Dear Neighbors,
One of my goals for this campaign is to learn about the experiences and viewpoints of residents across the 2nd ward. Certain common themes have already emerged.  Many people have told me they want more community -- in spirit and in programing and facilities. The City’s plans to modernize and upgrade our aged Multi-Service Center provides an opportunity to expand the community opportunities available to our youth, older residents and Hobokenites at large.  
We should think broadly about what new programs and features will best serve our community. Among the options I believe best reflect the wants of residents I've heard so far are to build a large community pool (each concept proposed for the multi-service center includes a pool), add additional recreation space, to use the upgraded facility as the base for an affordable summer camp open to all of our school age children, provide rooms for the many community based organizations in Hoboken to offer classes or services, and to create a facility that can serve as a state-of-the-art senior center with a full range of programs and services.  I also think it's important that we explore ways to offer transportation options to access the multi-service center from the 2nd ward, particularly for our seniors.
As your Councilwoman, I will work to advance these options and ensure that we proceed cost-effectively, exploring a wide range of funding possibilities.  But I want to hear your ideas as well.  Please let me know by replying to this email or emailing me at
I urge you to provide feedback to the City on your priorities for the upgraded Multi-Service Center. You can do so by clicking on the link below and completing the survey by Friday at 6:00 PM. If the link doesn't work from your email, try copying and pasting.
Marla Decker
Follow me on Facebook here, and check out my website here.
Paid for by Marla Decker for Hoboken City Council Ward 2
1500 Garden St.
Hoboken, NJ 07030