Dear Columbus Community Bill of Rights Friends,
Tomorrow, Saturday, March 24, thousands will be attending the March for Our Lives in honor of the Parkland School shooting & their March in DC.  
Many CCBOR members are planning to be at the Columbus march,  with petitions in hand. Please join us. No worries about supplies or rusty petitioning skills. There will be extra petitions, postcards, pens, clipboards, and others to work with. Here’s the PLAN. 
CCBOR members are meeting at 10am, on the west side of the Scioto river at the South East corner of the Main Street bridge (Not Rich St. Bridge). The intent is to keep in tune & honor this important event – and to get signatures when appropriate. If you like, sign up here:


On March 24, the kids and families of March For Our Lives will take to
the streets to demand that their lives and safety become a priority and
that we end gun violence and mass shootings in our schools today.
March with us in Washington DC or march in your own community. On
March 24, the collective voices of the March For Our Lives movement
will be heard.
If you can attend the rally, let Carolyn Harding and Bill Lyons know at:
Next, we have our official Final Thrust Kick-off (Monday, April 2, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM). We will have food, new yard signs featuring adorable kids and even a dog, discussions, petitions, and petitioning training for those who want it. This is also the perfect opportunity to organize petitioning partners. Bring friends! Stop in for 5 minutes or stay until 8:30. The main thing is to show up for this important kick-off event. Please sign up here: Northwood-High Building, 2231 N High St (just north of campus), room 100.
Friends, we’ve got to get the Columbus Community Bill of Rights on November’s ballot, but it won’t happen unless all of us work together to gather the signatures we need. We have come so close in two prior campaigns. Frankly, this is the last one, so it’s now or never. This is a short-term 3 months effort to protect our kids – and everyone else in Columbus and Central Ohio – from the dangers of fracking waste. Yes, it’s scandalous that we have to fight so hard to protect our environment, but what choice do we have when our leaders won’t? Leave it to the oil & gas companies to look after our interest?
CCBOR needs you, folks, and Columbus needs you. Whatever time you can give to this urgent cause, we will take it!  Can we count on you to help? 
Looking forward to hearing from you soon, 

New CCBOR T-Shirts are HERE!!

You get a free shirt with a donation of $35 or more to CCBOR.
Contact us to order yours by email or our website.   
Please visit our website.  We have alot of information on our fracking issue pertaining to the Columbus area. If you visit our 'Help Out' page,you can read meeting minutes from previous meetings, as well as download materials we use for petitioning.  The password to the Organizing Meetings page is "helpout".
Remember, this is OUR
Participatory Representative Democracy
If we don't use it, we lose it

You can download and read the 2017 language of our Columbus Community Bill of Rights from our website.  Click on the large symbol above to access our website, or on the link below. 

Toxic Radioactive Waste Doesn’t Belong Here
Protect our Home, our Families, our Rights!