How you can help
SIRA Roads and
Drainage Sub-Committee

recent landslip on Richard Road, Scotland
Many island residents are quite despairing about the state
of our roads and drainage. Recent heavy rains have brought
the deplorable state of the roads into sharp focus.
There are, according to the 2021 census, 358 dwellings on
the island (280 permanently occupied) housing 711 persons.
All residents need and use our roads for walking, riding
or driving. Personal and service vehicles require
accessible carriageways to access homes. Inadequate
drainage, heavy rains and increased vehicular traffic have
meant that in many places roads are unsafe for both
vehicles and pedestrians.
It is deeply concerning that the Northern Beaches Council
has not offered, through their ‘2022-2026 Delivery
Program’, any increase in allocated funds for ‘capital
works’. The annual spend for this category remains at
$150,000 per year. This level of expenditure has barely
changed over the past decade. Little can be achieved
toward a safe and sustainable road and drainage system
with such a small investment.

Nero, site supervisor for the NBC, working
on Thompson St
Council’s roads and drainage expenditure is allocated
through maintenance, storm funding (when available), and
capital works. The objective of the first is to ‘maintain
the existing infrastructure’. This includes activities
such as clearing drains, filling potholes, repairing
existing drainage pits or land slips and aligning water
bars etc.
The capital works allocation is intended to fund new work
to bring the most degraded sections to an acceptable level
of safety and operative drainage. The recent work on
Richard Road near Cecil Street is an example of the last
investment on capital works. New work on Robertson Road
near the community halls is scheduled to start shortly.
But there is so much more that requires urgent attention.
SIRA has worked with Council over many years towards
development of a roads and drainage masterplan. With the
adoption of a masterplan in 2011 the island community
moved from an annual grading of the dirt surface to a
yearly budgeted program of capital works in line with the
rest of the local government area. Recent works highlight
the benefits of planning both in terms of function and
longevity that incorporate good design, stormwater
management and solid sealed surfaces.
Unfortunately, there is no timeframe or financial
commitment identified for achieving the masterplan
objectives. The miniscule annual allocation of funds for
capital works means that it could be decades before our
roads and drainage, overall, are at a state comparable
with the quality elsewhere in the Northern Beaches LGA.
Apart from the health and safety issues faced by
residents, the more limited the capital works budget, the
greater expenditure is required for maintenance. The
increased maintenance required recently by council workers
has been supported with additional storm damage funding.

