Monthly Tips and Alerts from Swan Digital
Microsoft ends Windows 7 support today
(Not us though)
Dell Pro Laptop case worth over £47 up for grabs
January 2020
Yours Truly
Bob Lincoln
Windows 7 Login screenWindows 7 Startup screen
Swan Digital Phone
Why not give us a ring to find out what we can do for you?
3 year warranty
3 years ON-SITE warranty on computers installed by Swan Digital
I'm sorry - I can't help with the puzzler answer.
 Can you solve the Puzzler on the right? 
Dell briefcase
If so, you might become the owner of a Dell Pro slim 15" Briefcase worth £47.99.
Swan Digital 25 Years logo
Swan Digital are proud to have been helping businesses, charities and schools save money, time and hassle since 1991
Windows 10 Login
Windows 10 Startup screens can be awe inspiring
I won't be the first to wish you a Happy New Year but hope you've settled in to 2020. Thank you for reading these once-a-month Tips and Alerts emails which I trust you find useful. It's sometimes challenging to find subjects that will be of interest to everyone but if you have any ideas or comments please do send them to me.
By the time you read this the end of Windows 7 support from Microsoft will be a reality.
To find out what this means for you you can
Microsoft statement:  "After January 14, 2020, if your PC is running Windows 7, it will no longer receive security updates. Therefore, it's important that you upgrade to a modern operating system such as Windows 10, which can provide the latest security updates to help keep you and your data safer. In addition, Microsoft customer service will no longer be available to provide Windows 7 technical support."
Fear not if you are a support customer of Swan Digital and still using Windows 7. Your PC will continue to work and we will continue to provide support to the best of our ability for the time being but naturally will not be able to help with any issues that cannot be resolved because Microsoft have pulled the plug.
The vast majority of (but not all) programs that run on Windows 7 will run on Windows 10. However "Modern Apps" that are designed for Windows 8 and 10 won't run on Windows 7.
If you'd like to find out about our PC upgrade service please get in touch on 01903 712727 or send us an email.
Need help with your I.T? Simply give us a call on 01903 712727 for a free consultation and advice.

Wintry question:
What did the scarf say to the hat?
(Answer below)

This month. You could win a Dell Pro slim briefcase 15 worth £47.99 and an optional mention for your organisation in my next "Tips and Alerts" by answering this month's puzzler and being first out of the hat. 
 Which actor or actress played the youngest child of the Brockman family in a UK TV Series?
A) Clare Woodgate
B) John Pickard
C) Ramona Marquez
D) Donald Sinden
E) Daniel Roche
Simply  email your answer to me . GOOD LUCK.
Last month I asked:
 "Wikipedia launched in 2001 but which was the person's entry edited most in the first 15 years?
A) Justin Bieber
B) Mickey Mouse
C) Adolf Hitler
D) George W Bush
E) Donald Trump
Congratulations to Brian Smedley who answered D) George W Bush.
If you'd like help with upgrading your PCs or server please get in touch on 01903 712727 or send me an email.

Wintry answer:
You go on ahead while I hang around!
Say it aloud if you don't get it
Blame goes to Peter Adams from a local timber merchant.
If you have a suitable question, joke or riddle etc you'd like to share please send it to me for consideration.

How can Swan Digital help you?
If you'd like to find out more about how Swan Digital can help with your Computer support, Cabling and WiFi Digital printers / Photocopiers (great pricing on those), CCTV, VoIP telephone system or similar or would like a competitive quote please ring us on 01903 712727 or drop me an email.
All the best, 
You can trust Swan Digital to look after all your I.T., Photocopier, CCTV and Telephone requirements. 
Why not get in touch with us on 01903 712727 or 0207 127 4627 to find out how we can help you?
Thanks again, all the best
Bob Lincoln
Swan Digital Ltd
Unit N5, Riverside Industrial Estate, Littlehampton, Sussex, BN17 5DF
Tel: 01903 712727 or 0207 127 4627
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Thank you for being a reader. I only send these Tips and Alerts once a month.and hope you found them month's fun and interesting. If not, please follow the link at the bottom or ask me to remove you from the list.
I'd love to hear from you, good or bad and am always grateful for your experiences, jokes / riddles or ideas for technical subjects that will be of general interest.