Previous Hot Times booth
Help us out at Hot Times Festival!!
This weekend is Hot Times! 
And we have a booth and need people to host it!
Friday evening, Saturday from noon on, and Sunday from noon to about 8. 
Please click HERE to sign up on our volunteer sign-up sheet and bring a friend!

If you have further questions, email Bill Lyons at

Location: 240 Parsons Ave. (Main and Parsons). Hot Times 
Help out the effort by donating!
We need to print petitions and cards.

Send a check, made out to "CCBOR PAC", and mail it to CCBOR at P.O. Box 14741, Columbus OH 43214.
Due to the new ordinance in the City of Columbus that is changing transparency requirements to expose "Dark Money"as a PAC we are now REQUIRED to list name, resident address, and if a self-employed, name of business for ALL donations no matter how small.  Please include this information with your donations!!

Thank you!
The Grass Roots Level:
We are the Origin of Government, Episode 3

Watch the full video HERE

Educate a Legislator Day

Justice for the Lakota People

Tell Congress to stop KXL!
Rep. Ocasio Alexandria-Cortez meeting with Lakota Tribe representatives in her office
Click on image above to go to website and see the youtube
Could this fresh, new politics be sustainable?  It is up to us to make it that way.
Click on the image above to watch our video 'We're All Downstream'
Please share this video by copying this link and sending:

Remember, this is OUR
Participatory Representative Democracy
If we don't use it, we lose it

Please visit our website.  
Toxic Radioactive Waste Doesn’t Belong Here
Protect our Home, our Families, our Rights!