The Rhine: Research, Education, and Community

SATURDAY, February 15th at 7pm Eastern US

The Rhine at 90... and Looking Ahead
With Loyd Auerbach & John G Kruth

DATE: Saturday, February 15th @ 7pm Eastern US
Donations encouraged to support continuing online events from the Rhine.

See the Rhine Event Calendar for more information and to attend this event

It was 90 years ago when J.B. Rhine founded the Parapsychology Lab at Duke University.
Learn about the history and what the Rhine is doing today!

Rhine At 90
In this special kickoff to the Rhine’s 90th year exploring the nature of consciousness and parapsychology, the president of the board of directors, Loyd Auerbach, and the executive director, John G Kruth, will talk about the origins of the Duke Parapsychology Lab in 1935 and how the organization has changed through the years. Many scientists and experiencers have come through the Rhine due to the popularity and integrity of the research that has continuously been explored since the lab was first established.
Loyd and John will talk about this history of the organization and some of the interesting people who have contributed to the legacy of the Rhine. They will also discuss their own introduction to the Rhine and how it has contributed to their work in the field of parapsychology and paranormal investigations.
Join us for this introduction to the Rhine’s 90th year and learn more about the events that will be coming throughout 2025

Biographical Information

John G KruthJohn G. Kruth is the Executive Director of the Rhine Research Center (, and the Education Director of the Rhine Education Center ( He has numerous publications and has spoken at professional conferences and other forums regarding scientific parapsychology, the history of the Rhine, the nature of energy healing, poltergeists, and other topics related to parapsychology and the paranormal.
Since 2010, John has developed the Rhine into a global organization that provides online courses, resources, and open forums for experiencers and scientists who are looking for reliable and professional information about parapsychology. He is a researcher, an educator, and a leader with a passion for maintaining the integrity of the field of parapsychology while encouraging outreach to the curious and casual explorers in the world.
Loyd AuerbachWorld-recognized paranormal authority and parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach, MS., has 45+ years of experience investigating the paranormal and over 40 years teaching courses in Parapsychology. With thousands of media appearances, he is Director of the Office of Paranormal Investigations, President of the Forever Family Foundation, an Adjunct Professor at Atlantic University, and President of the Board of Directors of the Rhine Research Center where he teaches online Parapsychology courses through the Rhine Education Center.
Learn more about Loyd at:

Saturday, February 15th, 2025
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, Eastern US
Watch from your computer, tablet, or mobile device
Call the Rhine at: 919-309-4600
or visit to get more information and to join this special event.
This is a donation based event.
Suggested donation of $9.95

Support what you believe!
Sustaining members are the lifeblood of our organization.  Being a small nonprofit research center, our daily activities are supported by memberships and donations.  With a small donation to the Rhine on a monthly basis you can help to provide support for the Rhine and the important reseach work that we do in the field of parapsychology.