December 2024
Dates For Your Diary
Group Meeting
 Next meeting is on 10 February- topic to be confirmed. 
 7.30 pm for a 7.45 pm start.
SkillShare  & Social
4 January 2025 meeting at the Dandy Highwayman Cafe Cherhill.  9.30 am for 10 am start. See main section for more details. 

Monthly Ride-Outs

Bike Ride-Outs on the 3rd Saturday of every even numbered month and the 3rd Sunday of every odd numbered Month. Email will be sent out to Bikers and added to the Forum.

Next ride out Sunday 19 January Details will be forthcoming via email to all bike members. 

Do you have a topic you would like discussed, or know of an interesting speaker?  Please contact speaker at 

Congratulations to the following members who have passed their Advanced Tests recently:  

Ewan Haggarty - Bike  - Silver
Please welcome the following to the Group:

Mike Jackson - Car
Don’t forget that we have a range of clothing available to purchase. We also offer a range of books, such as Roadcraft, Motorcycle Roadcraft and the Highway Code, and these are available at discounted prices.

For more information visit the Merchandise page of our web site 
We are always looking for more articles, ideas and news for the newsletter. Have you been somewhere interesting recently that would make a good story? If you attend any group events then take a camera and send us your pictures!

Please forward all contributions to
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Chair's Ramblings
I trust you all had a happy and safe festive period and are looking forward to a fun and stimulating 2025.  You will be pleased to hear we have renewed our accreditation with RoADAR HQ so we can continue to use the RoADAR name and marketing until our next review in Dec 2027.  I am grateful for the hard work and commitment of the Committee and other officials who keep us on the straight and narrow so we can continue to provide our significant contribution to road safety.  For the cynical amongst you the certificate is reproduced below.
I was listening to the radio the other day and the guest editor of Radio 4 today programme was Dwayne Fields - the Chief Scout who has an interesting back story of homelessness.  He talked a great deal about volunteering which made me think about our own contribution to society.  We are in a bit of a niche area, but we offer our services to all (if only we could tap into the younger drivers and riders more!).  Whilst we may think we only do a little I have been thanked by many police officers and other road safety experts for the difference we are making as a group of volunteers with a common interest.  If we manage to save one life, we have all made a difference (and I think my advanced training has saved me from serious injury, if not worse, on at least one occasion).  The problem is it is difficult to prove a negative.
I reiterate my thanks to all who help to run the Group, all of you who are members who set an example to others (as I am sure you all maintain your driving and riding standards) thus maintaining our reputation and contribution to road safety.
Happy New year


Saturday Social

Bring a friend and join us on the first Saturday of the month at the Wiltshire RoADAR Saturday Social.  From 09:30 at The Dandy Highwayman; Main Rd, Cherhill, Calne SN11 8UU.

Come and meet your fellow members; exchange notes with other associates; meet some of our tutors and pick their brains.

We usually stay chatting eating cake and drinking tea until 11 ish.

The first Saturday of the month - 09:30 - The Dandy highwayman - Café - on the A4 - Main Rd, Cherhill, Calne SN11 8UU.
Message from RoADAR HQ – Christmas break

Dear Chairs and Secs,

As we approach the Christmas break, I would like to take a moment to express my heartfelt, and sincere thanks to you and your membership for your dedication, and hard work throughout 2024 in promoting not only advanced driving but Road Safety in general. Without groups such as yours there would be no RoADAR, and all of us at HQ are eternally grateful for all your support.

I appreciate that not all members will be happy with the response that they have received from HQ when answering e mail enquiries or telephone enquiries. Believe me when I say as manager of RoADAR I really do understand their frustration, but in our defence, it has been a difficult year at HQ with the introduction of Project ‘Vigour’ a major milestone with the launch of our Microsoft CRM system, seamlessly integrated with our upgraded finance system.

This is still on going and has taken up so much valuable time on both Becki’s and Elaines workload that for no fault of their own they have had to concentrate on other work related to project Vigour, as have all RoSPA staff. Both Becki and Elaine have been that snowed under that we have had to employ a Temp to help out, Toby Layton who has been a huge help, and has fitted into the RoADAR family extremely well. Please bear with us, we are only a few who are really trying our best.
The last 12 months have seen the introduction of 3 new groups, and 24 new examiners throughout the Country, interest has also been shown from current IAM groups that are looking to move to RoADAR.
On a final not I would like to wish you all a joyful Christmas and a restful break. I look forward to continuing working with you all in 2025.
Kind regards,
Andy, Becki, Elaine, Toby
Andy Nixon
RoADAR Manager

Skid Pan Course

Our very own tame racing driver, Gary Franks of Driven Ohm, is offering a skid pan training session. The pan will be running all day, but selling in 30 minutes slots from 09:00-12:00 and again from 13:00-16:00, with 4 drivers max per slot @£50 per driver. Tea and coffee provided.

If you are interested, please mail Gary at Driven.Ohm@Gmail com
Members' Activities
Have you been up to anything to do with Riding or Driving lately? If so, then please let us know as we would love to include it here; photos would be great too!
December Group Ride - 3 men, 3 coffee shops
I was pleased to see two other bikers turn up at the Dandy Highwayman given the weather.  Not a particularly pleasant day for a motorcycle ride a bit windy, intermittent heavy rain but at least it was not too cold.  One member had messaged me to say they had just finished taking the dog for a walk and a warm fire and coffee at home was more appealing than riding to Wells for a drink! One other was claiming man flu (hope you are feeling better!)
Some news from the Dandy Highwayman – there is some building work on going with a view to extending the Kitchen and positioning an American style Diner next to the coffee shop – exciting times ahead for them but not expected until the summer of 2025.
Our first stop was at Plank’s Farm shop just south of Devizes as an alternative start point for those who live in the South of the County.   No takers here so we merry few band of brothers set off in search of a motorcycle themed coffee shop in Wells – Garage Six run by the makers of Quickshifter coffee.

We travelled on a variety of roads and of course in towns and villages hit busy streets as lots of cars were out and about – my assumption is both late Christmas shopping and families travelling for Christmas – but we did not stop to ask.  Even with only three of us the drop off system helped keep us all together as my satnav with its “fun” route setting did throw in a few challenging junctions.  Nevertheless, we enjoyed our ride to Wells to be met by Gill; the self-styled welcoming committee for Garage Six.  Though the café was quiet (and we were the only three who turned up on bikes), we were made vey welcome. The coffee was good, the menu tasty (if a little basic this time of year) and the room was warm!!
We took the faster route home peeling off at strategic points and I arrived at my house at around 1400.  A satisfying day and I am always surprised about the conditions never being as bad as they look through a warm Kitchen window – my bike id need a good clean though but as I write this I have been our again and it is just as dirty!
Bob Fram
Promotional activities

SkillShare - all completed until April 2025 - however, see the Saturday Social!


Successfully supported by Wiltshire RoADAR motorcycle tutors and WABAM Observers. 

If you have any ideas for events, then please get in touch with the committee using the committee email address :

Look forward to hearing and discussing your ideas.

Presentation material

A generic set of slides has been created for use if you are asked about Wiltshire RoADAR and have the opportunity to present. This could be at a local club, workplace etc. Please send a mail to   and the slides will be sent over to you.

We also have flyers and business cards so ask for these via the same means.

Booking a Retest
Please be aware you need to book your 3 yearly retest directly with  RoSPA via their website.  Sadly we cannot book it for you as it is all done electronically.  You may also need to check when your re-test is due if you have not been paying your subscriptions to RoADAR as they will not remind you.  

Tutors will be happy to conduct a refresh should you wish one prior to a re test.
Membership and GDPR

Due to GDPR we are required to remove an individual's details from our Group database when they are no longer required by us.  We remove a lapsed member's details if they have not paid a subscription by the 31 Dec following the AGM (3 months after the subscriptions are due).  If a member has forgotten to pay their subs and pays after 31 Dec we will require a joining form to be completed so we can replace them on the database.

It all seems a bit strange, but we do not want to get on the wrong side of the Government's Information Commissioner.  We understand if members forget or are late with their subscriptions, but please help us to keep our database accurate and compliant.

This is, of course, separate to those of you who maintain a membership with RoADAR HQ.
Media coordinator - Help us to broaden our reach

To help promote the group we have a variety of online media platforms, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter. To help make the most out of the opportunities that these outlets provide, we could use some help from someone who has experience of using such tools. Drop me a line at  if you would be interested in helping promote our group.
Committee minutes   

These are available from the Group Secretary if any member wishes to see them. If you are interested in reading the minutes, then please send a mail to the Group Secretary whom will promptly forward them onto you.

Test results 

Reminder to let the Membership Secretary and your tutor know when you have taken your Advanced Driving/Riding Test and result. This is so our database is kept up to date; there is no need or pressure at all to have the result published on the website or in this newsletter if you wish to keep your result confidential.  
If you have read this far, thanks! If you have any feedback or suggestions about content for your newsletter, then drop us a line at   If you can't leave constructive feedback though, then we don't want to hear from you!
Membership Secretary: Mr Paul Prictor
Hon Secretary: Mr Mark Sealey
To make sure that you receive our messages we recommend that you add, and to your address list.