News for ICC&CS      Thursday, February 13, 2025 
Director:  Gerald Wolfe
Visit the ACI website:
Contact the ICC&CS Steering Committee:
Please email all newsletter related items to:

From the Director
     FROSTIANA - The Road Not Taken (SATB), Come In (SAA),                                       Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (TBB)
     LUX AETERNA - II and V

"Festival of Inspired Music"
Namgyal Monastery is holding an interfaith event "exploring spirituality and faith through song and sound" this coming Monday, February 17 from 9am to 5pm at 201 Tibet Drive in Ithaca:  "Experience a day filled with the chanting, drumming, music and song of many different traditions.  We will experience, share, and discuss the power of music to foster harmony, compassion, and empathy."  (See attached flyer for more details). 
All are welcome, pre-registration is requested, and lunch will be provided.  A suggested donation of $20 would help cover lunch and expenses, but no one will be turned away due to inability to pay.

Spanakopita (& Baklava!) Takeout Dinner
Friday, February 28, 5-7pm, St. Catherine Greek Orthdox Church.  $20 per meal, pre-orders only.  See attached flyer for details.

Newsletter Items?
If you would like to include a brief item in the ICC&CS e-newsletter, send text ready to copy and paste by Thursdays at 6pm to Notices should be related to the chorus or the local music community.
Affiliated Choruses of Ithaca
P.O. Box 622
Ithaca, NY  14851