News for ICC&CS           Thursday, March 27, 2025 
Director:  Gerald Wolfe
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From the Director
Homework for 4/2:  
           FROSTIANA - The Telephone and A Girl’s Garden
           LUX AETERNA - In Te, Domini, Speravi and Agnus Dei - Lux Aeterna  
NYS Baroque performs Monteverdi Vespers of 1610
     "The iconic masterpiece, performed here for the first time in ten years!  Paul O'Dette conducts twenty-five brilliant NYS Baroque musicians, including singers, trombones, cornettos, strings, and theorbos."
     Pre-concert talk by Paul O'Dette at 6:45 p.m.
          Friday, April 4, 2025 at 7:30 p.m. at Plymouth Congregational Church,
                    232 East Onondaga Street, Syracuse
          Saturday, April 5, 2025 at 7:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church,
                    315 North Cayuga Street, Ithaca
Schola Cantorum of Syracuse (with Gerald Wolfe as one of 14 singers) performs Brahms’ A German Requiem
     A chamber-scale presentation by the 14-voice choir; in De Witt with Sar Shalom-Strong and Sabine Krantz in Brahms’ own piano four-hands arrangement; in Ithaca with Jeffrey Snedeker on St. Luke’s Juget-Sinclair French Romantic organ (2016). Together with short motets of Heinrich Schütz and Johann Christoph Bach; and also (in Ithaca only) two Brahms chorale preludes for organ - part of the last composition of Brahms's life.
          Sunday, March 30 at 4:00 p.m. at Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church,
                    5299 Jamesville Road, Dewitt
                    Tickets at the door:  $20 (seniors $15, students & children $5)​
           Sunday, April 6 at 4:00 p.m. at St. Luke Lutheran Church,
                    109 Oak Avenue, Ithaca
                    Free admission (donations gratefully accepted)
Fall 2025 Workshop
Date:  Saturday, October 25, coffee & pastries at 8:30, workshop 9:00 a.m. -
Place:  Auditorium of Kendal at Ithaca, 2230 North Triphammer Road, Ithaca
Fee:  TBD ($20ish)
Leader:  Kristin Zaryski (visiting lecturer of music at Cornell University, conductor
          of the Cornell University Chorale for the 2020 Spring Semester, instructor 
           at Ithaca College’s Summer Music Academy, director of choral and vocal
          music at Ithaca High School)
Topic:  Please e-mail suggestions to Kate Gefell ( 

April 5 Workshop:  Qigong for Singers
Qigong is a mind-body practice that originated in China. It involves movement and focused-mind breathing, which can improve a person’s overall health and well-being. In this introductory session — organized for singers — you will be guided in gentle movements and breathing patterns that work with the nervous system to create a profound level of relaxation throughout your body. Practicing proper body alignment while gently stretching, and combining this with breath work, can produce amazing results in a short period of time.

Better breath control and increased capacity are just two results common to the practice of Qigong.  Efficient use of energy also increases a person's stamina, resulting in less fatigue on various parts of the body.  If being able to stand through a long rehearsal or a performance concert with fewer body aches sounds good, then what about not gasping for air in the pauses between notes?  Consider Qigong, and enjoy your singing with both your body and your mind humming along, making beautiful music.

          When:   Saturday, April 5, 2025  (please sign up at rehearsal)
          Time:    10:00 - 11:30 am
          Where:  Moy and More Studio in Fall Creek (1201 North Tioga Street)
          Cost:     $15.00 per person

Newsletter Items?
If you would like to include a brief item in the ICC&CS e-newsletter, send text ready to copy and paste by Thursdays at 6pm to Notices should be related to the chorus or the local music community.
Affiliated Choruses of Ithaca
P.O. Box 622
Ithaca, NY  14851