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ANYBODY can sign this online petition, PLEASE DO!!
We are asking everyone, even those who reside outside of Columbus Ohio, to please sign our online petition as an endorsement of the public for Columbus City Council to put our community bill of rights charter amendment on the Columbus city ballot in November 2020.
Please sign, even if you have physically signed our initiative petition in person, but even more important, SHARE, SHARE, SHARE with everyone you can. We want thousands of signatures, especially from residents of the City of Columbus itself.
Please click HERE to read and sign the petition, and we are asking that you please copy and SHARE the link below on your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts, and email the link to friends:
Our local electeds must realize that public opinion is very much supportive of having a local law that spells out our rights as residents of the city to protect our life-giving resources: our public water, our soil, and the air that we breathe from contamination brought about by oil and gas production wastes.
Please consider an online donation!
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Thank you!
Our Resolution of Support
At Columbus Community Bill of Rights, we firmly and vocally stand against racism, anti-Blackness, white supremacy, and police brutality, and a host of severe social disparities that exist between the zip codes of the county.
Please click HERE to read our resolution, in support of Peoples' Justice Project and their resolution, to demand reforms of the Columbus Division of Police.
Our US constitution replaces 'the pursuit of happiness' as it was stated in the US Declaration of Independence, with property rights. Nowhere is it seen more that property is overrated, than when we watch our corporate-state use police force to quell peaceful protest in our city streets over their misuse that results in racially-based killing.
Critics who imply that property destruction is equivalent to the violence public servants inflict on people erase the truth that property ownership and protection are themselves acts of violence existing through exploited labor and stolen lands. When police are a violent institution rooted in white supremacy and defend property rather than human beings, then property desctruction can become a collective act of self-defense:
Click HERE or on the image above to read the full article from Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund.
Read and SHARE the "brine bill" FACT SHEET
Brine spreading in Noble County, Ohio. This was not an ODOT truck, but a private
contractor most-probably spreading untreated conventional oil and gas brine (not Aqua Salina).
Click HERE to read/download Buckeye Environmental Network's HB 545 Fact Sheet. Please read and SHARE WIDELY!!
HR 545, also known as the "brine bill", would free distributors of radioactive brine products of almost all regulatory restrictions in Ohio. For more on the issue, you can read the Brine Fact Sheet HERE, and also read more on our website.
We need as many Ohio residents as possible to contact members of the Ohio House Energy and Natural Resources committee, and let them know that we don't want our environment, especially in our city, contaminated with heavy metals and radium that will never go away in our lifetimes, or the lifetimes of our great-great-great grandchildren!
If you would like to find out how to get in touch with committee members,
The Lake is Toledo's to Fight For
The Lake is Toledo's to Fight For
The judge said invalidating the bill of rights was "not a close call." The judge said the measure that is based on the legal principle of the rights of nature, "is unconstitutionally vague and exceeds the power of municipal government in Ohio."
But the city has a role to play in protecting Lake Erie. Just as the federal and state regulators must step up and do what's necessary to crack down on agricultural runoff in the Maumee River watershed, Toledo must do its part to protect the lake in its back yard.
In this case, that means not sheepishly slinking away from a court fight it committed to leading.
Click HERE or on the image above or to read the full article in 'The Blade'.
PTT Further Delays Ohio Cracker Decision to 2021
[Excerpt: words of frustration from industry media outlet, Marcellus Drilling News]
Apparently the company had telegraphed (unbeknown to us) that the FID would instead be made sometime in the third quarter of this year. Now that newer deadline is blown too. A publication called The Nation (an English language daily published in Thailand) is reporting the company has pushed its FID until "next year" - whatever that means.
Click HERE or on the image above or to read the full article in 'Marcellus Drilling News'.
GrassRootOhio - Every Friday
Listen to Carolyn Harding interview guests about Ohio issues that affect all of us in the state.
The show appears on Columbus local radio station WGRN 94.1FM, every Friday at 5:00pm.
Other Great Resources Online
LC Concerned Citizens newsletter.
To subscribe, click HERE and follow the instructions on their website, located in the right-hand sidebar to email them and ask to subscribe.
Click on the image above to watch our video 'We're All Downstream'
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Remember, this is OUR
Participatory Representative Democracy
If we don't use it, we lose it
Toxic Radioactive Waste Doesn’t Belong Here
Protect our Home, our Families, our Rights!