In This Issue:



Well done to the following members who have passed their advanced test / re-test:


  Mike Hall (C)
  Roger Slater (C)

A warm welcome to new group members:

  Leah Boden (C)  
  Martin Carter (C)
  Martin Holloway (C)
  Nick Ingram (M)
  Mike Letts (C)
  Steve Morris (M)
  Jill Nisbet (M)
Diary Dates:
  Sat 27 Aug
  Sun 28 Aug
  Motorcycle group Ride
  Sun 4 Sept
  Low speed skills-    Motorcycle tutors only
  Fri 9 Sept
  Tues 13 Sept 
  Sat 24 Sept
  Sun 28 Sept
  Group ride
   Sun 9 Oct
  Fri 21 Oct
  Sat 22 Oct
  Sun 28 Oct
  Sun 6 Nov
  Fri 11 Nov
  Sun 27 Nov

Articles needed

If you have interesting snippets or would like to write a short article for this newsletter then please let us know. 

All contributions welcome.

Wanted: Group Ride Leaders 

We need more volunteer Ride Leaders - No experience required, full training given.


Call Stephen Wilkinson-Carr on 07976 644485 for more details.



July 2022
Chair's Introduction

 After a few months of background work to set the foundations for recruiting and
 training I'm pleased to say that everything seems to be going really well.

 We're back in business and our marketing / recruiting is starting to show results.

 We're beginning to see renewed interest in road safety and advanced driving / riding
 and have recruited seven new members, including three competition winners, in the
 last month alone. That would not have been possible without the hard work and
 support of numerous volunteers. Thank you all.
 Fuel prices are going stratospheric - Eeeeek! - and the   committee is reviewing rates for claims. We will
 announce any changes by e-mail so you have up-to-date

 I was asked to include my popular Highway Code Quiz in this newsletter and have
 done so. Can you score 25/25?

 Please note the new diary dates in the left-hand column.

 Stay safe all.

Prescott Bike Festival 26 June 2022 
After a Covid-enforced gap we were back as exhibitors at Prescott Bike Festival on
Sunday 26 June. We met lots of riders and drivers many of whom had a go at our prize
raffle. Always good to meet people interested in what we do.
Here are a few snaps from the day.
 Phil Wesley, Paul Leman and Jill Brunsdon at the stand ready for the hordes to descend.
 Here come more paying visitors! Will Jones, Jan Ozimkowski and Jill Brunsdon engaging 
 with the public and raising our profile. 
 Rebekah Yarranton, Group Secretary, just
 back from a seaside holiday, telling a
 passerby how big the one that got
 away was...

 Looks like they believed you Rebekah!  
Alan Millyard on his Flying Millyard five
-litre V-twin. That's 5,000cc!
Amazing sound as it passed us on the way
to the newly-renamed Price's Paddock.
 There were two silent characters roaming
 around the festival grounds. Having decided
 to call them RoSPA Gold and RoSPA Silver it
 seemed appropriate to invite them to our
 stand. Wonder who they were?


 RoSPA Silver and RoSPA Gold introducing
 themselves, silently, to Paul Smith, Will
 Jones and Jan Ozimkowski. 

 We ran a free raffle for anyone interested. Prizes were: 1-year's free membership with 
 £100 training costs, 1-year's free motorcycle membership and 1-year's free car
 membership. Here are Jill Brunsdon and Nigel Warwick of Severn Freewheelers (and
 our former Chair) drawing the winner's card at the end of the day. 


 Congratulations to Stephen Morris, our 1st
 prize winner.
 Runner up was Ron Mumford and Jill Nisbet
 won the third prize.

 We look forward to meeting you all again
 very soon.

 A huge thank you to all the volunteers who gave up their valuable time to help set up,
 run and pack away the stand. You all made a very long day very pleasant.
The team:
 Jill Brunsdon / Will Jones / Duncan Keen / Paul Leman / 
  Jan Ozimkowski / Phil Wesley / Rebekah Yarranton
Coordinator: Stephen Wilkinson-Carr
 Duncan Burnell also volunteered but was thwarted by injury. Hope you're fit and well
 again soon. Join us next year perhaps?
 Next year's Prescott Bike Festival will be on 25th June. See you there I hope.
Highway Code Quiz

 Here's a fun (?) Highway Code quiz.
Very few score 100%. Can you?
(click on picture)

 NB The questions do not appear for very long as you wouldn't have long to interpret
 them if you were driving / riding.
 This is a great opportunity to remind all members that the 2022
 Highway Code has now been published and is available to

 We all know how important it is to remain familiar with any   changes that occur and, as such, would encourage all to buy, 
 and read, this latest version (click on photo for link).
Why Advanced Driving / Riding?

