★NOV 2021 - Remembrance Day in KrakowEVENTS, CONCERTS

★Hello Lovely Friend!★

November has been an inspiring month and was filled with the joy of autumn and also the events that are associated with remembering those who fought for our freedom with regards Remembrance Sunday which is also Independence Day in Poland. Below are a few pictures I took on 11th November in Krakow :)
Below I'm at the beautiful Barbican in Krakow my view at the Polish Remembrance Day Parade with WWII Veterans, Polish military and Krakow residents watching in awe. 
Polish Flags salute all of the Polish officers who were murdered by the Soviets in Katyn Massacre 1940 RIP
We lay flowers and lit candles outside the Katyn Massacre 1940 memorial in the heart of Krakow 11.11.2021. The Katyn massacre was a series of mass executions of nearly 22,000 Polish military officers and intelligentsia carried out by the Soviet Union, specifically the NKVD ("People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs", the Soviet secret police) in April and May 1940. Poland Remembers #LestWeForget #Pamietamy
I'm so proud to accompany the #PolishRedCross at the Wawel Royal Castle in Krakow 11.11.2021.
Remembering all the great medical professionals of Poland in particular the incredible genius of Warsaw born Marie Skłodowska Curie for her work on radioactivity and twice a winner of the Nobel Prize.
The foto below shows us with the Polish Children in the Polish Saturday School in Hanwell, London after a lovely presentation and celebration of Polish patriotism and history. A BIG thankyou to Ela Suzin, Janek Parys and Malgosia Martynowska Head Teacher & school director for inviting me to perform :) We remember the WWII Polish Underground Resistance movement which was the largest globally - the Polish Home Army -  Armia Krajowa and our friends Marzenna Schejbal and Otton Hulacki. Poland has so many brave souls to honour who fought alonside the Allied Forces and their memory despite the #cancelculture of far left and far right #totalitarianism spanning 1939-1991 until the end of the Cold War
I performed beautiful Polish songs including Dziś do Ciebie przyjść nie mogę (The Partisan's lullaby) written in 1943 and Kazik Piechowski told me the song respresented the bravery of the Polish Home Army - Armia Krajowa, The Red Poppies on Monte Cassino - Czerwone maki na Monte Cassino is considered a Polish National anthem and military song of World War II. It was composed in May 1944 in Italy, during the Battle of Monte Cassino, on the eve of the Polish Army's victory and capture of the German stronghold.  Links to snippets of the performances are below :) - 
DZIEŃ NIEPODLEGŁOŚCI W NASZEJ SZKOLE. Naszym gościem była wokalistka KATY CARR, która razem z dziećmi śpiewała pieśni polskie. DZIS DO CIEBIE PRZYJSC NIE MOGE…. 🇵🇱♥️ https://fb.watch/9CnFsCnc_e/
Katy Carr zaśpiewała naszym uczniom pieśni patriotyczne. Uczniowie byli zachwyceni. Katy Carr Kołysanka leśna (Dziś do Ciebie przyjść nie mogę) CZERWONE MAKI NA MONTE CASSINO : https://fb.watch/9CnRUB00yE/
WATCH KATY'S NEWS FLASH VIDEO !  Here : https://fb.watch/9Co7Qrqgs3/ New #walkaboutlondonvideo from Katy Carr ! I was delighted to have a sneak preview of the Kenwood House light show on Hampstead Heath City of London- an extremely cold ❄️but magical evening in the beautiful grounds - so many magical creatures - so inspired to sing 🎤write a 🎶new album 🎼! 2021 has been a year full of so many emotions and experiences - next year 2022 will be magical too! see you soon and enjoy the video - let me know what you think! xxx love ❤️💕💕💕from Katy Carr
With the lovely 88 year old Pani Jadwiga from Polonia Slough - so inspired to meet her and talk about the memories of her Poland :)
Below at a wonderful event with the lovely Andrzej pianist who performed the songs of Marian Hemar the Syrena Rekord label composer, poet and lyricist and dedicated his musical inspiration to the his hometown Lwow. We sang the Hanka Ordonówna song Love Will Forgive You Everything -  Miłość Ci wszystko wybaczy written by Henryk Wars
Some of the lovely Polish food I had to share with you ! the cakes were so delicious :) (none remained!)
Below a 'Swedish Table' - Polish Stół szwedzki and in Swedish Smörgåsbord for Shanne Bradley, Basia Czerski ;) at the POSK Polish Centre in Hammersmith, London at the Lwow history night
The table was so beautiful and so much effort was placed into preparing it. I had to share the entirety! 
★2022 NEWS★
Next year 2022 marks the 10th year anniversary of my album 'Paszport' and 80th anniversary of Kazik's escape.
It is a big occasion for my music and I am currently planning a re-release of my album as well as a number of new projects to involve a wide spread of communities, partners and organisations.
Let me know if you would like to take part and have any ideas where and how we could celebrate the anniversary.
Your thoughts are always welcome -  send me an email with any suggestions :) info@katycarr.com




We remember the beautiful Alicja who was the inspiration for my song Alicja RIP - Grandmother to Michal and Susan Czerski and Mother to Barbara and Staszek - Basia Fronczyk/ Czerski. You will be most sadly missed and thank you for all the beautiful moments you gave us all. Rest in Peace brave Polish lady. We love you so much. Z Bogiem ... song for you my Alicja here :) ))))  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RghBPTTYOSg 

Alicja was pure joy and she always was extremely happy to see us even on a lockdown phonecall love from Katy and Susan pictured to the photo on the right xxxxxx Below Basia's beautiful post in Polish and Swedish


Remembering a very dear family member and friend. We will all miss you, your intelligence and laughter so much - RIP wonderful Janusz Kamocki WWII Veteran and Freedom Fighter. Sending you much love and light and prayers as you embark on your new journey to the land of light - our lives have been enriched by your presence REST IN PEACE DEAR JANUSZ XXX ❤ ❤

Dotarły do nas smutne wiadomości w dniu 22 października zmarł Pan podpułkownik Janusz Kamocki "Mamut" miał 95 lat - RIP – doktor, etnograf, żołnierz AK, ziemianin, były pracownik Muzeum Etnograficznego w Krakowie, więzień polityczny PRL, patron wojsk terytorialnych, działacz NSZZ „Solidarność” oraz struktur niepodległościowych. Był współinicjatorem budowy Pomnika AK i PPP na Bulwarze Czerwieńskim w Krakowie. Poświęcił każdą chwilę i energię, aby przypomnieć Miastu Kraków o dotrzymaniu słowa danego kombatantom i ich rodzinom. Niestety nie było mu dane dożyć chwili rozpoczęcia jego budowy i odsłonięcia.
Drogi przyjacielu, dziękuję za wszystko, co dla nas zrobiłeś jako nasz najważniejszy patron i przyjaciel.
Pogrzeb śp. ppłka Janusza Kamockiego ps. "Mamut" odbędzie się
w Kościóle świętego Józefa w Sandomierzu – plac Świętego Wojciecha 4, 27-600 Sandomierz w dniu 28 października 2021 roku - czwartek -o godz. 12.00 .
❤️Thank you for your continuing support of my music ❤️
Lots of love  i pozdrawam serdecznie
Katy Carr and the Aviators 
★VISIT MY SHOP★ www.katycarr.com/shop
Buy any of my CDs directly from me and I will write a bespoke, handwritten dedication to you...
Katy Carr is an award winning British recording artist and has released 6 albums. An Ambassador of Polish History in Great Britain, her recent albums. Paszport (2012), 'Polonia' (2015) Providence (2020) are inspired by the Polish WWII experience. In 2016 Katy was awarded the Pro Patria medal for her humanitarian and musical work. 

★ Katy Carr's music quotes 

- 'Carr is a fine example of that much-maligned beast we call Authenticity ...' 
- 'never less than immaculate' Sunday Times Culture Magazine
- 'Concept album of the Year' The Guardian
- 'Her idiosyncrasy as a musician was meant to follow - even the most avowed labels fight shy of butterflies' 
- 'She's a true original, standing out like the shine generated by a Swan Vesta applied to a cigarette in the Blackout.' 
Katy Carr's Awards
2016: Nominated Best Concept Album, Polonia, Independent Music Awards
2016: Pro Patria Medal (Poland) 
2014: Honorary membership, Polish 1st Armored Division 
2014: Best Concept Album, Paszport, Independent Music Awards 
2013: Nominated for Best Artist, Songlines Music Awards 
2013: Polish Daily Award for Culture 
2012: Nominated for the National Lottery Good Causes Award
2011: Nominated for the London Music Award 
© 2021 Katy Carr. All rights reserved.
Illustration and web graphics Susan Burghart © 2021