*News Flash* Storybook Treasures

Jaisalmer weather moves into its summer severity. Temperatures are climbing towards 106 F. and will reach
112 F. by May following the long April days wreaking sandstorm havoc.

Sandstorms pummel Rajasthan
Three weeks ago we asked you to share in a mission to place Pratham storybook treasures in children's hands.
You immediately reinforced our ability to further educational goals for the months ahead via teacher-created GO remote home booklets and personal storybooks.
Listen to FAR thunderous applause for you as the campaign was met with roaring success!
You will supply "GO Remote" home delivery for eight months or as needed. Merasi School Library shelves can also be restocked fully for Opening-Day.
Simple homes are adversely affected during hot season, thus we must protect precious possessions.

In Jaisalmer, safe keeping storage is best served with metal boxes of all sizes called petis. When each student
is allotted a personal peti, their educational booklets, homework and storybooks will be safely stowed.

  • $25 Delivers one personal peti box
  • $50 Doubles that student storage potential
  • $100 Contributes towards a trove of treasure chests
  • $500 Provides half the safe book storage required 
  • $1,000 reaches our goal of safe storage for Merasi students  
      Merasi students exclaim about home deliveries,
"With education we are getting our lives back"
Folk Arts Rajasthan
314 E. 84th St #11 New York, NY 10028
+1 646.436.2210 (remote)