 What are the benefits? 

 These are some of the benefits enjoyed by advanced drivers and riders after training
 with Gloucestershire Advanced Drivers And Riders:

    Increased safety; keep yourself, your passenger(s) and other road users safe

    Reduced risk; using anticipation and planning skills
    Increased awareness; being more observant and using enhanced handling
    skills to anticipate changes around you

    Increased passenger comfort; with good forward planning and anticipation,
    your driving / riding will become smoother and more relaxed

    More enjoyment; experience the satisfaction of driving / riding from A to B more
    smoothly with more time to react to the unexpected
    Greater control; by understanding and knowing how to deal with the various
    forces that affect your vehicle

    Increased confidence; learn how to anticipate and deal with expected and the
    unexpected road and traffic situations

    Reduced wear and tear; get more out of your vehicle by learning advanced
    machine control methods 

    Discounted insurance; many insurance companies offer a discount to
    advanced drivers / riders

    Save money on fuel; using defensive driving / riding and forward planning
    techniques to achieve greater control and better fuel efficiency 

    Enhance your CV; gain a professional qualification you can put on your CV
 What is advanced driving / riding?
 Advanced driving / riding is the ability to control the position and speed of the vehicle
 safely, systematically and smoothly, using road and traffic conditions to progress
 unobtrusively with skill and responsibility.  

 This skill requires a positive but courteous attitude and a high standard of driving /
 riding competence based on concentration, effective all-round observation, anticipation,
 and planning. This must be co-ordinated with good handling skills.

 An advanced driver / rider will always have their vehicle in the right place on the road,
 at the right time, travelling at the right speed with the correct gear engaged and can
 always stop safely on their own side of the road in the distance they can see to be clear
 (DSA, RoADAR, IAM, 1997).
 What will you learn?
 Our driver / rider training is provided on a one-to-one basis. All our tutors are
 volunteers and have passed the advanced driving / riding test, hold a current tutor
 qualification and are registered with RoADAR HQ.

 You will learn how to drive / ride:

    Safely – By being safer you give yourself more time to react, to both expected
    and unexpected situations, and improve your own and passenger confidence in
    your ability.

    Systematically – By doing things in a systematic way, one thing at a time,
    you will learn how to ensure your vehicle is in the right place, at the right speed,
    in an appropriate gear and capable of being stopped, on your own side of the road,
    in the distance you can see to be clear.  We use the Police System of Car /
    Motorcycle Control acronym IPSGA (Information, Position, Speed, Gear, Acceleration).
    Smoothly – By learning how to use vehicle controls in a smoother, and more
    controlled, way you and any passenger will feel more comfortable and relaxed.

    At an appropriate Speed – Learn how to drive at the appropriate speed, making
    progress and showing restraint when necessary.
 What does it cost?
 Training is free for car drivers who use their own vehicle with an assigned Tutor. 

 Motorcyclists pay a £10 contribution toward the Tutor’s costs per training session
 (currently being reviewed due to rising fuel prices).

 It’s important that you to commit time to regular training sessions.
 Car and Motorcycle Tests
 The RoSPA advanced test is widely regarded as the highest civilian driving / riding
 standard available. The test is based on the Police Foundation publication 'Roadcraft:
 The Police Drivers Handbook' or 'Motorcycle Roadcraft: The Police Riders Handbook'
 and the Highway Code. A thorough understanding of both Roadcraft and the Highway
 Code will be required to pass the test at a high standard.
 Test Standards 
Gold is only awarded to the driver / rider who shows a consistently high standard of driving / riding throughout the test. The driver / rider will demonstrate a confidence in their ability together with a thorough understanding of the principles contained in Roadcraft / Motorcycle Roadcraft and how to apply those
 principles to situations that occur during the test.

Silver is awarded to candidates who display a skill level well above the average. They will show a thorough understanding of the principles contained in Roadcraft / Motorcycle Roadcraft and how to apply those principles to situations that occur during the test. The driver / rider will make safe systematic progress however not
 demonstrating the consistency, final polish and smoothness of the Gold grade candidate.

A Bronze grade will be awarded to those candidates who show that they have an understanding of, and the ability to apply, the principles of advanced driving / riding demonstrating a good level of observations and anticipation, but not doing so consistently throughout the test. They will however drive / ride in a safe and
 legal manner, to a standard that is significantly above that required to pass the
 appropriate DVSA test.

SkillShare - FREE Assessment Ride With a RoSPA Tutor

 Our next FREE SkillShare session is on
 Saturday July 23rd at Starbucks, Stonehouse
 GL10 3SK / N51 45.313 W2 18.840
 (southeast of M5, Junction 13) at 10 a.m.
 First come first served.

