Saturday, June 22, 2024

Summer Sing Newsletter
What's In This Issue...
  • Katie's Korner
  • Rehearsal Schedule
  • Kganna Koloi Music Video on Website
  • Weekly Humor (AKA Weekly Groan)
  • Bring a Pencil
  • Links to Music
  • Nonconsensual Olfactory Overload
  • Voice Exercises and Warmups
Please remember to pick up your name tags this week.
Katie's Korner...
Dear Summer Sing,
Another beautiful rehearsal! I think my favorite was hearing you sing Ad Astra. That song is still fairly new to me, and you are bringing out all the exciting dynamics and hidden meanings. The "to the stars" and "sursum" sections moving upwards really brings out the meaning of the words. Some choir members looked it up during our break and confirmed that "sursum" does mean "upwards," so the climbing notes, all whole steps, really made me feel like we were climbing in a rocket or some other means of getting out of our atmosphere and into outer space, away from the pull of gravity.
As we worked our way through letters C and D of J'entends le Moulin, it was sometimes difficult to bounce between lines as they shifted clefs for the different voice parts. For those of you who may be new to reading music, a clef is the mark at the beginning of a line of music which tells the musician which notes to assign to the five lines and four spaces of the staff. Since there are so many more notes we can sing than are available on a single staff, the clefs allow us to assign a greater range of notes! Just like an alphabet when learning to read, they make things easier for those who regularly use them, and more difficult for those who are less familiar. I promised to share a video about the history of the clef - here it is. And a reminder that the part recordings for this song are here.
Ed has been his usual miracle worker self - he was able to digitally extract some footage from video that I took while in Kimberley, South Africa of the small singing group we joined and made it available on the Summer Sing music webpage. In this clip, they are singing "Kganna Koloi," our South African tune. You'll hear that we sang "Kimberley" instead of "Malawi" - other times we sang Malawi. I was taking the video, so you won't see me, but you'll see my husband, Todd, doing his best to keep up!  Also keep your eyes out for the beautiful baby and the baby's beautiful mother. I sang with this group twice a week for six weeks and never heard the baby cry once. I was secretly pregnant with my oldest daughter, Ellie, while I was there, and this mom and baby made me a firm believer in baby-wearing with all three of my kids! It's not for everyone - parenting is all about finding what works best for you and your particular small humans - but it definitely helped me.
Have a great week until I see you again!
All the best,

Rehearsal Schedule...
Rehearsals begin at 7:00 PM sharp.  Please try to be in your seat and ready to sing!
June 26
July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

Kganna Koloi Music Video Now on Website...
We have posted Katie's video of Kganna Koloi from her visit to Kimberley, South Africa on the ACI website.  Go to and scroll down the page to the video. 
Weekly Humor (AKA The Weekly Groan)...
How many altos does it take to change a light bulb?

None. They can’t get up that high.
If you have your own favorite groan, send it to and we will throw it in the hopper.
Bring a Pencil to LIGHTLY Mark Your Scores!
Links to Summer Sing Music...
All of the music we are performing this summer, including Katie's song from South Africa, can be found by following the links found on the Summer Sing website.
Bookmark this location and you will be able to listen to and practice each song:

Katie has also provided a complete set of learning tracks (14 total!) for J'entends le Moulin.  Here is the link for that page - once you load the page, click on J'entends le Moulin:
Nonconsensual Olfactory Overload..
Please remember to avoid wearing perfumes, colognes, essential oils and other scents to rehearsals and performances as they create respiratory discomfort for some of our singers.  Please do shower, however 😁 
Voice Exercises and Warmups...
Looking for a way to exercise your voice between rehearsals? Cyberbass is free website that has a selection of vocal warmups that play on your computer, smartphone or tablet. You can also purchase CD's with various exercises and warmups if you choose.  Go to

Questions, Comments and Newsletter Items...
The Summer Sing Newsletter will be published weekly through the summer.  It will also be posted on the ACI Website at
If you have a question about Summer Sing, comments or suggestions for the newsletter, or do you have an item for the newsletter (items should be related to the chorus or the local music community), send it to  PLEASE - if you have an item for the newsletter, send it in completed form so we can copy and paste - we do not write material for you.
Affiliated Choruses of Ithaca, Inc.