Dear colleges and partners,
we are very proud to welcome you to the first newsletter of our Working group «Clusters and Regional Development» (WG C&RD)!
About the Working Group «Clusters and Regional Development»
Within the EUSDR Priority Area 8, Croatian Wood Cluster coordinates the Working Group "Clusters and Regional Development" (WG C&RD). The main objective of the WG is to foster the development of clusters and their collaboration on the national, international, regional, and cross-sectoral levels. More about WG and EOI to become a member...
About the Newsletter
In order to keep you updated on the latest news related to the cluster topics, the WG decided to create the 2-monthly newsletter. The newsletters bring you a selection of news and highlights related to the cluster relevant topics: Innovation, industry and SMEs, technology transfer, regional development, policies, news from European Commission and EU Cohesion policy, cluster related events etc.
You are receiving this e-mail because you are a member of the WG, we are connected via LinkedIn, or you shared your business card during some thematic events linked to one of the previously listed topics. We value your privacy: We want you to know that we will not sell, rent, lease, or give your contact details to anyone. However, if you don't want to receive further newsletters and information about the WG activities, you can unsubscribe any time by clicking the Unsubscribe button at the bottom of this e-mail.
Enjoy the reading and share your feedback and suggestions to help us to improve in future editions! 

Newsletter #1 WG «Clusters and Regional Development» 
International Cluster Workshop in Dubrovnik: Role of Clusters in the Industrial Development of the Regions
How to use EU funds for the industrial growth of cities and regions? What is the role of the clusters in regional development? Don't miss the opportunity to learn about the revised European Cluster Excellence Scheme and to discuss... More
Baden-Württemberg: New Cornerstones of the Regional Innovation Policy
Over the past Baden-Württemberg developed its cluster and regional development policy further. The New Approach acknowledges cluster initiatives to play a more active role in regional innovation and economic development. This approach will help clusters to become a key driver for regional… More
European Expert Group on Clusters Meeting: Contributing to Industrial Policy
On 18 October 2019, 33 private and public sector experts of the European Commission's expert group on clusters met in Brussels. They had initial discussions on how to better use clusters as a strategic industrial policy tool. During the meeting, experts flagged their main areas of interest… More
Smart Regions 3.0 Conference: Transformation through Smart Specialisation
The European Commission, Member States and Regions will present achievements in the current financial period 2014-20 and key directions for smart specialization as a tool for an effective economic transformation in 2021-27. It will focus on three topics… More 
Peter Berkowitz: The role of Smart Specialisation in the post-2020 programming period
Europe will face many challenges in the coming years linked to the introduction of new technologies, digitalization, an evolving trade environment, and the need to move a climate neutral economy, while ensuring quality jobs and well-being for its citizens. As highlighted… More

New Technologies and Digitalization Open New Perspectives for Smart Cities and Urban Development
Between October 18 and 20, 2019, at Herman Hollerith Zentrum, Böblingen, Germany, barcamp Böblingen was held, a concept presentation of project ideas in the field of pitch digitization. The organizers of the barcamp Böblingen and the coordinators of the EUSDR 8 priority area, the "Digital Danube" and "Transfer of innovation and technology" Working Groups… More

Support to Industrial Modernisation and Smart Specialisation at EU Regions Week
On 9 October the COSME-funded ReConfirm initiative hosted a session at the European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels. The workshop presented two bottom-up initiatives that help regional industries and SMEs become more innovative... More
Romania - In the Forefront of the European Digital Innovation Hubs
Romania ranked first among the 26 partners of the largest European Digital Innovation Hubs Network focused on robotics, exceeding the goals set with 230% for IT companies and 210% for factories. Romanian technology providers and end-users have proved… More 
Industrial Policy: Recommendations to Support Europe’s Leadership in 6 Strategic Business Areas
On November 5th, the EU Commission publishes recommendations to boost Europe’s competitiveness and global leadership in 6 strategic and future-oriented industrial sectors. The recommendations, by the Strategic Forum for Important Projects of Common European Interest, relate to… More
Have You Already Checked the Investment Priorities Beyond 2020?
Regional development investments will strongly focus on objectives 1 and 2. 65% to 85% of ERDF and Cohesion Fund resources will be allocated to these priorities, depending on Member States’ relative wealth. A focus on five investment priorities, where the EU is best placed to deliver… More
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