Part VI: a new shed
Roy Baker
Drawing mainly on SI
News archives, Part VI looks at the building of the
current fire station.

Blackwood, Bruce Healey and Graeme Richmond in
front of the current fire shed, sometime after
2005 |
By the 1980s the island’s burgeoning population had
thoroughly outgrown the old fire shed, which was located
down by the water’s edge at Tennis Court Wharf. Until the
opening of the community hall in 1982, that humble
structure had served as the island’s sole communal space,
hosting not only the brigade but also public meetings, a
play school, dance classes and more.

community event inside the old fire shed,
sometime around 1980. Photos: June Lahm
Plans for a new fire station began taking shape in the
early 1980s. But where to build it? Some members favoured
retaining the site down on the shoreline. For instance,
Peter Mulholland, who went on to serve as captain, felt
that by fronting directly onto the park the shed, and
therefore the brigade, would better retain its integral
place in everyday island life.
But others favoured relocating the brigade’s HQ further up
the hill. A proponent of this new site was Bob Blackwood,
who served as president for many years. Bob made a
persuasive case for a new site: if the brigade stayed
where it was then it would take far longer to get a new
In the end, Bob and his supporters won the day, and the
brigade’s current site was selected. One story, perhaps
apocryphal, is that the position of the shed was due to
the substandard vehicles operated by the brigade at the
time: it was felt that they needed to be kept at the top
of a hill so that they could be clutch started in the
event of a flat battery.

newly cleared site for the awaited shed,
approx 1985
Whatever the real reason, by 1985 the present site had
been cleared. But the new shed still needed a design.
Apparently the original honorary architect was Richard
Williamson, known to many on the island as Richard the
Brick. This, the story goes, was due to his penchant for
building in brick, and to distinguish him from Richard the
Log, who preferred wooden constructions.
In 1985 long-serving captain Bruce Lane announced that
construction would start soon. But three years later the
site still lay empty; the delay partly related to the need
to rezone the site, which formed part of Catherine Park.
By then Richard Williamson had seemingly been replaced as
architect by islander Geoff Breen. According to some
brigade members around at the time, Geoff came up with an
interesting concept for the shed, but in the end the
council selected a more ‘prosaic’ design by another
islander, John Parker.

Healey inside the radio room of the current
Construction began sometime around 1989, by which time
Darcy Nicholson had taken over from Peter Mulholland as
captain. Unlike the first shed and the community centre,
both of which were built with volunteer labour, Greg
Stidwill (Ryan’s father) was contracted to complete the
construction, with John Travers working on the framework.
The new shed formally opened on 15 June 1991. Warringah
Shire was represented by its president, John Caputo, with
three other councillors attending. This prompted Bob
Blackwood to wryly note in his ‘vastly amusing’ speech the
‘remarkable coincidence’ of so many councillors appearing
offshore. At the time Pittwater was voting on whether to
secede from Warringah to form its own council.
The shed was to outlast both Warringah and Pittwater
Councils. But not without changes, all of which are
testament to the brigade’s continuing growth. First, the
entire structure has now been taken over by the brigade.
The original plan was for the firies to occupy only the
front of the station. One rear room was to be used by
council workers, while the other was intended for Sydney
County Council, then responsible for providing electricity
to offshore Pittwater. This explains why, until recently,
there were no connecting doors between the building’s two
rear rooms and the rest of the station. To this day
Ausgrid has a store cupboard in one back room.
Internal and external changes have also been implemented
by brigade members. These include construction of the
radio room, mezzanine, bar and the outside paved patio.
Much of this work was done by present-day islanders,
including Bob Blackwood, John Travers, Steve Yorke, Geoff
Leeson and John Christie, among others. The late Bruce
Healey also played an important role in the shed’s
improvement and upkeep.

Healey with Brian Friend at the shed's bar
The other major alteration was when the entire front wall
was pushed out by several metres, thus allowing more space
for vehicles and construction of a workshop. The extension
was opened in 2002 by Steve Yorke, by then a
superintendent in the RFS.
Even though the building now belongs to Northern Beaches
Council and basic firefighting equipment is supplied by
the RFS, much of its maintenance and running costs are met
by the brigade. For instance, the brigade paid for the
recent redecoration of the shed, as well as its phone and
internet connections and kitchen equipment. That’s why the
brigade relies on the support of you, the residents, if
the shed is to remain an integral part of island social
and community life.
The Two Catherines Café has become a regular part of
Scotland Island life. In this article Robyn Iredale,
co-ordinator of the Recreation Club, explains how it all
began, where the money goes and some changes that are
being trialled.

Iredale, founder of the Two Catherines Café
In 2019 SIRA applied for and was awarded a Northern
Beaches Council Community and Cultural Grant for the
purpose of improving social cohesion. The aim was to
’incorporate older and younger people into the life of the
community through a range of activities that will appeal
to different age groups’.
To this end, the Recreation Club was established in 2019
and table tennis and international folk dancing commenced.
The equipment and rent were funded by the grant, which was
also used to purchase a second-hand coffee machine and
coffee grinder.
The Two Catherines Café was started in July 2020, and
since then has operated on the second and fourth Sunday of
each month, COVID permitting. The café commenced with
Jasmine Hall as the barista, plus a team of volunteers to
organise café supplies, set up and put away the furniture,
and to serve.
Soon after, Melinda Ham commenced working with Jasmine and
between them they managed the café, putting posters up
around the island, doing the inventory and purchasing,
organising the bakers, hiring and training the staff and
running the café. Melinda and Jasmine were assisted by
volunteers, including Cathy Shelley, CB Floyd, Sharon
Kinnison and Antonia Swift. Since Jasmine left for
Brisbane in July 2021, Melinda has continued to manage the
café and CB Floyd has assisted. Maddy Banfield has taken
over as chief barista.

Ham, Maddy Banfield,
Hall and Sharon Kinnison
The cakes and savoury items are all baked by a team of 20
bakers. Some cakes are donated and some bakers receive a
percentage of the profits to cover their costs.
In the meantime, three young islanders were offered a
training workshop by a master barista who visited the
island. Other young people have been hired to assist with
food and coffee sales, as well as setting up and packing
down the café. In all, the café has offered employment to
approximately 10 young people.
The cafe uses Square, an automated inventory and payment
system, and the profits are all handed over to the
Treasurer of SIRA. The funds raised by the café amounted
to $6,000 in the financial year
Where does the money go?

customers: Ian White with Freyja
Funds raised over the 18 months of running the café have
all gone into the Recreation Club section of SIRA’s
accounts. They have been used to purchase or subsidise:
- a small electric fridge for the coffee bar;
- a five-burner gas BBQ for general use;
- another coffee grinder;
- two second-hand iPad tablets for handling sales;
- maintenance of equipment;
- a $500 donation for music for the Feast for Freedom
event in 2021;
- a $900 donation for the 2021 Christmas carols
performance at Catherine Park;
- $4,000 for a professional playwright to prepare a
script for the Two Catherines play (which will be
partly recouped through ticket sales).
The future of the café
The café has grown, and is now a more professionally
managed enterprise than when it began. We have new aprons
for the staff and a new poster. To provide welcome shade
we have new awnings around the verandah of the community
hall, thanks to a grant from the NSW Government. We also
have another cappuccino machine, donated by Luigi Anselmi,
which we shall put into operation as soon as possible.
A meeting with a number of islanders to gain input into
the operation of the café was held recently. One
suggestion that came out of this meeting was to reduce the
frequency of the café in its current format to once a
month. There are several reasons for this: (1) to put more
energy into a once-a-month café and to work on offering
more events for the community, and (2) to take some
pressure off the small volunteer team who manage the café
at the moment.
The Recreation Club has decided to implement this change,
starting 27 March. In coming months we’ll work on
streamlining the operations and getting more volunteers to
help us with specific tasks. So please watch out for
opportunities to participate in the café’s operation.

helpers Oscar, Jasmine Hall, Peggy, CB
Floyd, Lolly and Maisie
In the meantime the Recreation Club will offer coffee and
a BBQ on the second Sunday of each month, starting 13
March. We are looking for volunteer teams to run a BBQ and
assist with the coffee machine. Please let me know if you
would like to host a BBQ, using SIRA’s BBQ and the area
under the community hall. The possibility exists for
people to generate some income for their favourite
charity, as well as for the Recreation Club.
All in all, there will still be a chance for the community
to gather on a fortnightly basis. Watch this space and
Facebook for more news about the café and the BBQs!
We are indebted to the many people who have supported the
café by baking, volunteering to help in some way and
turning up to support us.
Robyn Iredale (

Catherine Park, Scotland
Saturday 26 February, 4:00
- 6:30 pm
Graeme Crayford, former
resident of Scotland Island, fire brigade president and
community vehicle co-ordinator, died recently.
A memorial function will be
held for Graeme in Catherine Park, Scotland Island on
Saturday, 26 February from 4pm. During the function
members of Graeme's family and the local community will
share their memories of this much-admired islander, and
talk about the contribution he made to our community.
At 6pm the Scotland Island
fire boat will take Graeme's family out onto Pittwater
to scatter his ashes.
Members of the brigade and
the community are invited to join us in Catherine Park
from 4pm and to accompany the fire boat onto Pittwater
at 6pm. A BBQ and drinks will be available in Catherine
Members of the brigade are encouraged to arrive early
and help with setting up and running the BBQ. Anyone
available to help should contact Peter Lalor on 0401
Scotland Island Community
Saturday 26 February, 7 -
9 pm
Catherine Park
Sunday 27 February, 10 -
12 noon
Our month of celebrating love at the Two Catherines
Café continues as we're right in the middle of Mardi
Gras season. Join us wearing rainbows and eating rainbow
coloured savouries and sweets. Support our all-local
talented bakers, baristas and servers. See you there.
Melinda Ham
Scotland Island
Sunday 6 March, 9 - 12

Scotland Island is registered to participate once
Clean Up Australia Day inspires and empowers
communities to clean up, fix up and conserve our
This event encourages and inspires thousands of
Australians to take to their local park, beach, bushland
and streets, making a real difference to their local
If you would like to help out, either by grabbing a bag
and filling it, or helping to supervise activities,
please email to put
your name on the list.
Come down to your nearest wharf to collect a bag between
the hours of 9.00am and 12.00pm.
Bring gloves, sunscreen, hat, sensible clothes and
footwear – and don’t forget to bring some water
Toby and his crew will be out on the Laurel Mae to
collect material.
About the event - Clean Up Australia Day:
Scotland Island Community
Saturday 19 March
Link for booking and donating:

Scotland Island Community
Sunday 20 March, 2 - 4 pm

For sale:
- St George white oven (still in box) and St George
ceramic cooktop (also still in box), both about 5
years old. Negotiable prices.
- A retro 'burning log' brass, conical fireplace in
fantastic condition. No dents, with grate and flue.
- A Grillo Climber 9.16 six-wheeler, ride-on mower. A
real beauty: the most stable hill-climbing ride-on
there is. Only one problem: I need a mower-wise person
to come and replace the fuel pump. Apparently this is
very easy but I'm no mechanic! I want something
smaller as my new property is mainly flat.
Candy Leguay
Home phone: 9974 1119
Mobile: 0409 974141
Missed out on a previous
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June 2021
Festival of Making,
April 2021
expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the
views of the Scotland Island Residents Association
(SIRA), or the Western Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA)