AquaSalina brine spreading uses materials from conventionally fracked wells in Ohio.
Late year signature opportunities ...
... for Columbus Community Bill of Rights!
 We are more than 7400 signatures and counting!  9870 valid signatures are needed, so we are pushing to get over 16,000 total to be sure we make it!

Contact Bill Lyons at for petitions and tips!
Some opportunities this week and weekend:
Wednesday, December 11, 2019, 5:00 PM.  Women Wednesday Benefit for NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio.
This week for Women Wednesday we are donating $1 per drink to NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio to help fight the dangerous and oppressive legislation that Ohio is trying to enact. Abortion access and reproductive freedom affects millions of women across the country and for 50 years NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio has been fighting for those rights. From NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio, "This legislature is obsessed with using medically inaccurate information to pass anti-abortion legislation and harm the people of Ohio. All of the abortion bills they are considering — the ones getting headlines and the ones that aren’t — are dangerous. None of these bills should be passed and signed into law. Even as we head into the holidays, NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio is working with partner organizations and pro-choice legislators to combat these bans."
Please stop by this Wednesday and help us raise money for this very important cause! 
Location:  St. James Tavern, 1057 N. 4th St., Columbus 43201.  Facebook
Friday thru Sunday, December 13, 2019-6 to10 PM, Dec. 14th & 15th noon to 5pm
Three days of crafts, music, and local art!  Visitors shop a diverse collection of handcrafted goods at 400 West Rich & Chromedge Studios, 400 W. Rich St. Columbus 43215 for their friends and family.  Explore what Ohio has to offer!
Tuesday, December 17th, 6pm to 8:30pm.  Breathing While Black forum. 
 Join the Columbus African Council and other community partners for a critical conversation on redefining the Black experience. Together, we can work to address systemic racism and develop strategies to make Black empowerment a priority across the African Diaspora.
Location: Columbus Metropolitan Library, 96 S. Grant St., Columbus 43215.  Eventbrite
Thursday, December 19, 2019, 7:00 – 10:00 PM.  Holiday Debate Watch and Chill.   Join your friends at Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio, NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio, URGE, WHOO and the Ohio Women's Alliance for a debate watch holiday party! We'll cheers to a year of hard work with a hot cocoa bar, play debate bingo, write holiday cards to abortion providers and send one last message to our elected officials. We're so excited to invite you to welcome 2020 with us and commemorate the work we did in 2019 - can't wait to see you!  This event is FREE and open to the public! We'll have snacks, joy and a great community to hang with! Please RSVP here:  The People’s Mansion, 394 East Town St., Columbus 43215Facebook  
Consider taking your petition to events you normally attend, to get signatures from friends and neighbors.
OUR NEXT PUBLIC MEETING Come on out to sign and/or get petitions, and meet new friends/petitioning buddies!  Monday, December 16th, 6 pm, at the Shepard Branch of Columbus Public Library, 850 N. Nelson Ave., Columbus 43219

Help out the effort by donating!
We need to print petitions and cards.

Send a check, made out to "CCBOR PAC", and mail it to CCBOR at
P.O. Box 14741, Columbus OH 43214.
Thank you!
Ohio grass roots forming task force
to ban brine spreading on Ohio roads
Environmentalists are concerned that brine waste from oil and natural gas drilling
could raise levels of radium - a radioactive metallic element found in brine - in
soil and ground water. [Dispatch file photo]
Following the issue with Ohio Environmental Council regarding their erroneous statement made in the 10/23/19 Dispatch article regarding the safety of spreading oil & gas brine on Ohio roads, a meeting was held with OEC on the issue of rectifying this misinformation.
Out of the focus on this media event, a small grass roots task force is forming to possibly write legislation to get passed in the Ohio statehouse that would ban the use of frack brine as a dust suppressant and de-icer in the state.  This newsletter has been covering the health and environmental risk that the heavy metals and radiologicals present in brines from conventional (vertical, as opposed to horizontal shale) wells.  Samples of AquaSalina, a product that has been sold off of shelves in bottles at some Lowe's stores, and which Ohio Department of Transportation uses to de-ice state roads when temperatures become excessively-frigid, have been shown to be an average of 13 times the EPA environmental discharge limit for radium 226/228.  The AquaSalina toxicological report is attached to this newsletter (same as previous newsletter).
We are having our first organizing conference call in January.  This will be a lobbying effort, and we need more people involved.  Strength in numbers is the grass roots' most powerful tool!
OEC has pledged to work with our task force to support the banning of frack brine spreading.  You can read the OEC press release after the Dispatch release by clicking on their logo below.
If you are interested in working with our task force to stop our fossil fuel-based market state from continuing to pollute the many generations that will follow us resulting from oil & gas brine disposal in the environment, please contact Greg Pace at or via phone at (614) 565-6067. 
Media Release:  First Rights of Nature
Legislation Introduced in Australia
The bill recognises the rights of First Nations Peoples to speak for these rights on behalf of Nature.  The Bill also recognises the rights of present and future generations to a healthy environment, and includes a clause relating to the "precautionary principle" by stating that "lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for denying or postponing the implementation, defence, or enforcement" of the Rights of Nature.
Click HERE or on the logo below to read the November 29, 2019 press release from Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF).
Read CELDF organizer Ben Price's book, 'How Wealth Rules the World'.
Click here or on the book image below to read about and purchase the book online.
Police Discussed Stopping Keystone XL Protesters
'by any means'
SAUL LOEB / Staff / Getty Images
"There is a lot of muscle behind this effort to make sure that Keystone is constructed," said Alex Rate, legal director fo the American Civil Liberties Union of Montana, which obtained the documents through records act requests and shared them with the Guardian. "There are historically marginalized communities primarily indigenous folks who have grave concerns about the impact of this pipeline on their sovereignty, their resources, their religion, and culture. They have a first amendment right to assemble and make their viewpoints heard."
Click on the image above to read the full article in 'Grist'.
Shale's Debt-Fueled Drilling boom is Coming To An End
 The problem for Appalachian drillers is that Permian producers are not really interested in all of the gas they are producing.  That makes them unresponsive to price signals.  Gas prices in the Permian have plunged close to zero, and have at times turned negative, but gas production in Texas really hinges on the industry's interest in oil.  This dynamic means that the gas glut becomes entrenched longer than it otherwise might.  It's a grim reality plaguing the gas-focused producers in Appalachia.
With capital markets growing less friendly, the only response for drillers is to cut back.  IEEFA notes that drilling permits in Pennsylvania in October fell by half from the same month a year earlier.  The number of rigs sidelined and the number of  workers cut from payrolls also continues to pile up.

Click HERE or on image above to read the full 'ZeroHedge' article.
Natural Gas Rush Drives a Global Rise
in Fossil Fuel Emissions

In fact, natural gas use is growing so fast, its carbon dioxide emissions over the past six years actually eclipsed the decline in emissions from the falling use of coal, the researchers found.
Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are also failing to cut emissions fast enough, the report says, as much of their growth has provided new energy supplies instead of displacing fossil fuels. 
Click HERE or on the image above to read the 'InsideClimateNews' article.
Click on the image above to watch our video 'We're All Downstream'
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Remember, this is OUR
Participatory Representative Democracy
If we don't use it, we lose it

Please visit our website.  
Toxic Radioactive Waste Doesn’t Belong Here
Protect our Home, our Families, our Rights!