Loopy Lou Bag Pattern by Mrs H.

Bliss Yoga Bag Pattern by Sew HungryHippie.

Tissue Box Tubbies Pattern by Among Brenda's Quilts & Bags.

Fat Quarter Finales! Pattern by Sisters' Common Thread.

A-Door-Ables Pattern by Lazy Girl Designs.

Teddy Tote Pattern by Sassafras Lane Designs. $7.19, 40% OFF!

Elm Street Bag Hardware Kit by Sassafras Lane Designs. $5.99, 50% OFF!
New FREE Pattern:

Fun and Easy Purse Tutorial by Shari Marie.
For handbags, backpacks & wallets, check out Henrietta's Handbags!

Brown Wallet with Crystal Decorations On Sale: $9.99, 50% OFF!
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