
Moles, Warts - Holistic Treatment

by Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, LAc, CCH, QME
Is There An Alternative Treatment for Warts  or Moles?
Yes, most definitely!  First, according to Oriental medicine, warts are connected to the Liver and Gall Bladder, or the wood element.  So if you have warts or moles that keep growing back, they are most probably an indication of an imbalance or toxicity in your Liver or Gall Bladder Meridians. 
From the Western medical point of view, the wart exists independently of any particular pathology.  But this should not surprise you, since most problems, according to Western medicine, exist independently of any other body function or cause.  Western medicine says that warts are caused by the HPV or the human papiloma virus.  But Oriental medicine sees every symptom as connected to other parts of the body and meridian system.
What Is The Meaning of A Wart?
First, it is important to remember that the wart represents an internal imbalance and toxicity and is actually  a sign that your body is trying to rid itself of this toxicity.  When the wart is burned off, it may drive the imbalance into a deeper part of the body, (usually the liver), thus creating an even more difficult time of overall healing.
You must learn to respect your body's symptoms, no matter how benign in appearance or inconvenient they may be, and acknowledge the wisdom of the body to balance itself out by throwing toxicity to the surface where it will do less harm than if contained within the internal, more important organs.
What Can I Do To Treat Warts?

Here is what you can do.  Nutritionally, you can take the following supplements which have proven effective in removing warts: 
1.  Squeeze the contents of one vitamin E capsule on the wart and keep covered with a bandaid.  Repeat daily for about one to two months.
2.  Take vitamin E (in dry form) and beta carotene.
3.  Topically apply homeopathic Thuja ointment to the wart or mole.
4.   Reduce your intake of bad fats, refined sugars, white flour and dairy products since all of these could cause  further stagnation and toxicity in the liver and gall bladder meridians.
5.  Consider doing a gall bladder flush.  We can talk more about it during a consultation.
6.  There are many homeopathic remedies that are very effective in treating warts and moles.  Some of the most common are Thuja, Antimonium crud, and Causticum.  You will need the help of an experienced homeopath since a warts and moles are symptoms of deeper imbalances and you will probably need to be treated constitutionally and over a longer period of time to permanently remove them.
What Message Do Warts Have To Tell Me On An Emotional Level?
The Liver and Gall Bladder meridians relate to the emotions of anger and resentment, so you should examine your mode of dealing with stress in your life.  Establish coping mechanisms that allow you to release your stress patterns without harming yourself or others.   Meditation, acupuncture, guided imagery, walking, swimming, or psychotherapy are some possibilities.  You may have already noticed that more warts tend to "grow" during times of stress.  This is because the constricted energy is creating further blockage in the liver.

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I look forward to working with you through the remainder of 2015 and right on into 2016!

*Chinese Herbal Medicine*
*Nutritional Counseling and Diet*
Dr Randy Martin, OMD, LAc, PhD, CCH
Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Certified Classical Homeopath


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