See Bill Lyons tonight at Central Ohio Green Party monthly meeting
The 934 Festival was great ...
... for Columbus Community Bill of Rights!
We're over 5,000 signatures - 
Let's keep the momentum going!
Come on out and help build the success!
Contact Bill Lyons at for petitions and tips!
Some opportunities this weekend:
 Wednesday, September 18, 2019, 12:30 – 3:00 PM.  Do Something:  End Gun Violence Now.   
Location:  12:30 March step-off: Columbus Commons, 160 S High St, Columbus.  We will march from the Columbus Commons, north on 3rd St, west on Broad St, then south for a few yards on High Street to the West Plaza of the Statehouse.  1:00 pm: Rally, West Plaza of the Ohio Statehouse.  We will hear stories from the families of victims of gun violence.  2:30 pm: Silent Witness/Prayer at the Statehouse. All Ohio Legislators are invited to join us. Facebook

Thursday and Friday, September 19-20, 2019, Monday and Tuesday, September 23-24, 2019, 10:00 – 3:00, OSU Sierra Club Petitioning for CCBOR.  Location: OSU OVAL

Friday, September 20, 2019, noon-2 pm CLIMATE STRIKE:  COLUMBUS, at the Ohio Statehouse. Climate Strike
PLEASE refer to the 'Ohio Climate Strike Week for Future' word document that is attached to this newsletter email!
Saturday, September21, Driving Park Family Fun Day, 1-5 pm, 1334 E. Livingston Ave. (the Historic Rickenbacker House).  They are expecting a lot of people—and it looks like a lot of fun.
Sunday, September 22, 2019, 3:30 Gathering at Genoa Park, 4:00 PM (march begins), 4:30- 5:45 
(Building community Interactive Event at Bicentennial Park), 2019 Interfaith March for Peace and Justice.  
If you agree:  All people should be free to practice their faith without fear of discrimination, intimidation, or reprisal; Multiple religions can coexist peacefully and contribute to the common good; Equal justice and equal protection under the law are rights to which all people are entitled; Governments should protest those who are most vulnerable and never fail to seek justice for acts of violence. Please join us and alert your communities of this annual event.  This event is international in scope.  Gather at Genoa Park, west side of the river behind COSI.  Building community event, Bicentennial Park Pavilion area.   
For more information visit:
Consider taking your petition to events you normally attend, to get signatures from friends and neighbors.
OUR NEXT PUBLIC MEETING Come on out to sign and/or get petitions, and meet new friends/petitioning buddies!  Monday, October 21st, 6 pm, at the Matin Luther King, Jr. library, 1467 E. Long St.
Help out the effort by donating!
We need to print petitions and cards.

Send a check, made out to "CCBOR PAC", and mail it to CCBOR at P.O. Box 14741, Columbus OH 43214.
Due to the new ordinance in the City of Columbus that is changing transparency requirements to expose "Dark Money"as a PAC we are now REQUIRED to list name, resident address, and if a self-employed, name of business for ALL donations no matter how small.  Please include this information with your donations!!

Thank you!
The Grass Roots Level: We are the Origin of Government
Episode 3
Watch the full video HERE

Press Release: Florida: Flurry of Rights of River Ballot Initiatives ...
... Proposed to Save Drinking Water, Ecosystems
Efforts to add legally enforceable rights for rivers are being advanced
in at least five Florida counties.  
Read the full CELDF press release by clicking HERE.
Columbus Dispatch:  What's In Fracking Chemicals?  
Energy Non-Profit Demands Answers

“Ohio and 28 other states have enacted rules that require some public disclosure of fracking chemicals. However, most if not all of these rules have exceptions that allow well owners to withhold chemical identities as trade secrets,” according to a report by the Partnership for Policy Integrity, a group based in Pelham, Massachusetts, that specializes in energy policy.
“It could take years before those chemicals move from oil and gas wells into water wells or other water sources where people could be exposed to them,” Horwitt told The Dispatch. “If the contamination occurs, it could be almost impossible to clean up. And that’s one of the reasons why it’s so important that scientists and regulators know these chemical identities so that they can test regularly for them in groundwater, and through other pathways.”
NOTE: the above image was not part of the Dispatch article and does NOT represent
Columbus Dispatch opinion
Click on the above image or HERE to read the full 9/16/19 Dispatch article
This Energy Tipping Point is Bad News for Natural Gas Power Plants

Click on image above to read the full article in Inside Climate News
He said new plants in Ohio have advantages over those in other parts of the country, but they still would lose money because clean energy sources would be less expensive in the market most of the time. This means the gas plants would run for far fewer hours than plant developers are now projecting, sharply reducing income.
The danger is that once plants get built, companies and trade groups will seek bailouts to protect themselves from market forces, he said. Sound familiar? The most cost-effective move is for utilities and regulators to recalibrate in response to the change rather than fight it, he said.
EU Commission Locks in Imported LNG, Endangering Climate Goals

Exports of US-produced LNG, have increased in recent years in the EU by nearly 300% (Public Domain)
Click on image above to read the full article in 'Energy Transition'
When you read this article, keep in mind that we have had two reports since 2011 that are as valid today as they were then, that state - the only way our use of natural gas can be considered a bridge fuel from coal in terms of producing less greenhouse gases, is if the methane leakage is kept below ~4% of production. We do not come close to this. Methane is 86 times potent as a GHG than carbon dioxide in the all-important 20 year timeframe.
Click on the image above to watch our video 'We're All Downstream'
Please share this video by copying this link and sending:

Remember, this is OUR
Participatory Representative Democracy
If we don't use it, we lose it

Please visit our website.  
Toxic Radioactive Waste Doesn’t Belong Here
Protect our Home, our Families, our Rights!