Where we are heading with our
Columbus initiative to protect our resources
We have jumped through all of the system's hoops to get our ordinance that would protect our city's water, soil, and air from oil & gas production contaminations on the November 6th, 2018 ballot. 
The result was not a surprise, yet still extremely disappointing.  We ended up with the Ohio Supreme Court rejecting our constitutional rights of participatory representative democracy, to ensure the rights of the industry to make their profits by coercing and contaminating residents in the city when they want to.
Our statement posted on October 9th, to concerned citizens about our initiative, is attached to this newsletter email as a pdf file.  You can also click HERE or in the link below, to download and read our statement.
We urge you to attend our next public meeting to discuss our strategy, moving forward from this point.  Here are the details:
WHAT: Columbus Community Bill of Rights PUBLIC MEETING
WHEN: Monday, October 22nd at 7:00pm
WHERE: Columbus Metropolitan Library, Northside Branch
1423 N. High Street, Columbus OH  43201
ALEC bill to quash protests working through
PA legislature
SB652 is an ALEC-inspired bill designed to strip Pennsylvania citizens of their Constitutional right to protest under the guise of protecting critical infrastructure including pipelines and schools. Vote NO on SB652!

Click HERE to sign the petition to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolfe, telling him to vote NO on SB652.
This is what is coming to Ohio as well as all other shale production and major pipeline-building states.

Join our Morrow County injection well tour
on Sunday, October 21st
Please join us for our next Morrow County injection well tour that will be held on Sunday, October 21st.

We will meet in the Weiland's Market parking lot on Indianola Ave. in Clintonville at 10:00am.  From there we will travel to Marengo to begin viewing several Class II injection wells that have been used to inject millions of barrels of oil/gas brine from fracked wells into the source water protection area for the source of the Columbus water shed.  
If you would like to meet us in Marengo, we will join at the Marengo Marathon gas station next to I-71 exit 140 (Mt. Gilead/Cardington) at 10:45am.
We should return to Clintonville between 3pm and 4pm.
If you would like to join us, please RSVP via email by clicking HERE, or by filling out our contact form on our website by clicking HERE.
'We The People 2.0' showing at Drexel
oTuesday, October 30th
Come see the important documentary on the community rights movement, 'We The People 2.0 - The Second American Revolution' in Columbus on Tuesday, October 30th.
Click on image above to view movie trailer.
Event details:
Showtime:  Tuesday, October 30th, 7:00pm
Location: Drexel Theater, 2254 E. Main St., Bexley OH  43209
Click HERE to visit our Facebook event page for more details
This showing is co-sponsored by Simply Living, Columbus Free Press, and Columbus Community Bill of Rights.
Protesting oil/gas infrastructure
resulting in prison sentences
These men could spend a year behind bars
for protesting peacefully.
[Please click HERE to sign this petition in support of British protestors given heavy prison sentences for direct action/civil disobedience when all other avenues to stop damaging fracking activity failed.
'Treating Protest as Terrorism: U.S. Plans Crackdown on Keystone XL Activists'
“Treating protest as terrorism is highly problematic,” said German, noting that the US government has long labeled activism as “terrorism”, once claiming that filing public records requests was an “extremist” tactic. “It’s an effective way of suppressing protest activity and creating an enormous burden for people who want to go out and express their concerns.”
The “terrorist” and “extremist” labels can be used to justify brutality and a militarized operation, said Andrea Carter, an attorney with the Water Protector Legal Collective, a group that has represented Standing Rock defendants. 
Click on image above to read the article in 'The Guardian'.
Food and Water Watch report:
'Another Petrochemical Sacrifice Zone'
Proposed Appalacian Gas "Cluster" Would Pollute Region and Entrench Fossil Fuel and Plastics Infrastructure for Decades

CLICK on the above image to read and download the full FFW report.
'Growing Roots and Rights for Just Communities Conference' was a huge success
Held on September 29th, the Ohio Community Rights Network's conference in North Columbus was a day filled with speakers and panels. 
Ohio OHCRN and CELDF organizer Tish O'Dell stated;
"We see this as just the beginning of the conversations that need to take place and know that much effort still lies ahead. It means building coalitions for systemic change that will benefit us all. Changing the course of the current system and creating a new direction takes hard work and perseverance. As we heard from Mari, Melina and all the Community Conversation participants - challenging, resisting and creating something new involves courage, hard work and people willing to take risks."
"Throughout the conference we heard from numerous people – activists and organizers who are passionate about a wide variety of single issues – who all said the system blocks us from getting what we want in our communities. We can’t create sustainable communities if we can’t prohibit the unsustainable. We can’t create just communities if we can’t stop what is unjust. We can’t create safe communities, if we can’t stop what is unsafe. We can’t create fair communities, if we can’t stop what is unfair. And, we can’t create healthy communities, if we can’t prohibit what is unhealthy."
                     Tish O'Dell MC'ing        Keynote: Melina Abdullah
CELDF's Mari Margil                         Panel Discussion
You can click HERE to visit OHCRN's website to read more
Click on the image above to watch our video 'We're All Downstream'
Please share this video by copying this link and sending:

Please visit our website.  We have alot of information on our fracking issue pertaining to the Columbus area. If you visit our 'Help Out' page,you can read meeting minutes from previous meetings, as well as download materials we use for petitioning.  The password to the Organizing Meetings page is "helpout".
Remember, this is OUR
Participatory Representative Democracy
If we don't use it, we lose it

You can download and read the 2017 language of our Columbus Community Bill of Rights from our website.   

Toxic Radioactive Waste Doesn’t Belong Here
Protect our Home, our Families, our Rights!