Road following 'capital works' improvements,
May 2021
A greater investment in capital works is the only way to
bring our roads and drainage to a safe, healthy and
sustainable state. SIRA met recently with senior NBC staff
who acknowledged that the delivery allocation for 2022/26
was inadequate. It was noted that the commitment was a
‘minimal’ allocation and that some additional funds ‘may
become available’ through the course of this period.
However, there was no firm commitment for any increase.
SIRA will continue to press NBC for a greater financial
commitment over the coming months. Similar support from
residents will help Council understand how important this
issue is for residents. So, if you note unsafe, unstable
or heavily eroded areas of concern on our roads you can
advise Council directly.
Council’s Customer Service portal has a link where you can
lodge a complaint that will be registered and directed to
their roads and drainage team:
The SIRA website has also has a link to ‘Snap, Send,
Solve’ where you can register your concern and lodge a
picture of the problem:
SIRA Roads and Drainage Sub-Committee
For many years Julian Muir,
former editor of the PON, maintained the Pittwater
Offshore Photo Gallery. This was an online collection of
photos dating back to 2006, recording many key offshore
community events: festivals, dog races, fire shed
dinners and much more. Julian covered the cost of
running the gallery and we are grateful to Julian for
his generosity in time, effort and dollars in
maintaining this valuable community resource.
Julian has decided to retire the gallery. Fortunately SIRA
has agreed to support a new online photo collection, to be
known as the SIRA Photo Archive. The PON will now link to
this new archive: you will find the link at the foot of
this edition. As editor of the PON I shall set up and
curate the collection.
I'm pleased to say that the new archive will contain all
of the almost 4,000 photos previously stored in the old
collection. Many of the photos were taken by Julian
himself and we thank Julian, as well as many other
offshore photographers, for sharing their images. The idea
is that the new archive will gradually expand to
incorporate new community events. If you would like to
contribute photos that would be of interest to the general
offshore community then please email I can
then organise your access to uploading photos.
One difference with the new SIRA collection is that it
will incorporate photos of Scotland Island, the western
foreshores and Church Point dating back to the earliest
years of the 20th century, and sometimes beyond. Many of
these historical photos have been made available to SIRA
by offshore residents. We thank them for their generosity
in opening up their family albums and letting us share in
their memories.
The new archive will contain many thousands of images, so
you will appreciate that it is going to take time to
build. At present the archive only contains a few albums.
But the collection will grow in size and improve in
Thanks again to Julian, SIRA, as well as our many offshore
photographers, both professional and amateur. They have
all contributed to make this possible. I hope you will
enjoy seeing the archive develop over the coming months.
Roy Baker
Do you have a film that you just love, even though you
know you shouldn't?
Are you a rock star musician but you just adore Spice
World? Are you an intellectual but you have to watch
Titanic every year? Are you a feminist but
frequently watch Pretty Woman when you're drunk?
Are you an artistic genius but you can't get enough of The
Bourne Identity?
The Dirty Secret Film club is a safe place for repeat
viewers to watch their favourite film with other secret
Here's how it works:
1. Send an email with up to three dirty-secret-films you
totally love to No
explanation is needed, just one, two or three film titles.
2. We will anonymously compile a list of films and email
addresses, and keep the list secure and safe.
3. If there is a film which four or more people secretly
love, we will organise a viewing somewhere with a decent
Your secret is safe with us, and we will find you some
Scotland Island Recreation
Most Saturdays throughout
the year
2 - 3 pm: Introduction to
Table Tennis
3 - 5 pm: Table Tennis
Groups meet most Saturdays
and anyone over 12 is welcome. Sessions are supported by
the Scotland Island Recreation Club.
Play from 2 - 3 pm is
intended primarily for those new to table tennis. The
session from 3 - 5 pm is open to everyone, regardless of
your standard of play.
Sessions do not run every Saturday. If you are interested
in taking part then it's best to join the table tennis
WhatsApp group to receive up-to-date information on who is
playing. If you would like to join the group, please email
Alternatively, you can just turn up and take your chances.
Adult players are asked to contribute $5 per player per
attendance to defray expenses.
Scotland Island
Sunday 14 August, 9:30 am
- 4:30 pm

Scotland Island Recreation
Tuesday 23 August, 11 am -
12.30 pm
The Recreation Club runs a discussion group, meeting
each month, from 11 am to 12.30 pm in the Recreation
Centre. Everyone is welcome.
Members take it in turn to design a session, choosing
material for discussion. This can consist of essays,
articles or podcasts, or a combination of all three. The
idea is that group members shouldn't be committed to
more than a few hours' preparation in terms of listening
or reading. The idea is to be open to a wide range of
topics and material.
In July Michael Doherty led a discussion on the
recently introduced prohibition on climbing Uluru,
asking whether it is justified and whether it should be
extended to other landmarks.

For the August meeting, Tim Turpin will lead a
discussion on our collective sense of nostalgia, and
the extent to which it shapes our national identity,
as well as social and political action.
Sarah Churchwell has suggested that Gone with the
Wind remains a rallying point for white
supremacism. How have the 19th century ballads of AB
Paterson and Henry Lawson shaped contemporary Australia?
Listen to the podcast with Sarah Churchwell, available
Read some of the poems of Paterson and Lawson,
available here.
For the really keen, see Sarah Churchwell's book:The
Wrath to Come: Gone with the Wind and the Lies America
The group operates via a WhatsApp group, which will be
used to distribute further information about this and
future discussions.If you would like to be added to the
group, please provide your mobile phone number to
Alternatively, contact Jane Rich ( for more
information or to express your interest in

Scotland Island Community
Saturday 27 August, 7 - 9
The Recreation Club
asks for $5 per person per attendance to defray
Scotland Island Community
Sunday 28 August, 10 am -
1 pm
The above event will
run concurrently with the island café (see below).
Catherine Park, Scotland
Sunday 28 August, 10 - 12
experienced piano / pianola tuner will be visiting
Scotland Island on Friday 9 September. If anyone else
would like their piano tuned on this day, please let me
know and we can book you in.
Peter 0407 379 666
Missed out on a previous
To Contribute
you would like to contribute to this newsletter,
please send an e-mail to the editor (
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SIRA Photo Archive

June 2021
Festival of Making,
April 2021
expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the
views of the Scotland Island Residents Association
(SIRA), or the Western Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA)