Clean Up Oz Day 2020
Up Australia Day is here again
March 1, 2020
Scotland Island
is registered to participate once again!
Clean Up Australia inspires and
empowers communities to clean up, fix up and conserve
our environment
This event encourages and inspires thousands of
Australians to take to their local park, beach, bushland
and streets and really help make a difference to their
local environment
If you would like to help out, either by grabbing a bag
and filling it, or helping to supervise activities, please
to put your name on the list.
Come down to your nearest Wharf to collect a bag between
the hours of 8am and 12.00pm NOTE: Low Tide
at 7.30am!
Bring gloves, sunscreen, hat, sensible clothes and
footwear – and don’t forget to bring some water
Toby and his crew will be out on the Laurel Mae to collect
Here is a link to the Clean Up Australia website:
About the event - Clean Up Australia Day
International Folk Dancing
Saturday 29 February till
August 2020
How Good is Saving the
Sustainable Tips from the
Offshore Climate Action Group.
This month: Reducing Food
Waste, by Hazel Malloy.
Reducing food waste is ranked #3 by global environmental
research group Project Drawdown as a solution that exists
right now for reducing greenhouse gases, and it’s
something we all can do, right now, to reduce our carbon
For more about Project Drawdown and the other solutions to
combat climate change that they identified, and how they
are ranked, see
Why is food waste so important? It’s a double whammy: food
production makes greenhouse gases at every stage, and if
we waste the food we bring home and it ends up in the
rubbish bin, the methane it generates when it rots in
landfill has 34 times the greenhouse effect of carbon
dioxide. About half the “biogas” generated from landfill
is methane (the other half is carbon dioxide and other
Sure, it is possible to capture methane from landfill
using biogas technology, and that’s a worthwhile solution
on its own, but it makes more sense to not generate the
methane in the first place. Capturing methane from
landfill is way down the Project Drawdown list, ranked
So how can we reduce food waste? EASY: don’t put food
waste into landfill. Buy what you can realistically use,
and start composting. Composting also has many
benefits on its own, and helps to put carbon back into
soil instead of letting it escape into the atmosphere as a
greenhouse gas.
Top tips for keeping food from rotting in the fridge
- Buy less so that you can keep track of what you have
that needs eating
- Label and freeze leftovers or eat them for lunch the
next day
- If shopping lists and meal plans don’t suit your
style, cook a “fridge mess” meal once a week to use up
odds and ends – it may be not be elegant but it sure
can be tasty, especially if you have some herbs (see
next item)
- Don’t buy herbs. Instead establish a small herb
garden in a shady spot near your kitchen door and dig
in lots of compost – parsley is very easy, especially
if you can toss your dishwashing water on it (ask
Tracy Smith if you want some parsley seeds as she has
a lot)
- If you buy herbs, make pesto to extend their fridge
life, and have ready for instant meals. You can omit
the nuts and cheese, and use any herb or mix of herbs
(not just basil). The result will still be good.
- When you buy vegetables that have roots on them (or
are roots), don’t put them in the fridge. Plant them!
You can do this with beetroots, carrots, ginger,
shallots, or potatoes. Just tuck them in the
well-composted soil in your herb garden, and pull them
up as you use them (note: does not work too well for
coriander) – thanks to Tracy Smith for this tip
- Leafy vegetables – wrap in a damp cloth or paper
towels in a plastic box or bag in the fridge – they
need humidity to stay fresh but any water sitting
directly on vegetables will rot them. Store veg like
zucchini or broccoli loose in your fridge drawer, ( in
mesh bags) - they will rot more quickly in sealed
plastic bags.
-Hazel Malloy
Next month, Home Composting by Hazel!
The Offshore Climate
Action Group meets monthly to discuss local and global
climate solutions.
Join us at the rally on Sat 22nd at 2pm for the
Climate Crisis National Day of Action at Sydney Town
Next meeting, Sat 29/03, 3pm-4pm in the SI Hall.
Contact Jess on 0422 474 279 for more info
Offshore Wine Syndicate
Sunday March 1st
2020 from 3pm
Only Wine Syndicate Newsletter
All the Wine that's
fit to Drink :)
As promised, the tasting notes for our next tasting. Some
excellent reds I note and winter (believe it) will be here
before we know it.
image to download PDF
At the
boatshed of Karen and Michael on the north side of
Scotland Island. A joint tasting with Greg and Louise
and an occasion I am sure you will enjoy.
Remember to bring
Tasting notes and price
list printed, as attached. (It really is important that
the 'organisers' above us know where the wine is ordered
Tasting glass
Something in the way of food to provide an excuse to
taste the wine. We usually share the food and you help
yourselves as the afternoon progresses.
Your good humour.

DATE: Sunday March 1st 2020 from 3pm
Apple Tree Therapy
Explore Your Wild
Thursdays 27th February- 19th March
The Explore Your Wild Wholeness course is a
beautiful way to give yourself time in nature and to
experience connecting with nature in new ways. It will
give you the time and space to meet new sides to yourself.
Connect with your innocent self, the beauty and awe of
being in the here and now. Re-connect to listening deeply
to nature and being in conversation with the natural world
around you, your wild indigenous self will be ignited.
Listen to nature’s wisdom and honour your own wisdom being
mirrored back to you. Feel Mother earth’s and Father’s sky
support as you connect with your compassionate nurturing
There is much talk at the moment of the need for humans to
re-wild, to see ourselves as part of the natural
world. I feel this course will provide you with many
experiences to connect to this oneness with nature and I
feel honoured to be offering this course at this time on
planet earth. I believe that with greater connection to
nature we cannot help but want to be in harmony with it.
6 Week
Course starting Tuesday 3rd March19th
The Shamanic Journeying course will teach you
the art of shamanic journeying, an ancient way of leaving
the ego and safely entering altered states of
consciousness. The purpose of journeying is to gain new
information, new resources and new insights that would not
be available to you if you stayed in your ego.
The shamanic medicine wheel is a map of wholeness, and
each week you will journey around a different direction of
the medicine wheel connecting to and experiencing the
different qualities and resources available to you in each
Shamanic journeying is a very powerful tool which can be
used for experiencing visions, connecting to your inner
strength, healing yourself and gaining wisdom for the
benefit of yourself, family, community and the earth.
Kindred Families Yoga and Tai Chi Retreat
17-19 April 2020 The Barringtons NSW

To Contribute
If you
would like to contribute to this newsletter it's
easy!. Send an e-mail to the editor (
or by clicking
here. Type your contribution
(100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of
general interest to the community, does not include
matter of a political nature and is not offensive,
it will appear next month.
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expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the
views of the Scotland Island Residents Association
(SIRA), or the Western Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA)