News item, Platform Wiskunde Nederland

Further information meeting ERC grants at CWI on november 27

Dear colleagues,

Monday afternoon [from 1200-1730], November 27, there will be a meeting to provide detailed information about ERC grants. The meeting will be held at the CWI, in the Turingzaal of the Congress Centre. The meeting is organized jointly by PWN, the committee Research of PWN and the Tafel Wiskunde of NWO Science, as they feel that the number of ERC proposals granted to mathematicians in The Netherlands could be increased. We will have in-depth discussions on how this can be achieved.
The meeting will start with a presentation by Joan Vazquez Molina of the Brussels ERC Office, section mathematics. He will provide a detailed overview of the various grants, and also provide statistics about the success rates and Dutch mathematicians that have been successful. An important item he will touch upon is the chances for applied mathematicians to be successful (it is often considered very low).

Next, five excellent scientists [at the early, mid, and advanced career level] will share their experiences in what it takes to write a successful ERC proposal. Confirmed speakers are Arjen Doelman, Martijn Kool, Stéphanie van der Pas, Lenny Taelman and Ronald de Wolf.
The information session will end with a discussion, where questions can be asked to all speakers, or experiences can b shared. There will also be ample time and opportunity to catch up over lunch, tea and/or drinks and have further discussions.

If you are interested to attend, please send an email to
We hope to see many of you on November 27!

Best wishes,
Wil Schilders and Bert Zwart.
Platform Wiskunde Nederland, Science Park 123, kamer L013, 1098 XG Amsterdam