Gateway to the Diverse Communities
March 4, 2014

We are celebrating the many contributions of women in Pennsylvania and promoting the continued gains in women's leadership and entrepreneurship.

PittsburghUrbanMedia.com-Celebrate Women’s History Month, March 2014
National Women's History Month's roots go back to March 8, 1857, when women from New York City factories staged a protest over working conditions. International Women's Day was first observed in 1909, but it wasn't until 1981 that Congress established National Women's History Week to be commemorated the second week of March. In 1987, Congress expanded the week to a month. Every year since, Congress has passed a resolution for Women's History Month, and the President has issued a proclamation.

As we celebrate Women’s History Month, the leaders featured during the month of March on our site, all demonstrate that they are significantly shaping the world – in business, government, academia, the non-profit sector and more.  They are advancing their influence exponentially by shaping and creating a new generation of leaders who are poised to help lead our world forward.

We hope their stories will serve as an inspiration to encourage future generations to be motivated and inspired to achieve their goals and dreams.  
PUM Women's History Salutes: Helen Hanna Casey, President, Howard Hanna Real Estate Services
“It’s a challenge but any business has to regenerate to grow. It’s this sort of savvy thinking that keeps them moving forward.  They are always looking into the future.  Earlier in my career when I served the community on non-profit boards, I was the only working woman.  But I learned a great deal from non-working women as well such as my mother Anne Hanna.  Although now as a member of business boards, I see women bring a different perspective– we make men more accountable; our perspective is different”  Helen Hanna Casey   


PUM Women's History Salutes: Ellen McLean, Chief Executive Officer of Port Authority of Allegheny County

"In addition to the standard work hard, have integrity, and project confidence, everyone should learn to be a problem solver and an excellent communicator, both written and verbal.  Equally important, don't believe that there are only a set number of seats at the table for women.   You don't get there alone so bring others with you.   Don't dwell on the "glass ceiling."   Ellen McLean   
PUM Women's History Salutes: Geraldine M. Jones, Interim President, California University of Pennsylvania 
“If I do inspire women, particularly the energetic and smart young women I see on our campus every day, I hope I do so because they see that I am a hard-working individual who believes in honest dealings and appreciating others, and having a rich, full personal life.  I like nothing more than when young women meet my husband and family, and they see that while I may be interim president of a great university, I also have a family that I love, and who love me.  Professional accolades and achievements are wonderful, but sharing these things with the wonderful people in my life makes it even more rewarding.” Geraldine M. Jones  Click Here                                                                    
PUM Women's History Salutes: Dr. Sally Wenzel, Director of the University of Pittsburgh Asthma Institute and Professor of Medicine- One of the World’s Top 10 Asthma Doctors
“Science, for better or for worse, has traditionally been considered a man’s domain, but an incredibly important one to move society forward.  As long as there are very few women in this field, women are less likely to be associated with "moving society forward," "cutting edge technology," and achievements to improve the health of broad numbers of people, accomplishments that are generally valued in our society.  When women are not participating fully, women as a whole are not thought to be as important as men in these arenas.  I strive to be a role model and to mentor bright young women not only in medical research and patient care, but also in succeeding in a male dominated world.” Dr. Sally Wenzel        Click Here
PUM Women's History Salutes: Deborah Rice-Johnson-President, Highmark Health Plan, Highmark Inc.
"Regardless of the setting, women have always had the unique ability to influence others in a positive way. It’s important that women keep that in mind as they navigate their career path. Highmark created a Women’s Network, which is one of six business resource groups at the company that encourage employees with shared interests to work inclusively and collaboratively with one another." Deborah Rice-Johnson

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PUM Women's History Salutes: Bev Smith, National Radio and Television Talk Show Host, Diversity Expert & Global Social Entrepreneur & Speaker

"Woman, especially women of color must begin to understand that despite the advancement some have made the glass ceiling has been reinforced against women.  Of course one can argue that the fact that we have women in position of leadership in many of the fortune 1000 companies women are still the lowest paid in fields that range from degreed positions to skilled positions.  One must be able to take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself and that might mean taking a job were one becomes a big fish in a small pond.  These kinds of positions can help women who face obstacles when they are trying to break into the national arena." Bev Smith

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PUM Women's History Salutes: Stephanie Saracco, Chief Operating Officer of the Allegheny County Airport Authority
"The biggest change I have seen is the cultural change toward women in the workplace in general.  Aviation careers are not limited to pilots, flight attendants and air traffic controllers. There are many disciplines required in modern aviation that need to be filled. STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) functions, management, safety and customer service are a few of the fields that aviation industry encompasses. I have only flown as a recreational pilot, and over the years, family and career have taken over, but the thrill of flying never leaves. I am fortunate to work in a career where I can still be part of the industry that is a passion for me." Stephanie Saracco
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PUM Women's History Salutes: Tina Chekan -Superintendent/CEO of Propel Schools
“Women’s careers have evolved over the last several decades and increasingly more women have leadership roles. My role as a superintendent involves making tough decisions on a daily basis. My advice to other women is to have confidence in every decision made. It is important to draw deep within a core value system and let those guiding elements lead the way.  A good decision is not always the popular choice, but if the decision is based on what is best for others or the organization, then it is most likely the right one.” Tina Chekan       Click Here  
PUM Women's History Salutes: Suzanne K. Mellon, PHD - Tenth President of Carlow University
"There is still a minority of women leaders of universities throughout our country, despite the fact that there are more women attending college now.  However, I do see much hope and opportunity ahead. Often the most difficult position to be in is the first of anything, but once that ceiling is broken, it becomes easier for succeeding generations to advance." Suzanne K. Mellon 
            Click Here
Message From Robin Beckham, Editor and Founder at PittsburghUrbanMedia.com and Beckham Media.
As we celebrate Women’s History Month, we honor the many contributions women have made throughout our history by enriching our culture, strengthening our families and country, while also paving the way for future generations.

I am especially excited to be able to recognize women in Pittsburgh who demonstrate everyday what it takes to succeed in a very competitive, male dominated society. Whether it is in their careers or in their homes, these women are genuine leaders who are helping to innovate and sustain our region.  
PittsburghUrbanMedia.com salutes and honors these women who fight to make this country a more just and equal place. 

We take the time to celebrate their accomplishments as we share some of their words of wisdom and advice. I hope you are compelled to break through any barriers in your life and as Michelle Obama, (The First African-American 1st Lady) says- “You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.”

Gratitude-- find a way to help to support another woman, and you will also be supporting a future leader. 

Paying Tribute to One of Pittsburgh’s Female Jazz Pioneers University of Pittsburgh to Host Cyber Symposium on Mary Lou Williams
Pittsburgh pianist and jazz legend Mary Lou Williams (1910-1981) will be the focus of a cyber symposium hosted by the University of Pittsburgh—which will use Internet 2 and PittNet to engage musicians and scholars around the country—from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 12.
Breaking Barriers: Women who made history in science-Carnegie Science Center
Date: April 5, 2014
Some accomplishments pioneered by women in science are wireless internet, the DNA double helix structure, computer programming and radioactivity. The Pittsburgh chapter of Young Women in Bio (YWIB) is taking local Girl Scouts on a journey through history to see contributions women have made to the sciences at a reserved event in the Carnegie Science Center.



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