Illuminating the Path to Enlightenment was published in 2002 by Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama of Tibet. The free ebook is essentially a commentary on Atishas Dipamkara Shrijnana’s A Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment and Lama Je Tsong Khapa’s Lines of Experience. Buddhism originated from its founding teacher, Shakyamuni Buddha , who gave 84,000 forms of teaching. Lam-rim means “stages of the path to enlightenment.” It was the great Indian master, Atisha, who wrote the first lam-rim text, A Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment, which condenses all 84,000 teachings into a single body of work. Download Dalai Lama’s work here (125 pages, with permission of the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive):
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In The Early Christians in their own Words by Eberhard Arnold the early Christians challenge us to see discipleship as a path away from “self” toward a wholly transformed social order. To them, it demanded a solidarity in which men and women of all backgrounds, creeds, and cultures would join hands in rejecting the spirit of the age and giving their lives instead to a new, diametrically opposed cause. To read the early Christians in their own words is to be confronted with a primal boldness and clarity that sweeps the horizon clean and forces us to take a new look at our own situation. This book is Copyright 2007 by Plough Publishing House, it is used here with permission for non-commercial purpose – thanks! Download the free ebook here (293 pages):
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These books are meant as introductions to the Mahayana Buddhist system know as Dzogchen. There are indications that Dzogchen is a practice that is hundreds of years older than Buddhism itself, but it has been incorporated as advanced techniques into the practices of Tibetan Buddhism. The four books are from the Berzin Archiches, you might want to check it out. Download the ebooks here:
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Savitri – A Legend and a Symbol consists of volume 33 and 34 of Sri Aurobindo’s collected works. Unfortunately the volumes 28 – 32 are still not published from The Sri Aurobindo Ashram. The writings of Savitri extended over much of the later part of Sri Aurobindo’s life. The earliest known manuscript is dated 1916. The original narrative poem was recast several times in the first phase of composition. By around 1930, Sri Aurobindo had begun to turn it into an epic with a larger scope and deeper significance. Transformed into “A Legend and a Symbol”, Savitri became his major literary work which he continued to expand and perfect until his last days. The tale of Satyavan and Savitri is recited in the Mahabharata as a story of conjugal love conquering death. Download the work here (763 pages):
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Universal Love: The Yoga Method of Buddha Maitreya. Here is one more of Lama Yeshe’s tantric commentaries: Lama Yeshe’s teachings on the yoga method of Maitreya, which he taught at Maitreya Institute in Holland, in 1981. Buddha Maitreya was close to Lama Yeshe’s and their relationship is reflected in these teachings. As well as giving his commentary on the yoga method Lama Yeshe also taught two of Maitreya’s famous texts: Dharmadharmatavibhanga (Discrimination of Phenomena and the Nature of Phenomena) and Madhyantavibhanga (Discrimination of the Middle Way and the Extremes). Download the free ebook here (pdf only contains the first 3 chapters):
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Here is the complete PDF version of Ramayana in English. The version of Ramayana I posted nearly a year ago was a shorter more popular edition. This one here is a translation of the entire scripture directly from the original Sanskrit versions. Like The Mahabharata, Ramayana is an ancient epic tale, that not only is a cornerstone for eastern cultures but also serve as spiritual foundations for several religions. Download the huge works here, and meet Rama, Sita, Hanuman and the rest of Valmiki’s characters in four pdf-volumes:
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Here is the complete Mahabharata translated into English prose directly from the original sanskrit text by Pratap Chandra Roy. Every of the 12 volumes are about 500 pages and they are huge files, so please be patient when downloading. The Mahabharata is one of the two major Indian hero-epics, The Ramayana being the other one, and it is usually attributed to the poet Vyasa. Mahabharata is nearly 3.000 years old and in size it is more than ten times larger than the Iliad and the Odyssey combined.
Download the entire Mahabharata here:
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Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen Laberge is a self-teaching curriculum, a step-by-step method for learning to have and use lucid dreams. You can learn at your own pace, and to your own depth, how to explore your lucid dreams and use them to enrich your life. Download the free ebook here:
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Eckhart Tolle wrote this short book, Stillness Speaks, (43 pages) in what he himself calls sutra-like style. He writes: Just like the ancient sutras, the writings contained within this book are sacred and have come out of a state of consciousness we may call stillness. Unlike those sutras, however, they don’t belong to any one religion or spiritual tradition, but are immediately accessible to the whole of humanity. The advantage of the sutra form lies in its brevity. It does not engage the thinking mind more than is necessary. What it doesn’t say, but only points to, is more important than what it says.
Download the ebook Stillness Speaks here:
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