Maryland's legislative session just ended, and I have much to report. Over the last few months, I poured my heart into squeezing as much justice out of Annapolis as possible.
Below are highlights from our work, including bills to tighten gun rules, protect abortion access, expand clean energy, boost the minimum wage, increase mental health services, launch recreational cannabis, provide justice for victims of child sex abuse, and more.
I was proud to vote YES on these and other bills to help Marylanders. Where our efforts fell short, I’m sorry for letting you down, but I’ll be back to get the job done in just a few months.
Thanks again for being engaged,

Delegate David Moon
Important Bills That Passed Maryland This Year
- Re-Open Courts for Child Sex Abuse Victims - I voted to eliminate the statute of limitations for child sex abuse victims suing their abusers & institutions that covered up the abuse (HB 1).
- Protect Abortion Access & Medical Privacy - I voted to enshrine reproductive rights in the Maryland Constitution (subject to voter approval in 2024) & to protect those receiving services in Maryland from prosecution out of state (HB 705, HB 808 & HB 812).
- Set Ground Rules for Guns - I voted to restrict firearms for youths & those with a history of violence, and to require permission before bringing guns inside someone else’s property (HB 824, SB 858 & SB 1).
- Expand Health Care Access & Affordability - I voted to expand mental health for kids, tools to lower drug costs & equity for low-income residents needing gender-affirming care (HB 322, HB 279 & HB 283).
- Combat Poverty - I voted to move Maryland to a $15 minimum wage by 2024 (instead of 2025) & to make permanent a temporary tax credit for low income residents (SB 555 & HB 547).
- Recruit Teachers & Expand pre-K Access - I voted to establish a program to recruit new teachers and to expand access to pre-K for youths who are with a disability, homeless or from a home that doesn’t speak English (HB 1219 & HB 770).
- Protect Renters - I voted to require landlords to have a rental license before seeking eviction (HB 36).
- Boost Clean Energy - I voted to quadruple Maryland wind power (HB 793).
- Launch Recreational Cannabis - I voted to license businesses for cannabis sales through an equity framework (HB 556).
I rely on the grassroots to support my justice agenda:
My Legislative Successes This Year
- Rebuilding Mental Health & Drug Treatment - HB 1148 forms a commission to spend the next four years rebuilding Maryland’s behavioral health services, with the goal of improving outcomes and reducing unnecessary emergency room utilization & dangerous police encounters. I introduced this with Sen. Malcolm Augustine.
- Banning Arrests for Small Debts - HB 127 ends the practice of allowing creditors to have you arrested to compel your appearance at meetings about debts less than $5000. I re-introduced this with Sen. Will Smith after Larry Hogan vetoed the bill last year.
- Repealing Laws Used to Harass LGBTQ+ Residents - HB 131 repeals an unconstitutional law that bans “unnatural & perverted” sexual acts but is periodically used against consenting adults. I re-introduced this with Sen. Clarence Lam after years of prior efforts.
- Automatically Expunging Non-Convictions - HB 189 fixes ambiguous wording to ensure that automatic expungement of non-convictions is implemented as intended in a prior legislative session. I introduced this with Sen. Jeff Waldstriecher.
- Keeping Families Together Despite Mistakes - HB 193 gives prosecutors the discretion to handle minor offenses in a way that does not trigger deportation of the defendant. I introduced this with Sen. Chris West & former Del. Wanika Fisher.
- Expanding Our Childcare Workforce - HB 136 would’ve allowed noncitizens to get licensed for child care, but I withdrew the bill after the relevant agency agreed to make this policy change without a bill.
I rely on the grassroots to support my justice agenda:
My Almost Successes (I'll Try Again)
- Updating Penalties for Drugs & Guns - HB 135 is an omnibus bill that repeals mandatory minimum sentences for high volume cannabis sales, while making felonies for anonymous & stolen firearms. The bill passed the House but moved out of the Senate too late with changes.
- Regulating Facial Recognition Technology - HB 223 sets uniform policies on police use of facial recognition technology & builds public faith by restricting use to serious crimes. This bill passed the House & Senate in different forms.
- Preventing Gun Suicides - HB 162 creates a way for those contemplating suicide to stop themselves from purchasing firearms. This bill passed the House but wasn’t voted in the Senate.
- Drug Paraphernalia & Public Health - HB 173 ends Maryland’s four-year prison term for syringe possession (the drugs are still illegal and subject to 1 year). This bill passed the House (as it has multiple times) but wasn’t voted in the Senate.
- Ensuring Public Access to Court Audio - HB 133 maintains the public’s ability to obtain court audio transcripts, after the judges attempted to create new rules blocking access. This bill passed the House but wasn’t voted in the Senate.
- Making School Bus Stops Safer - HB 849 requires the State Highway Administration to develop a plan to engineer safety improvements at school bus stops with a large number of photo enforcement violations and to create a warning for first-time violators traveling the opposite direction on an undivided highway with four or more lanes. This bill passed the House but wasn’t voted in the Senate.
- Banning Unjust Contract Fine Print - HB 207 prohibits recreational facilities from making customers sign contracts saying they can’t be held responsible for bodily injury that happens, even if it was their fault.The bill passed the House & Senate in different forms.
- Lowering Housing Construction Costs Near Transit - MC/PG 106-23 stops Montgomery County from requiring that housing next to a Metro or Purple Line Station has to dig a parking spot for almost every bedroom. This bill passed unanimously in the Montgomery County Delegation and the House of Delegates, but we’re now giving the county time to undertake their own discussion.
- Ensuring Ranked Choice Voting Equipment Compatibility - MC 7-23 requires the State Board of Elections to ensure Maryland’s new vendor will be able to conduct elections using Takoma Park’s ranked choice voting method. This bill passed unanimously in the Montgomery County Delegation but did not go further.
I rely on the grassroots to support my justice agenda:
By Authority: Friends of David Moon. Chair: Marlana Valdez. Treasurer: Nathaniel Giddings.