Seattle Friday Cultural Evenings
Sponsored by
Helene Eriksen and ANAR
Friday Dec. 16th, 2011
ANAR Cultural Evening focus on
Iran & the Persian Gulf
7-9 pm

A special feature of this year's ANAR DANA Project will be Friday Cultural Evenings at my house in Ravenna. Each Friday before our training weekend we will have a potluck at my house and look at films, photos, costumes, listen to music, discuss history, ethnography and politics of one of the regions from our project.

These evenings are open to everyone! 

Suggested donation is $10 for ANAR DANA members and $15 for the general public and goes towards new costumes for the ensemble.  

Our second Cultural Evening will be Friday, Dec. 16th, 2011 at my house in Ravenna.  The foucs is Iran and the Persian Gulf.  We are also very close to the Winter Solstice on Dec. 21st, which is celebrated as Shaba Yalda in Iran.  On Shaba Yalda Iranians read from the poems of the mystical Persian poet Hafez and use them to divine their future.  We will read Hafez as well!

Please feel free to pass this on and invite your friends.  If you can, bring something for the potluck that fits the evening's theme.

Please email me to reserve your space!

Best regards!

Complete list of Cultural Evenings is:

1) 11.11.11 (!!!!) Uzbekistan
2) Dec. 16, 2011 Iran
3) Jan. 20, 2012 Georgia
4) Feb. 17, 2012 Arab Music & Orientalism
5) March 3, 2012 Bulgaria (This is a Thursday and will be held at Om Culture)
6) April 20, 2012 Turkey
7) May 18, 2012 West Sahara