Kundalini – the evolutionary energy in man is the Autobiography of Pandit Gopi Krishna. It was first published in 1967. Later it was renamed Living with Kundalini and is one of the many books that Gopi Krishna wrote about his experience with the Kundalini energy and how it transformed his life. Download the ebook here:
A Commentary on Attitude-Training Like the Rays of the Sun is a transcript by Namkapel of teachings given by His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama to an audience with many new arrivals from Tibet in Dharamsala, India, May 9–15, 1985. The text here has been translated by Alexander Berzin. These teachings are mostly concerned with developing the awakening mind, the altruistic mind of enlightenment. They deal essentially with transforming mental attitudes. One special feature of the mind training teachings is the advice to transform adversity into advantage. So, not only do these instructions help open out towards other beings, but they also help transform whatever difficulties come our way into something valuable. Download the ebook here (100 pages/524KB):
Buddha’s teachings inlcludes sutras and tantras. The sutras present the basic themes of practice for gaining liberation from recurring problems and to reach the enlightenment. They include methods for developingethical self-discipline, concentration, love, compassion, and a correct understanding of how things actually exist. The tantras present advanced practices based on the sutras. Tantra practices serve as a structure for intertwining the sutra themes to weave a tapestry of enlightenment. Moreover, tantra combines physical, verbal, and mental expressions creating a holistic path of development. Because one cannot integrate and practice simultaneously all the sutra themes without previously training in each individually, tantra practice is extremely advanced. The root of the word tantra means to stretch or to continue without a break. Emphasizing this connotation, the Tibetan scholars translated the term as gyu (rgyud), which means an unbroken continuity. Download the unpublished manuscript Making sense of Tantra by Dr. Alexander Berzin here:
The Gospel of by Philip by Vladimir Antonov was first published in 2008. The book presents a full and competent translation of the Gospel written by apostle Philip — a personal Disciple
of Jesus Christ, who attained Divinity thanks to help from Jesus. Although this gospel may at first appear similar to the Gospel of Thomas, it is not a sayings gospel, but a collection of gnostic teachings and reflections, a “gnostic anthology“, as Marvin Meyer and Esther A. De Boer have called it. An Egyptian peasant rediscovered The Gospel of by Philip by accident, buried in a cave near Nag Hammadi, in 1945. This translation is accompanied by clarifying commentaries. In the Gospel, Philip put the emphasis on the methodological aspect of spiritual work. Thanks to Vladimir Antonov for letting me post it here (71 pages/780 KB):
An Idealist View of Life by S. Radhakrishnan was originally published in 1932. It features the so called Hibbert Lectures given under the title An Idealist View of Life in the University of Manchester in December 1929 and in the University College, London, in January 1930, substantially as they were delivered, but with some added passages. In 1952, Dr. Radhakrishnan was chosen to be the Vice President of the Republic of India. Radhakrishnan was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature for five consecutive years from 1933–1937, although he did not win. His nominator was Hjalmar Hammarskjöld, father of Dag Hammarskjöld. Download An Idealist View of Life here (355 pages/18.5MB):
Insight Meditation by Mahasi Sayadaw. Mahasi was a leading figure the revival of Buddhism in Burma post-independence, a movement that established many centres for teaching insight meditation. The Mahasi method is designed to allow lay people in the modern world to attain the experience of enlightenment, or nibbana. Vipassana meditation in this tradition is also known as ‘mindfulness meditation‘ for its practice of continuous and unremitting attention to mental and physical phenomena as they appear to the meditator. Download Insight Meditation here (880KB/162 pages – from now on I will include the size of all books here, by request from a reader from a remote Pacific Island with a limited Internet connection:
In this Life Itself – Practical Teachings on Insight Meditation by Uda Eriyagama Dhammajiva Thero is published by the Mitirgala Buddhist Monastary in Sri Lanka. It offers detailed instructions on a range of practices including breathing techniques, walking meditation, noting and establishing mindfulness in daily affairs. It also presents instructions on how to observe sensory phenomena in order to challenge the concept of a “self” as described by the Buddha in the Dasa Sanna and Girimananda suttas. Download In this Life Itself here(320KB/69 pages):
Two years ago, about the time this site was established, the forum Ruthless Truth saw the light of day. The idea was to enlighten people – as many as possible as quick as possible and I know the site and its growing and relentless staff created lasting changes in many people’s lives. Thousands of people hung out on the forums and many worked hard doing one-on-one sessions on messenger, facebook etc. to make people realize the simple fact that there is no you. Ruthless Truth was also chaotic, offensive and confusing. It had its time, but paved the way for a number of websites that refined the original processes that Ruthless Truth had generated. One of these sites is Liberation Unleashed and here Ilona Ciunaite and Elena Nezhinsky have collected the unfiltered stories about 21 people and their awakenings. This a unique documentation of how the kids are awakening each other on facebook these days. This is how they do it, download Gateless Gatecrashers here (thanks for Ilona and Elana for letting me post their book here 2.6 MB/226 pages):
I often come across some more obscure works which I share here occasionally. These books are not related to the overall topic of this website, but you have been warned before, and I can see that books like the Voynich Manuscript, Codex Serahinianus and Gadsby are among the most downloaded. I know you like them, so here are four more from the Public Domain edge of the Internet. First is “Des Jägers Schiessfibel” a manual for aircombat published by Oberkommando der Luftwaffe 1944. Next we have “Bizzare Fables”, a collection of short stories by five different authors, published in 1919. “MindGames” is written by Sam Vaknin 2010 and it is a series of “short fiction about bizarre mental health disorders” . Finally we have the 19-page poem “Bizarre Bazaar” by B. Clay Shannon from 2007. May you enjoy this weekend!
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