News for ICC&CS                          October 11, 2024 
Director:  Gerald Wolfe
Visit the ACI website:
Contact the ICC&CS Steering Committee:
Please email all newsletter related items to:

From the Director
HOMEWORK FOR 10/16:  Requiem Aeternam (p. 1), Kyrie (p. 6), Amen (p. 39)

ORGAN MEDITATION:   Gerald will play an Organ Meditation on Sunday, October 13, from 4-4:30pm at Immaculate Conception Church, corner of Seneca and Geneva Streets in Ithaca.  Admission is free.
Steering Opportunities 

The Chorus is one of several singing groups under the organizational/fundraising "umbrella" of a non-profit organization called Affiliated Choruses of Ithaca (ACI).  ACI is overseen by a board of directors, and each group within ACI is run by its own steering committee, all volunteers.  Both the board and the Chorus's steering committee are always looking for new members.
Our Chorus (ICC&CS) depends on volunteers to help run its weekly activities and on the Steering Committee (SC) to coordinate these activities.    

Commitment:  Periodic meetings on Zoom. 

Focus:  The SC oversees programming, logistics, finance and fundraising, marketing, and public relations for the chorus.  It also provides a liaison with the Board of Directors of the Affiliated Choruses of Ithaca.  SC members are encouraged to work on projects that match their interests and skills and to assume leadership positions.

Next steps:  If you are interested or have questions, please feel free to contact anyone on the current roster:

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ACI is the coordinating 501C3 organization for four Ithaca choruses:

  • Voices
  • Ithaca Community Chorus & Chamber Singers (ICC&CS)
  • Transpose: Ithaca Queer Singers Alliance
  • Summer Sing

ACI's board of directors oversees the operation of the four choruses and pursues opportunities to work together to promote the choruses’ activities, including publicity and fundraising.  As a 501C3 charitable organization, we have bylaws to which we adhere, available to anyone who is considering joining. 

ACI members typically represent one or possibly more of the choruses, but friends and supporters of the choruses can also make effective members.

Commitment:  Periodic (typically quarterly) meetings on Zoom. 

Next steps:  If you are interested or have questions, please feel free to contact anyone on the current roster (attached).

From Chorus member Randi Millman-Brown:  "Thought people might be interested in seeing Mozart's residence in Salzburg:

And a few interesting facts about Mozart:

And a portrait of Mozart and his family (parents Leopold and Maria) from ca. 1780 by Johann Nepomuk della Croce (attached).
[And] I found this amazing video of a performance of the requiem from the Basilica of St. Denis, Paris.

'James Gaffigan conducts the Orchestre national de France and the Choeur de Radio France in the Requiem in D minor, K. 626, composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, with the soprano Marita Solberg, the mezzo Karine Deshayes, the tenor Joseph Kaiser and the bass Alexander Vinogradov. Live recording on june 29th 2017, from the Basilica of St Denis (France).' "
Gentle reminder
Out of consideration to our members who can experience unpleasant and/or allergic reactions to such things, please be careful not to wear perfume, cologne, body spray, scented aftershave or lotions, clothing fresh out of storage with mothballs, etc. to rehearsals.    

Newsletter Items?
If you would like to include a brief item in the ICC&CS e-newsletter, send text ready to copy and paste by Thursdays at 6pm to Notices should be related to the chorus or the local music community.
Affiliated Choruses of Ithaca
P.O. Box 622
Ithaca, NY  14851