 Just turn up, meet other riders, enjoy a hot
 drink on us, ride and get some friendly
 Some of the potential benefits:

 increased safety; reduced risk; increased
 awareness; increased passenger comfort;
 more enjoyment; greater control; increased
 confidence; reduced wear and tear; save
 money on fuel.
 If you want to guarantee a place, you
 can book a 1-hour slot in advance.
 Full details are on our SkillShare page.
 Tell your friends. All are welcome.
Group Events Survey

We recently sent a short online survey to all 150+ members.
We have had 32 replies which is very encocuraging. We will send the survey again shortly and encourage you to fill it in and let us know your preferences for group events.
Please reply as the more responses we receive, the better we can plan to put on events that you want to attend.
Thanks in advance for your replies.

Group Motorcycle Ride Sun 24 July

 July's Group Motorcycle Ride will be led by Andy Cheetham.
 We start at The Aviator, Staverton and finish at Starbucks, J9 M5 Ashchurch.
 Distance 170 miles. Travel time approx 5 hrs 15 mins.
 Full details with timings and satnav files will be sent to riders soon.
 Looks like it'll be a grand day out. 
 Hope you can join us.
Wanted: Marketing Officer

 Now that we have a large cohort of Tutors it's time to capitalise on all the foundation
 work done by the Committee, and many other volunteers since October 2021, to attract
 more new members in support of our core mission: to improve road safety.

 We have run / are running a number of recruiting initiatives such as: Prescott Bike
 Festival Exhibitor Stand; BikeSafe; CourierSafe; SkillShare as well as online advertising
 with local driving and riding groups (mainly on Facebook) and need help.

 We're looking for a volunteer, with some marketing expertise, who can help us publicise
 our road safety mission and refine the way we engage with the public.

 If you have some marketing knowledge / experience and
 would like to join the Committee as Marketing / Publicity
 Officer then please e-mail any Committee Member,
 listed at the end of this newsletter, and let us know.
 Please help. 

New Tutor Clothing

 After a suggestion by one of our senior car Tutors we bought branded clothing for all
 Tutors to help them have a clear identity, when training drivers and riders, and promote
 our group to the public.
 Car Tutors have been given a Polo Shirt and a Light Jacket. Motorcycle Tutors have
 been given a Polo Shirt. 
 Here's our Co-Editor, Rob Newman,
 modelling his Tutor Polo Shirt.
 We have recently replaced the hi-vis vests, issued on loan to all motorcycle Tutors, with
 one with clearer messaging and branding that helps raise our profile when conducting
 Here's Jan Ozimkowski modelling the new hi-vis vest.
 The previous hi-vis vests loaned to motorycle Tutors will hopefully be offered to
 members at a discounted rate (subject to committee approval and decision about price).
 We will keep you informed.
 They are Urban Glow hi-vis vests that cost over £62 new (includes logo badge and
 retaining clip). Some are brand new and never issued. Some are used and have been
 returned by motorcycle Tutors after replacement with the newest version. The few we
 have, about 12 at the most, are in pristine or very good condition with many years of
 life left in them yet.
Did You Know?

 Milk or tea in your cup first?

 According to the UK Tea and Infusions Association
 tea is the world's favourite drink and is by far the
 most popular drink consumed in Britain today,
 with over 100,000,000 cups being drunk in the
 UK every single day of the year.

 Cup of char anyone?

 The slang word "char" for "tea" arose from its Cantonese Chinese pronunciation "cha".
 Debate raged recently after an
 American lady and her daughter
 demonstrated the 'correct' way
 to make a cup of tea with a
 microwave (it's hilarious).  
 Wait. What?
 If you're curious then here's a link
 with more about the fascinatiing
 history of tea going back nearly
 five thousand years, and the
 important role it has played in the recent economic and social development of Britain.
 So, milk or tea first?
 It turns out that when tea began to be imported
 into the UK, many in society preferred to drink it
 from porcelain cups to flaunt their wealth.
 The problem though was that those cups shattered
 if hot water was poured in first. 
 The habit of putting milk in first to prevent such a
 catastrophe was passed down the generations and
 is apparently why many people today insist the
 milk has to be poured into the cup first.
 Who knew?
                                                      Back to top 
Recommended Books (Clickable)

The Committee

Chair - Stephen Wilkinson-Carr

Secretary - Rebekah Yarranton

Treasurer - Geoff Brown

Membership Secretary - Mike Ibbitson

Acting Car Coordinator - Stephen Wilkinson-Carr

Motorcycle Coordinator - Paul Smith

WebMaster - Phil Wesley

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Membership Secretary: Mike Ibbitson
Secretary: Rebekah Yarranton