Mo Sheasamh Ort Lá Na Choise Tinne

In a soft and kind declaration of trust, a beautiful Irish phrase voices, "You are the place where I stand on the day when my feet are sore."

You support the fragile balance

  Your donations represent an entire year of school books

   You meet the need for food security

We report, you read, you hear, you witness, and we love you for that. "There's someone who will listen to us" - Nawab 

   Because of you, this generation is ready to act

The loyalty you have shown FAR and the Merasi allows us to move beyond high hopes to bold expectations and action.
May Our Gratitude Encircle You,
FAR, Karen & Lisa along with the Jaisalmer Merasi  

   You nurture next-gen spitifures
 A Special Thanks to Merasi Documentary Photographer Akaram Khan
Folk Arts Rajasthan
314 E 84th St #11 New York, NY 10028
+1 646.436.2210 (remote)
+1 212.628.7210 (FAR office)