in order to improve his lap times. The company later started supplying these devices as police speed enforcement tools.

The first speed cameras were introduced in the UK in the 1960s, as a response to the growing number of accidents on the roads. These cameras relied on film technology, and were often hidden in roadside boxes or mounted on poles. They were difficult to spot, and could only capture a limited number of vehicles at a time.

In the 1990s, the introduction of digital technology led to the development of more advanced speed cameras, capable of capturing images of every vehicle that passed by. These cameras used radar technology to measure the speed of each vehicle, allowing them to capture accurate evidence of speeding.

In addition to improving road safety, radar speed cameras have also had an impact on driver behaviour. Many drivers now use GPS devices or smartphone apps to alert them to the presence of speed cameras, and some even modify their vehicles to make them less visible to the cameras. This has led to a cat-and-mouse game between drivers and law enforcement agencies, with each side trying to outsmart the other.

One of the key benefits of radar speed cameras is their ability to improve road safety. Research has shown that the presence of speed cameras can lead to a reduction in the number of accidents and fatalities on the roads. This is because drivers are more likely to obey the speed limit when they know that they are being monitored and the risk of being caught and fined acts as a deterrent.

A study conducted by the London School of Economics found that from 1992 to 2016, traffic enforcement cameras reduced accidents by between 17% and 39%, while reducing fatalities by between 58% and 68%.

Click image for full RoSPA report

Despite the challenges, however, radar speed cameras remain an important tool in the fight against speeding and road accidents. They provide a means for law enforcement agencies to identify and prosecute dangerous drivers, and act as a deterrent to others who might be tempted to break the law.

In recent years, there has been a move towards using average speed cameras rather than traditional fixed cameras. These cameras calculate a driver's average speed over a set distance, rather than just capturing their speed at a single point. This provides a more accurate measure of a driver's speed and is less susceptible to drivers slowing down just before a camera and then speeding up again afterwards.

Overall, the invention and use of radar speed cameras in England has been a significant development in the ongoing efforts to improve road safety. While there are still debates around their effectiveness and fairness, there is no denying that they have had a positive impact on reducing the number of accidents and fatalities on the roads. As technology continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how speed cameras continue to develop and adapt to changing driver behaviour.
Why Advanced Driving / Riding?

What are the benefits? 
These are some of the benefits enjoyed by advanced drivers and riders after training with Gloucestershire Advanced Drivers And Riders:
    Increased safety; keep yourself, your
    passenger(s) and other road users safe
    Reduced risk; using anticipation and
    planning skills
    Increased awareness; being more
    observant and using enhanced handling
    skills to anticipate changes around you
    Increased passenger comfort; with
    good forward planning and anticipation,
    your driving / riding will become
    smoother and more relaxed
    More enjoyment; experience the
    satisfaction of driving / riding from A to B
    more smoothly with more time to react to
    the unexpected
    Greater control; by understanding and
    knowing how to deal with the various
    forces that affect your vehicle
    Increased confidence; learn how to
    anticipate and deal with expected and the
    unexpected road and traffic situations
    Reduced wear and tear; get more out
    of your vehicle by learning advanced
    machine control methods 
    Discounted insurance; many insurance
    companies offer a discount to advanced
    drivers / riders
    Save money on fuel; using defensive
    driving / riding and forward planning
    techniques to achieve greater control and
    better fuel efficiency 
    Enhance your CV; gain a professional
    qualification you can put on your CV
What is advanced driving / riding?
Advanced driving / riding is the ability to control the position and speed of the vehicle safely, systematically and smoothly, using road and traffic conditions to progress unobtrusively with skill and responsibility.  
This skill requires a positive but courteous attitude and a high standard of driving / riding competence based on concentration, effective all-round observation, anticipation, and planning.  This must be co-ordinated with good handling skills.
An advanced driver / rider will always have their vehicle in the right place on the road, at the right time, travelling at the right speed with the correct gear engaged and can always stop safely on their own side of the road in the distance they can see to be clear (DSA, RoADAR, IAM, 1997).
What will you learn?
Our driver / rider training is provided on a one-to-one basis. All our tutors are volunteers and have passed the advanced driving / riding test, hold a current tutor qualification and are registered with RoADAR HQ.
You will learn how to drive / ride:
    Safely – By being safer you give yourself more time to react, to both expected
    and unexpected situations, and improve your own and passenger confidence in
    your ability.
    Systematically – By doing things in a systematic way, one thing at a time,
    you will learn how to ensure your vehicle is in the right place, at the right speed,
    in an appropriate gear and capable of being stopped, on your own side of the road,
    in the distance you can see to be clear.  We use the Police System of Car /
    Motorcycle Control acronym IPSGA (Information, Position, Speed, Gear, Acceleration).
    Smoothly – By learning how to use vehicle controls in a smoother, and more
    controlled, way you and any passenger will feel more comfortable and relaxed.
    At an appropriate Speed – Learn how to drive at the appropriate speed, making
    progress and showing restraint when necessary.
What does it cost?
Training is free for car drivers who use their own vehicle with an assigned Tutor. 
Motorcyclists pay a £15 contribution toward the Tutor’s costs per training session.
It’s important that you to commit time to regular training sessions.
Car and Motorcycle Tests
The RoSPA advanced test is widely regarded as the highest civilian driving / riding standard available. The test is based on the Police Foundation publication 'Roadcraft: The Police Drivers Handbook' or 'Motorcycle Roadcraft: The Police Riders Handbook' and the Highway Code. A thorough understanding of both Roadcraft and the Highway Code will be required to pass the test at a high standard.
Test Standards 
Gold is only awarded to the driver / rider who shows a consistently high standard of driving / riding throughout the test. The driver / rider will demonstrate a confidence in their ability together with a thorough understanding of the principles contained in Roadcraft / Motorcycle Roadcraft and how to apply those principles to situations that occur during the test.
Silver is awarded to candidates who display a skill level well above the average. They will show a thorough understanding of the principles contained in Roadcraft / Motorcycle Roadcraft and how to apply those principles to situations that occur during the test. The driver / rider will make safe systematic progress however not demonstrating the consistency, final polish and smoothness of the Gold grade candidate.
A Bronze grade will be awarded to those candidates who show that they have an understanding of, and the ability to apply, the principles of advanced driving / riding demonstrating a good level of observations and anticipation, but not doing so consistently throughout the test. They will however drive / ride in a safe and legal manner, to a standard that is significantly above that required to pass the appropriate DVSA test.

Did You Know?
Everybody knows what a smile button is. The simple disks with dot eyes and a curved line mouth popping up on everything from suit lapels to sweat shirts and women’s underwear as well as on an enormous range of other merchandise.
It all began in December 1963, in Worcester, Massachusetts, when Joy Young, an employee of Worcester Guarantee Insurance, decided her company needed a morale boosting campaign to start the new year. This would include posters, desk cards and buttons. She called on Harvey Ball, a local 48-year-old commercial artist to design the material.
Harvey finished the design, a registered trademark of the Harvey Ball World Smile Federation, in less than 10 minutes and was paid $45 for his work. His original image is easy to spot as it has one eye bigger than the other and an uneven smile.
Smile artist Harvey Ball, the man whose smile is now more famous than that of the Mona Lisa, would have turned 102 on Monday 10 July 2023.

Who knew?
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The Committee

Chair - Stephen Wilkinson-Carr

Secretary - Rebekah Yarranton

Treasurer - Geoff Brown

Membership Secretary - Rebekah Yarranton (Interim)

Motorcycle Coordinator - Paul Smith

WebMaster - Phil Wesley

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Membership Secretary: Duncan Keen
Secretary: Rebekah Yarranton