Hello Gordon Mote Fans,

Pray this newsletter finds you well and enjoying some great spring weather. Spring seems a little slow coming here in the South but we know the days are getting longer and warmer, the trees and flowers are blooming, grass is getting green and God is in charge!! The Masters Tournament starts in Augusta next weekend and everything should be in full bloom and beautiful!

We just returned from a tour including dates in Arizona, Arkansas and Texas. Gordon performed 13 concerts in 15 days plus in Arizona, a memorial service for a very special and sweet friend. While the schedule was busy and tiring, it was truly a great time of revisiting with old friends and an opportunity of making many, many new ones. A really great tour!!

This tour started in Tennessee on Sunday, March 13. There were many highlights at every venue……we have never been treated better! There are three ’special’ ministry opportunities however, that we want to bring to your attention. Gordon always plans every concert/service with strong emphasis on ministry through his speaking, playing and singing. Off stage though many times is where incredible ministry happens. Such was the case during the beginning of this tour. We received a letter from a Mother who has a five year old son Mac who like Gordon was born totally blind. Nicole told me that Mac was a ‘live wire’ and that reminded me of stories of Gordon’s childhood. We arranged a time for Mac and family to visit with Gordon on the bus and received the letter below:

"I had a friend send me a podcast on which Gordon was the guest speaker. When you have a child who is blind, you inevitably have a group of people who will send you others names who are also blind. I listened to the podcast, having never known of Gordon prior, and I was so interested in learning more about him and about his perspective. As parents of a son who is blind, we are constantly trying to learn how to best push Mac to be the best version of himself he can be. Gordon's parents didn't let Gordon or his brother ever use blindness as an excuse and Chris and I are SO drawn to that mentality. As soon as the podcast finished, I looked up Gordon and his schedule and it was such a blessing that Gordon was actually playing in Dickson, TN during our spring break trip from KC! Thanks to Bob, we were able to meet with Gordon for 30 minutes prior to listening to his performance. I will tell you the most inspiring thing about Gordon is he does not use his blindness as a crutch, a means for sympathy, or anything else. Blindness is truly just a characteristic of who he is and that is what we aspire for Mac. It reminds me of a dear friend who always says, "I don't want people to say I look good for having kids. I work out and I want it to just hear that I look good and I just happen to be a mom". That is Gordon's mindset it seems - he isn't a good pianist or vocalist for being blind, he is a good pianist, composer, and vocalist who happens to also be blind.

Thank you both so very much for this experience! We really appreciate having met both of you and hope our paths cross again, soon!”

Mac, Mom and Dad and sisters!

At this same concert we had been in touch with parents of 10 year old Becca who had lost her vision in one eye when she was six years old and this past October lost vision in the other eye. You can only imagine the difficulties and questions in the minds of both Becca and her family. They too, met with Gordon and below is a follow up letter from Becca’s Mom, Mina:

"Our family has been Gordon Mote fans ever since he released his first album. Our ten year old daughter Becca completely lost her vision last October. These past few months have been extremely hard but she leans on music to help her cope and comfort her. Gordon’s music is an added bonus because he has blindness in common with her and she gets to witness him live his life limitless and give glory to God for his talent. We were thrilled at the opportunity for Becca to get to personally meet Gordon and ask him questions about growing up as a blind student in school and now as a successful blind adult. His attitude and outlook on life is a huge encouragement to us. He is a gifted musician, no doubt, and we enjoyed his concert, but the joy and peace that we saw on Becca’s face after getting to visit with him and just talk about what life is like now, was worth the world to us. Thank you Gordon for allowing God to use not only your talents but the transparency of your personal life as well, to be a light to our family."

Becca and her sweet family!

Hanging out with Gordon.

Becca and Mac being introduced before concert.
As we were preparing to leave for Arizona, one of the host pastors called and wanted to know if it would be ‘OK' if a group of young ladies from Casa Grande ‘opened’ for the concert at his church? He sent links to some YouTube videos of these girls and we enthusiastically agreed for them to do a 30 minute pre-show concert. They were incredibly talented kids and they were just three of the seven children who all sing/play Bluegrass/Gospel music. Gordon was ‘blown away’ by their talent and their presentation and it was an exciting time for Mom Tiffany, the girls and Gordon. Gordon’s words of encouragement to them were a great blessing.

The Arizona Wildflowers and Gordon after concert.

Well, it was as said before, a great tour and we are grateful to God for His blessing of protection and keeping us during over 5,000 miles of driving!

Thanks to all of you for your prayers, your friendship and fellowship and faithful support! We hope to see you all soon at a church or event near you.


PS…..A reminder that our bus is still for sale and would be a great bus for a Gospel group or family! We are not getting out of ministry but when the bus is sold we will do it a different way. We have strong bookings for this year but do have a few open dates we will fill.

Bob Rodgers

RSI Music Group